Official Mods

The Blue Move - updating Xoops Classic Modules

Catzwolf  10-Apr-2009 16:08  106213 reads   35 Comment(s) 
In our quest to get module development started again, we have decided to update the classic modules to run on version 2.3 and PHP 5 and over the next few weeks we will be adapting many older modules. WE have called this Phase "The Blue Move". (After the colour of the new 2.3.x module icons).

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Official Mods

Newbb 2.0 RC1 available

Anonymous  28-Sep-2004 10:39  25110 reads   118 Comment(s) 
The Xoops Project is pleased to give you the Release Candidate 1 of the

Newbb 2.0

The Newbb 2.0 Rc1 is totally rewritten and comes with some extra features.


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