Problem module cache, need help...
  • 2005/11/9 22:10

  • bobdt

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  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2003/9/11

I'm try to modify an module (similar at the addresses or xdirectory) but I dont know how to clean the cache of an page...

example: cache active all ok, if I log into the system like admin and 1 unregistred user visit that page in that moment that man see the admin function in the page because read my cache, realy he dont have the permission of admin action than can only read the command in cache but I dont want this.

How I can make the difference?

Thanks for the help.

and sorry for my bad eng.


Re:myAds/Classified ads/Modify Ad (bug?)
  • 2004/10/9 23:56

  • bobdt

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  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2003/9/11

Hello, I've try this module but when I try to add a category it reply with an blank page then I've activated the php debug and it say this:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: index() in /usr/www/htdocs/mysite.com/home/modules/myAds/admin/gest-cat.php on line 250
Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: op in file modules/myAds/admin/gest-cat.php line 224

any ideas?



Re:Using XOOPS for a magazine?
  • 2004/10/5 23:22

  • bobdt

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  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2003/9/11

An little quest. in the next mount I'll put on line an newspaper and I've think of use module news 1.21 do you think is realy stable for an intensive use or is best use the default news module of XOOPS and wait for news 1.21?

Or you have some name of news module usable for an newspaper?

I've installed news 1.21 for test and is very nice but if use the 2 column view and there is 3 articles that is not alligned but 1 is in middle of the other 2 and another if I change the view from 2 col. to 1 col. some articles come invisible then I must modify manualy the position of the articles of the 2° col. to 1° col. because the module dont make an merge of the 2 col. in 1 col.(1 col. is the view like the news module original version)



P.S. Sorry for my bud eng.

Re: Web Hosting module
  • 2004/9/17 6:20

  • bobdt

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  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2003/9/11

Hello I've see that module and is great and simple, with some work this will come more big... where I can download it?



Re: More than 200 activated members causes problems with group admin
  • 2004/8/31 5:18

  • bobdt

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But over xoops.org there is over 20000 user registred why this site live without problem? Big server with large memory????

One of my site have about 200 member registred and work more with myads module and there is 5 to 10 new member at the day, then I must think in few days this will stop of work?
Actualy this site are runnining with about 300 other site over an linux RH server with 1gb of ram and the server dont have problem.


Re: Any server whizzes out there? money in it for ya
  • 2004/8/27 0:03

  • bobdt

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no money but some help for you if is possible...
I've some experience over linux server

Re: 2.07 problem, module admin problem (bug?)
  • 2004/8/7 7:11

  • bobdt

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  • Since: 2003/9/11

In the morning I'll try another test, will clean all (db and space) install 2.06 and after update to 2.07 with the upgrade file I want see if the problem persist.

Re: 2.07 problem, module admin problem (bug?)
  • 2004/8/6 23:31

  • bobdt

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I've check for this but from phpmyadmin (ver.2.4.0) all is ok, I've try to delete all the db and make the install again and is similar the problem, if I use the 2.06 all is ok the server is am linux RH9.0 with php 4.2.2 and MySQL 3.23.54 with 1gb of ram.

I've try over another 2 web server similar to this 1 with RH8.0 and another with fedora 1, but no difference.

I'try to take the file admin.php of the old version 2.06 and change with that of the version 2.07 but no difference, I've clean all the cache and tested with ie6 and nescape 6 but the problem is persistent...

ThankYou for some ideas...


2.07 problem, module admin problem (bug?)
  • 2004/8/6 18:26

  • bobdt

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  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2003/9/11

in this days I've doing an new installation of XOOPS over a new webspace, the problem is I install an module (example news) if I disable that module in the 2° page of confirmation is doubled the list of module.



I push the button and the disable action is confirmed and all is done ok. But is not normaly this double show of module list, in the 2.06 all was perfect, I've try to reinstall 2.07 and the db but the problem is similar.

Is an bug?



Re: Where does one find a "City Code" for MS-Weather
  • 2004/4/23 21:32

  • bobdt

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  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2003/9/11

If you read the readme file into of the module...(cut & paste)

- Don't forget to set the cache directory (chmod 777).
- There are only few stations in the database, you can add more from the module admin
by simply going there: http://weather.yahoo.com/
Select a city and copy the city code, for example: Paris -> FRXX0076

Easy example:


this is Rome (Italy) the code is ITXX0067

then from the admin panel:
---> Add New City Code
---> Insert the name of the city and the code

All is done.


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