Streaming Audio Mod
  • 2002/12/27 5:30

  • Vchat20

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2002/12/27

Are there any Streaming Audio mod's for Xoops? I know there is one for PHPNuke, but is there one for xoops? If not, It would be nice if one is made. Cuz I am starting a Streaming Radio station called The Sims Online HQ Radio, and the site, The Sims Online HQ, is gonna be made using XOOPS. And the station needs to be played right o the site.

Re: Streaming Audio Mod
  • 2002/12/27 12:43

  • leglegal

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  • Since: 2002/12/27

The PHP Nuke´s streaming mod does not exist. It is a link to the andromeda´s web site, witch is a pay script and not modularized to phpnuke. But take a look at http://www.hotscripts.com. There are severals streamings scripts that could be (easely?) ported to XOOPS.

Re: Streaming Audio Mod
  • 2003/1/21 17:17

  • BDW

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 280

  • Since: 2002/9/28

I am also looking for an Audio module.

Doesnt have to be Streamable, just one that lists the audio like the way that http://www.sonicfury.net has.

They dont use xoops, but i'm sure that someone on here knows how to create a module that looks similar to what they have done.

Can you?

Re: Streaming Audio Mod
  • 2003/1/21 18:57

  • Vchat20

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  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2002/12/27

no, im talking about the Internet Radio v2.0 module for phpnuke. all it is is a block with from what I can tell an tag which plays a streaming radio station. I have it on my site now, which is in phpnuke, but my friend wants something similar on his, but he uses xoops. my site is at http://radio.tsohq.com/ . that block is located on the left towards the bottom.

Re: Streaming Audio Mod
  • 2003/1/21 20:14

  • Neon

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 138

  • Since: 2002/2/8 6

I don't know if this would be any help but there is a mod by the Inconnue Team calles Kwat-TV that is suppost to have streaming vid &/or sound, thier site is down atm but I have a version (may not be the latest) from my site ModsCentral that you might be interested in, => HERE <=

Re: Streaming Audio Mod
  • 2003/1/21 21:37

  • kitsou

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  • Since: 2002/3/19

Hi to all Streamers !
I don't know exactly what you need, but if you want to have a block with a nice little player and a radio station to stream then just make a custom html block in the admin section and paste this code in....and then basta!

If you want to add another radio station:
watch out for the 2 lines of code above were you find


(this is a christian POP/ROCK Radiostation)

and replace these by the URL of your station and that's it.

Naturally you could also make a php block and put variables as the URL's of the radiostation and select the stations from a little menu or even the main menu. But if 1 station is enough for you then it is not necessary to make a module just to make it complicated and put a copyright note under the player....LOL !!!

Otherwise you could use the excellent french TV Module as a Radio Module: Watch it here:


Select Antenne Düsseldorf Radio and listen german radio !!!!

Re: Streaming Audio Mod
  • 2003/1/21 23:14

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

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  • Since: 2007/9/30

Thanks for the info m8

I am sure that this info can be used to have streaming audio embedded into your webpages with some ease, I believe this can be used for other media? Such as mp3 or WMA files?

Re: Streaming Audio Mod... great!
  • 2003/3/25 22:09

  • Anonymous

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Thanks for the tip, kitsoul.

The block works great!

Re: Streaming Audio Mod... great!
  • 2003/4/12 22:51

  • napalm

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I have a question. I installed this streaming audio as a block on my site and changed it to another station and set the automatic streaming to 0 but now it plays erratically. In that, the first time I load it up, it works great but if I stop it and try and start again, nothing happens, it just keeps saying ready. Sometimes if I refresh my page it will start again but otherwise it doesn't do anything. Any suggestions.

Re: Streaming Audio Mod
  • 2003/4/13 0:37

  • tom

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1359

  • Since: 2002/9/21

I know this is not what you want, but Viamas helped this guy with his mod I think and they also offer live streaming and may also be able to help, not sure though but it maybe worth a try.

After last month's release of x-vmail, the XOOPS module for voice emails, the time has come to release x-vboard. As the name says, it is some kind of a vocal-board, a little bit like the shoutbox module but without typing.

Here are some features of the x-vboard module:
- users can instantly record and listen to a server based pool of vocal messages even with a low bandwidth modem connection
- listen to existing voice messages, listed in a pulldown list, sorted chronologically
- shows the username of the voice message, subject-titel, date and time.
- instant playback of the message, streamed from server, using a tiny applet of http://www.vimas.com, coded specially for xoops. (Thanks to Sergey at Vimas Technologies, http://www.vimas.com)
- Pop-up recording window, acoustic preview, send to server, listen from server, status line.
- Excellent audio quality for voice messages, voice compression to 4800bps ( 36K per minute)
- demo applet of http://www.vimas.com limits the recording time per message to 20 sec. The licensed applet's recording time per message can be set in accordance with your own preferences.


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