strong authentication
  • 2003/9/11 13:18

  • Xadfael

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  • Since: 2003/9/11


does anyone run a XOOPS site requiring strong authentication ? I'd like to run a XOOPS site asking for a X509 certificate instead of a login/password, and matching certificate data with usernames (e.g. ; could be e-mail etc.).

Any hint how to do that simply ?

Thanks in advance for your ideas.

Re: How to "clone" Tiny Content
  • 2003/9/11 5:57

  • philroy

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 107

  • Since: 2003/8/23

Hmm....well I'm not sure just what it is that I've been doing wrong....and your instructions (despite being more detailed THANKS! seem the same as before)....but after all that and a bit of frustration, I reinstalled XOOPS locally and calmly started again.

End result? Success

Thank you so much for all your time and effort.



Premature baby web site
  • 2003/9/11 5:22

  • ttremeth

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2003/5/29

Take a look and see what you think.

Preemie . Web . Site!

Re: How to "clone" Tiny Content
  • 2003/9/11 4:31

  • hsalazar

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  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2003/2/6 1


Sorry about the delay. Had lost track of this thread...

The procedure I outlined is all you need. I'll try to be more explicit here.

1) Replace every instance of "_TINYCONTENT_" with "_YOURMODULENAME_".
This means that for every appearance of _TINYCONTENT_ in the directory files, you should write _SPORTSDRAW_. I guess there's no problem here.

2) Replace every instance of "tinycontent" with "yourmodulename".
Same as above: every instance of "tinycontent" must be replaced by "sportsdraw". You won't find this difficult. And, Shine: the first lines of the file mysql.sql for the module read:

# Table structure for table `tinycontent`

CREATE TABLE tinycontent (

This means that when doing the global replacement, now these lines will read:

# Table structure for table `sportsdraw`

CREATE TABLE sportsdraw (

Which is necessary for XOOPS to separate the contents.

3) Replace every instance of "_TC_" with "_YOURMODULENAME_".
This means the same as in the above points: every instance of _TC_ must read _SPORTSDRAW_.

4) Change the names of three files:
-- blocks/tc_navigation.php
-- templates/tinycontent_index.html
-- templates/blocks/tinycontent_navigation_block.html

In this case the new files will be called:
-- blocks/sportsdraw_navigation.php
-- templates/sportsdraw_index.html
-- templates/blocks/sportsdraw_navigation_block.html

5) Replace the necessary language constants in the language files

This means that, for instance, in language/english/admin.php you have:

define("_TC_ADMINTITLE","Tiny Content");

and should have

define("_SPORTSDRAW_ADMINTITLE","Sports Draw");

Also, in language/english/modinfo.php you should replace the lines...

define("_MI_TINYCONTENT_NAME","Tiny Content");
define("_MI_TC_BNAME1","Tiny Content Menu");


define("_MI_SPORTSDRAW_NAME","Sports Draw");
define("_MI_SPORTSDRAW_BNAME1","Sports Draw Menu");

Please notice that the first part of the declarations was already changed by the global replacement. What you need to change here are the content strings, the right side of every definition.

6) And most important, open xoops_version.php and replace the two instances of "_MI_DIR_NAME" for "_MI_MODULENAME_DIR_NAME". In fact, also make this replacement directory wide.

This means exactly what it says. Every instance of _MI_DIR_NAME should end up saying _MI_SPORTSDRAW_DIR_NAME.
You need to make this replacement in the files index.php, xoops_version.php (two instances here, one pointing to the table name and the other to the directory name), admin/admin_header.php, admin/index.php, and in every modinfo.php file within the language directories.

I'll add these comments:

a) You also need to edit the logo file, so you can separate your module from the original Tiny Content in the admin section.

b) If XOOPS gets confused is because of the DIR variable mentioned in point [6]. That's why it's so important to do the replacement correctly. XOOPS should know for sure that module A is installed in directory A and has a database table A, while module B is installed in directory B and has a database B. If you don't make the replacements correctly, you'll confuse XOOPS.

All this sounds complex because I wanted to be thorough, but in fact, once you do it a couple of times you'll see it's really simple.

Again, if you still have any problems, please post them here to make the necessary corrections.


Re: time to say goodbye to newbb?
  • 2003/9/11 4:22

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30

Oh PS:

I did that conversion of storyline you asked for, I also included in the code comments on what I changed to do this.

Will email you asp ok

Re: time to say goodbye to newbb?
  • 2003/9/11 4:20

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30


You are right on this subject

We are working on an enhanced version of newbb as we speak and shall be released for XOOPS v2.1.0. This will be one of the first modules to be updated and should enclude many of the enhancements asked for.

Re: time to say goodbye to newbb?

Spot on! If I knew there was an intention to enhance newbb to include some of the features it's lacking over the Invision and Phpbb boards, then I'd have no hesitation in sticking with newbbBut to my knowledge there are no plans to develop the newbb feature set further (I may well be wrong on this), and the fact I don't posess the skills to code it myself means that if I wish to have these added features my current options are somewhat limited.

I'm not as involved in the XOOPS project as I used to be, other than trying to help market it. But I would be willing to bet that the Devs are working on enhancing NewBB for the next major release. And I'm sure the devs are monitoring this thread as well. I think other than complaining about NewBB and saying that PHPBB or IVasion etc.... is better, or contains more features than NewBB. I think a more constructive thread would be, you guys tell us what your dream enhancements to NewBB would be. I will put all the suggestions into a nice requirements document and then we can go from there.

I would actually be interested in finding out exactly what new features everyone would like to see added to XOOPS for the next few releases. Maybe we as a community can actually draw up a community roadmap, and then the new module development team, the core team, and other devs can submit hacks and improvements based on what everyone comes up with.

Re: time to say goodbye to newbb?
  • 2003/9/11 3:05

  • Eastgrove

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Things needed in NewBB Core (in my opinion ):

In order of inportance:

1. New posts since last visit should be saved in the database per user instead of using cookies. With cookies it gets screwed up if you clean out your cookies or log in from another computer.

2. Group management for private forums.

3. Better moderation as mentioned erlier in this thread.

4. (While a bit of topic) Tying notification to the PM's.

Thank you!

Re: How to "clone" Tiny Content
  • 2003/9/11 1:48

  • philroy

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 107

  • Since: 2003/8/23

OK, this is still not going well and I'd really like to try to use the module.

I've tried the suggestions here...even working a mix of the two suggestions together. While I can go through and prepare the module, one weird thing I have noticed is that once I think it is all done, and go into XOOPS ready to install it...Xoops thinks both modules (TinyContent and its Clone) are "sportsdraw" (the name of my clone) ??

This is weird...two separate folders...one named "sportsdraw" and one named "tinycontent"...neither of which has any reference to the other, but XOOPS insists on seeing their contents as almost the same?


Re: XOOPS and ZoneAlarm
  • 2003/9/10 22:28

  • techgnome

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 51

  • Since: 2002/8/9 5


malexandria wrote:
you need to disable your cookies

Disabling cookies may make it worse... not better...
Xoops uses cookies (yum!)...
I use ZA at home w/o issues.... I administer both a remote site with xoops, as well as a local copy (for testing).... and I've never had any issues here either.
-- What is ZoneAlarm? == ZoneAlarm is a software firewall program that's available for free. I've been using if for a while now, it's easy to use & maintain and set up....


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