
SEO Links in Publisher Module

heyula  07-Feb-2022 21:00  15687 reads   1 comment 
SEO Links in Publisher Module
When I activate the seo feature in the publisher, the link will be as follows


where .item.6 represents the article ID

With this hack, the link structure will be as follows


Free of .item.6 software

Image gallery for Publisher module

heyula  28-Nov-2020 08:20  2660 reads   1 comment 
Image gallery for Publisher module
Redesign of the image gallery available in the publisher module.

Bootnewage CPanel theme (Beta release)

timgno  21-Mar-2015 10:09  5964 reads   3 Comment(s) 
I am happy to introduce a new CPanel (Admin) theme for XOOPS, completely rewritten with Bootstrap, in order to provide visibility and compatibility with different mobile devices.

It is important to stress that unfortunately, with versions of XOOPS 2.5.x that support Bootstrap, this Admin theme...

Headline News Publisher

heyula  26-Sep-2014 11:37  6712 reads   3 Comment(s) 
Resized Image

theme.html Code :
<link href="<{xoImgUrl css/mansetx.css}>" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /  
script type="text/javascript" src="<{xoImgUrl js/mansetx.js}>"script
script type="text/javascript" src="<{xoImgUrl js/jquery-1.11.1.js}>"script

theme.html add :

<{includeq file="$theme_name/slidetpublisher.html"}

slidetpublisher.html code :


Facebook comments added to Publisher module version 1.02

ipwgc  26-Sep-2014 06:05  5052 reads   2 Comment(s) 
I did it, I added the fecebook comment in publisher module version 1.02

1. I Work with publisher version 1.02
2. and the theme xbootstrap version 1.02
3. I have to prepare a winzip if you want

If you want to see how it looks, takes a look here


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TDMDownloads Block Views

heyula  13-May-2013 14:46  5149 reads   1 comment 
TDMDownloads 1.6 :
Resized Image

Demo :

Downloads :

XoopsFaq / jQuery Plugin: fancy FAQs

heyula  25-Mar-2013 12:55  6008 reads   1 comment 
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Xoops Faq view

scripts folder / modules/xoopsfaq/templates
images folder / modules/xoopsfaq/images
xoopsfaq_category.html / modules/xoopsfaq/templates

Download : https://sourceforge.net/projects/xoopstr/files/Hack/

Demo : http://evsad.org.tr/modules/xoopsfaq/index.php?cat_id=1

Publisher News Views - Hack

heyula  24-Mar-2013 21:03  5300 reads   3 Comment(s) 
The team on Xoops-tr.com did some improvements in the Publisher, improving on the View, and we wanted to share with all XOOPS users.

Big thanks to Trabis once again for this module.


Ekran Görüntüleri / Screenshots :

Stil - 1 :

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Stil - 2 :

Resized Image

Amazon EC2 and Elastic Load Balancing with XOOPS ...

wishcraft  30-Sep-2012 10:29  6902 reads   1 comment 
Amazon EC2 and Elastic Load Balancing with XOOPS
Whitepaper by Simon Roberts (of Sydney) - wishcraft

Download Whitepaper: [url=http://code.google.com/p/chronolabs/downloads/detail?name=XOOPS%20and%20Amazon%20EC2%20with%20ELB%20Services.pdf]XOOPS and Amazon EC2 with ELB Services.pdf[url] - 100Kb


JQuery UI datepicker

timgno  28-Jun-2012 09:52  8838 reads   3 Comment(s) 
Some time ago on my site, we talked about inserting a plugin datetimepicker that you can insert into a class on xoops. In this news I announce that I have created a special class in the folder class/xoopsform as formdatepicker.php. The result is being able to delete many files from the old...

Solving ajax giving cross-domain error or responding empty

culex  09-Mar-2012 17:07  9732 reads   4 Comment(s) 
When assigning XOOPS_URL to a javascript variable in eighter preloads or specific pages.

Most often the browser will deny your request and return only an empty respond. But not give error. This can be seen in FireBug's console when the requests is returning code "200 OK" but text is in red color...

Social Media quick tutorial for XOOPS

aberdeenman  03-Mar-2012 11:07  8449 reads   10 Comment(s) 
First of all, you are more than welcome to use any of this, most of what I've done was pieced together from my own bug/debug process. I use everything here on my news website at http://kbkw.com I think I included everything, but please feel free to contact me if you have questions. This could...

Xoops Html Classes v1.1

timgno  19-Jan-2012 14:26  5000 reads   5 Comment(s) 
In the previous version, I included only three classes in the package, it will include 19 excluding of course the form tag we already use with classes xoopsform. It can then use these classes directly in xoops since I added the needed files from libraries that attract the same classes in the...

Homepage of your site v1.2

timgno  02-Dec-2011 00:17  4323 reads   1 comment 
Homepage of your site v1.2

A new test for creating a personalized homepage directly from the System Administration. This new version allows you to store images and text in the database for display on the homepage. Ability to enable and disable options for editors such as HTML, smiley, xcodes,...

ADODB 0.24 - Advanced Database Perfomance

wishcraft  05-Oct-2011 10:03  5792 reads   12 Comment(s) 
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ADODB 0.24 - Advanced Database Performance Enhancement

ADODB is a PHP library available from sourceforge, this is not to be confused for the PHP Extension ADODB they are too seperate things. There is of course a major bottle neck in the current database library where this patch will improve...
(1) 2 3 4 ... 11 »


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