myPHPNuke for Windows and Web-DJºNET are teaming up, preparing to launch NukeZine, The Online Resource for Everything Nuke! NukeZine will be a monthly magazine combining business goals with PHP-Nuke technology to help you make the strategic decisions that affect your website's bottom line. Every...
Shimmerknight 05-Jan-2002 23:40 3707 reads No comments
i am running 2 copies of xoops. they are being used for an online gaming clans for unreal tournament. they were just put up so there is nothing special about them yet. but if u want to stop by and take a peek links forthcoming. GrAmAP if there are any mod's developers out there that play online...
Mr_DanGeR 05-Jan-2002 10:48 4347 reads No comments
First of all sorry for my bad english.
I've been using postnuke for quite awhile now. If you going to ask me which permission system I prefer, I surely love xoops permission system. Easy to understand and set but 1 thing that my community site need that xoops don't provide, gallery module. With...
Come check us out. We are still on the hunt for developers and artists. We are trying to support many different Nukes. Also looking for server space. So give us a peek and let us know what you think.
malexandria 05-Jan-2002 01:28 3648 reads No comments
Ever wanted to get in on the ground floor of the next big thing? Well, now's your chance. The Xoops dev team are looking for some talented PHP coders to join our team. If you are interested in signing on. We're not an "open" project at this stage, but anyone interested in joining the team is...
webdesignhq 04-Jan-2002 21:49 4419 reads No comments
Hi there, for some time now I have been developing Flash Modules & Flash Themes ( for Postnuke & PHP-Nuke, and I am just wondering how compatible the XOOPS module & theme system is... compared to Postnuke? I just downloaded the rc1 version, and am installing it, but would like...
The most of the problems we receive are due to database password checking in our install script and in our core main file. This seems to be a problem for those who do not set DB passwords on a local database server.
We are aware of this bug, and are working for a new install script. But we...
I have found that some people are having trouble installing the package using our install script. We will fix the bugs we received till now, but if you would want to install it now, please use the SQL dump files I have just placed in our Downloads section. I have placed the SQL dump files (both...