Re: how to put redirect message inside a theme
  • 2008/8/8 3:35

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

You would have to make a copy of your theme.html code into redirect template and replace the $xoops_contents code line(s) with the redirect code, and then eliminate all the unnecessary code you may not need. Mainly you just need the canvas and header areas, then you apply the styles you want to the redirect message.

Smarty usage from any .html template
  • 2008/8/8 3:26

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

XOOPS templates have a great usage of smarty.

What is the technical reason that smarty tags will only work from certain files and not others?

For example:

does not work from theme.html


why won't xoImgUrl or xoops_slogan display in the site-redirect and site_closed templates.

Same happens with lots of other smarty.

As I don't know much of the usage of smarty, my question is: Why does smarty tags functions display from certain files and not others.

Can't there be a file in the system that reads all the available smarty tags available in the whole core and modules and installed and make them execute from any other template available?

I've seen how Kris_fr has done hacking a core file, making smarties available to the theme.html. That is a solution.

But can't there be another way that all of the smarty tags found in your XOOPS (core + modules), can be read from any .html template? ...from a simple file that says something like: find all smarty and include them in functions.php (if that is the file that makes the executing of smarty from any .html template file)?

Or is smarty in fact just limited to be applied to certain files?

Re: Date smarty configuration
  • 2008/7/8 21:21

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

Thanks so much Bandit-X

Date smarty configuration
  • 2008/7/8 10:15

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

If for example in the comments template, the date information is retrieved with the following smarty:


and is displayed as


Is there a unique code to identify each of the date values?

Are there different options to display the date?

Which of the core files create the date?

Re: Smarty var to determin module?
  • 2008/6/24 6:08

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

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  • Since: 2003/7/23

yes. look closely into any of the morphogenesis theme versions. it can be in these two ways, applied as css styles:

In the theme.html

In the other blocks .html

Ex CSS blocks.html:
#xo-canvas-leftcolumn .xo-block.smartsection .xo-blockcontent

Ex CSS theme.html
body.smartsection #...

Re: CCenter above Center-left or Center-right
  • 2008/2/20 2:09

  • snow77

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There are some themes that have the "LCR" feauture. It's the easiest way to make modifications like the one you want. Most themes that have used the morphogenesis theme.html code might have this.

The order is set at the top of the head of the theme.html in these lines:

<{* Center blocks display order valid values are:  lrc (left right centerlcr (left center rightclr (center left right)    *}>
assign var=theme_top_order value=clr}>
assign var=theme_bottom_order value=clr}>

but it can't be just inserted into any theme, the html would need to follow some of the parameters morphogenesis has. If your theme has this, it would be changing the "lrc" top value to "clr".

Otherwise the only way is editing the theme.html and carefully modifying the blocks default positioning.

Re: define Standard Templates for theme developers - your idea
  • 2008/2/11 17:21

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

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I believe that Kris_fr has meant good with this contest; and consider that not much productfull dialog has occurred to the points that have been disagreed on. The point of division is on using the templates he mentions as base for the submitted themes.

I don't fully agree on this either but I do see Kris's intentions and agree partly. The con's are: as incama had mentioned, that they limit the creativity and development of the code a theme considered a "standard" can have, because it can always be made differently or optimized and be just as good, and there has been a lack of defining the goals of the contest as Stefan had mentioned. Among the missing objectives....I'd include this one: The theme is a tutorial, in the way it's coded. This way it is an example for those that know less to learn with it, comprehend the XOOPS theme structure, and have a clean, manegeable, compliant css + html. It is the theme(s) that will represent xoops, no?

Still, this is "just a theme" example, not the "ultimate theme example". Also it is "just one of many contests" whose author chose for it to be this way. The way I see it, it's just Kris's effort to make a theme selection where in first place comes the code quality. Yet this is debatable.

- I do believe morphogenesis or css100 is a good example of code.
- I do not believe this should be obligatory for a contest looking to retrieve the best web design developers code, even though if I were to chose a template I'd chose one of them because they handle the html + css in the best structure I've seen in xoops. Still new templates can be done just as good.

Morphogenesis is not old instead it is new and very few have come close to understanding it. If we focus on the theme.html which is the root of all the design, if the main elements are classified in a set of well defined div's, as morphogenesis is (with the exception it has 1 table), or css100-morpho (which is completely tableless) we obtain an template pattern for the system to have a standard in quality. Now that is what Kris is looking forward to. Quality. Considering the objective, I think the contest conditions acceptable as long as the obligatory file is just the theme.html. After all this won't be the last contest....

Besides what's wrong with having standard classes an id's for the basic elements and create a basic template with this as an optional XOOPS resource? What if having standard classes will permit skinning the admin?


More than a year ago Technigrafa started this thread: "Holy Grail CSS Wireframe Theme". Concerning themes, members have always had the opportunity to show and share their work. So if the issue is defining a template the opportunity is open for others to submit alternative framework html templates.

The main principle of the contest should continue, respecting the decision of Kris of having a design using the morphogenesis framework, in case of lack participants, I suggest that the judges analyze all the morphogenesis based themes in the past year and just select 1 from there. And start a new contest for the other two themes with the option of being freely coded as long as they are

- Tableless.
- Use all the updated xo-code smarty variables for displaying content... including the LCR feature .
... valid, etc.

Giving the chance for submissions of new coded framework templates.

Re: Need Some Help
  • 2008/1/7 7:11

  • snow77

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or it can be this instead

<{xoInboxCount assign=pmcount}>
a href="<{xoAppUrl /viewpmsg.php}>">
img src="<{xoImgUrl images/inbox-full.png}>" alt="Inbox (<{$pmcount}>)" title="You have <{$pmcount}> unread messages" /> Inbox (<{$pmcount}>)
img src="<{xoImgUrl images/inbox.png}>" alt="Inbox" title="Show your inbox content" /> Inbox 

Re: Theme dropdown menu selector for visitors
  • 2007/11/23 4:00

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

thank you Kris, I'll be trying this too.

Re: Theme dropdown menu selector for visitors
  • 2007/11/17 18:33

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

Thank you everyone. Like Skenow said worked perfect, I didn't have the shots thing activated so I was looking for the dropdown selection somewhere else but by activating the shots it turns automatically the selection to a dropdown.

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