Digitally Signed for XOOPS 2.5

wishcraft  20-Nov-2014 17:01  636 reads   No comments 
Resized ImageDigitally Signed for XOOPS 2.5
A Legal Solution by Chronolabs Cooperative - http://labs.coop

Module: Self Signed
Version 1.12
Bug Tracking: https://sourceforge.net/p/chronolabs/tickets/?source=navbar
Discussion: https://sourceforge.net/p/chronolabs/discussion/?source=navbar


Time and time...

Visualization of XOOPS 2.6.0 development on GitHub: One ...

Mamba  12-Nov-2014 11:11  4544 reads   No comments 
Gource is a software version control visualization tool, and it can create very cool videos showing the development over time.

Software projects are displayed by Gource as an animated tree with the root directory of the project at its centre. Directories appear as branches with files as leaves....

XOOPS supports "Hour of Code" (Dec. 8 - 14, 2014)

Mamba  04-Nov-2014 13:47  5506 reads   No comments 
Join the Hour of Code December 8 - 14, 2014

The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries. Anyone, anywhere can organize an Hour of Code event. One-hour tutorials are available in over 30 languages. No experience needed. Ages 4 to 104.
Last year...

XOOPS domain www.xoops.org donated to XOOPS Foundation

XoopsCouncil  24-Oct-2014 14:23  4711 reads   1 comment 
We are happy to share with you that the founder of XOOPS, Mr. Kazu Ono (aka Onokazu) has donated the XOOPS domain (http://www.xoops.org) to XOOPS Foundation!

The XOOPS Council appreciates very much his trust in the current team, and we can only reiterate our full committment and dedication to...

XOOPS is Project of the Week on SourceForge

Mamba  11-Aug-2014 22:29  6542 reads   1 comment 
We are happy to inform you that XOOPS Project is featured as Project of the Week and is listed on the front page of SourceForge Website.

This means that XOOPS Project may be included in this month's Community Project of the Month vote, depending on the number of downloads it gets. So if you...

XOOPS ModuleInstaller 1.02 Beta 1 available for Testing ...

Mamba  29-Jul-2014 11:12  5147 reads   5 Comment(s) 
If you are a XOOPS user and want to install several modules for testing, currently you need to install them one by one, which sometimes is quite frustrating, if there are many of them.

The same is for updating or uninstalling.

So we thought that we'll provide some help to you

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My Development Web Portfolio: Thank you Xoops

neazmd  05-Jul-2014 11:28  213 reads   No comments 

XOOPS 2.5.7 Final Released

Mamba  16-Jun-2014 08:43  37494 reads   19 Comment(s) 
The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.7 Final. This release is focused on making XOOPS 2.5.7 fully compatible with PHP 5.5.x, on security enhancements, bug fixing, and on updating external libraries to their latest versions: - jQuery to 1.11.0 - jQuery UI...

XOOPS 2.6.0 Service Manager: Introduction

Mamba  21-May-2014 07:54  8785 reads   3 Comment(s) 
In XOOPS 2.6.0 alpha 2, some familiar services that were traditionally internal parts of the core were separated into modules. Some examples are: avatars, comments, and notifications The separated module approach achieves some important benefits: ● Modules can be updated independently. ● Modules...

XOOPS supports the upcoming "Crafting Code Tour" ...

Mamba  12-May-2014 11:53  6909 reads   No comments 
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XOOPS Project is very proud to support the upcoming "Crafting Code Tour" with PHP Expert Brandon Savage

Writing great, high quality code is hard. Understanding the nuances of the languages you use, and the way in which you accomplish certain tasks can be highly challenging. That’s why The...

XOOPS 2.6.0 Assets Management using Assetic

Mamba  01-May-2014 11:49  8960 reads   No comments 
A web page consists of a base HTML document and any additional files it may include, such as stylesheets, scripts, images and fonts. We will refer to these additional files as assets.

Assets are a very important part of the user experience. For today's rich, highly interactive web applications,...

XOOPS 2.5.7 RC-1 Released for Testing

Mamba  06-Apr-2014 08:14  8933 reads   1 comment 
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We are getting closer to have a PHP 5.5.x - certified XOOPS version.

Today we are very happy to release for testing XOOPS 2.5.7 RC-1

This release is focused on PHP 5.5.x compatibility, security enhancements, and bug fixes. We have also updated jQuery and several jQuery components.

Angelo Rocha...

XOOPS 2.5.7 Beta 1 Released for Testing

Mamba  07-Mar-2014 05:05  10493 reads   2 Comment(s) 
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As more and more hosts are offering in addition to PHP 5.4.x also PHP 5.5.x, it was important that we update and certify XOOPS for PHP 5.5.x as well.

Today we are happy to release for testing XOOPS 2.5.7 Beta 1, that will run without any problems on PHP 5.5.x

This release is focused on PHP 5.5.x...

French XOOPS Podcast, a new way for information

alain01  23-Feb-2014 10:05  6858 reads   3 Comment(s) 
Resized ImageIt's time to offer to our French-speaking community a new modern way to inform them about XOOPS.
This is the XOOPS Podcast at

The characteristic are :
- News about XOOPS (Core, modules, themes, french community...)
- Interview
- 3 to 5 minutes
- 2...

XOOPS Japanese Support is back

KeiichiSHIGA  11-Jan-2014 15:10  4778 reads   1 comment 
To everybody loving XOOPS - XOOPS Japanese Support is back again.

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New XOOPS Japanese Support was established in "SourceForge.JP"(a japanese version of SourceForge Japan).

We are very excited...
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