A hack to avoid too many simutaneous opened connections

Alain  12-Apr-2002 10:33  4634 reads   No comments 
Xtremdj, Xoops France co-webmaster, suggests a little hack in your root footer.php file, to avoid too many simultaneous opened connections on the server...
When you don't close the connection, php let it run for a time out defined by mysql for 30 sec.
Imagine: if 10 visitors are surfing on the...

XOOPS Italian Pack

kain  12-Apr-2002 05:15  4295 reads   No comments 
Finally it's here, the XOOPS CMS in italian language!
Please note, this pack doesn't contains only the translated file for modules, etc. but it is the full xoops package translated in italian.

MyHeadlines v4.0.3 Ported to Xoops

magar  12-Apr-2002 00:50  3653 reads   No comments 
I have just completed a major upgrade to the MyHeadlines code base, and on a whim

Xoops Megapack on Xoops France

Alain  11-Apr-2002 21:41  4618 reads   No comments 
A Megapack Xoops has been released by Anexia for Xoops France...

XoopsForge Website at SourceForge

Sircuri  10-Apr-2002 20:26  12398 reads   2 Comment(s) 
I've launched the XoopsForge Website at SourcForge. Please register as a user and create projects to test the functionalities of XoopsForge. Please provide me with all the feedback you can give so i can improve XoopsForge.

Two new Xoops sites!

matta  10-Apr-2002 16:12  4130 reads   No comments 
Hi. I have recently gone live with two sites based on Xoops. The first is BoliviaHoy.com, a redesign of the spanish language portal for Bolivia and the country's most popular meta-news site.

The mailuser module is arrived,Only adapt Xoop RC2

Anonymous  10-Apr-2002 13:28  5037 reads   No comments 
The mailuser module is arrived,Only adapt Xoop RC2
Now this module has Tchinese, Schinese, English language file.


Lykoszine-Block Collection

lykoszine  06-Apr-2002 08:53  3834 reads   No comments 
Lykoszine-Block Collection (Updated 06/04/02)

- Last x articles in a topic - small fix

- NEW BLOCK - display 1 random partner banner (to use instead of the block that displays all)

Get it from the download section or here

Bad words sql file available

nocjock  04-Apr-2002 15:07  5350 reads   No comments 
Just made available a 70+ word sql dump file of inappropriate English words. Search and replace the table prefix of xoops changing it to whatever your DB prefix is and then use PHPmyadmin to import the text file.

Top Members for Xoops is available

pascal  04-Apr-2002 12:06  4018 reads   No comments 
The module Top Members is now availble, it make a classify of you members...
The classify is make by points, when your members add :

Wysiwyg Editor & GroupAccess Functions: Update

Anonymous  03-Apr-2002 19:18  4775 reads   No comments 
Update both the Wysiwyg editor and the GroupAccess functions.

Wysiwyg Editor:
Fixed broken images when using multiple forms
Fixed (br) dedoubling and (p)(br) explanations
Added default display font setting to match site

GroupAccess Functions:
Made explanations in php file easier to understand
Fixed a...

XOOPS at an educational institution

azaidi  02-Apr-2002 17:15  3829 reads   No comments 
I have just finished installing XOOPS successfully at http://www.thames-portal.com. It's just great software and with a bit of work it can be customized to many environments. Great work, XOOPS developers !

Tag Board in a Custom HTML Block

dlh  02-Apr-2002 07:59  9278 reads   No comments 
Hey everybody. This is both a contribution and a request.

I am providing a link to download a slightly modified version of the Tag Board by Josh Sherman @ http://www.bombthebox.com/

GroupAccess: Functions

Anonymous  30-Mar-2002 20:19  3611 reads   No comments 
I put together some functions which will let anyone with a bit of php/mysql know-how, hack any xoops module to accept user restrictions based on group levels.


muple  29-Mar-2002 12:19  3419 reads   No comments 
A block with just 2 quick jump menu that helps to administrate your site...

Please read install.txt

see "Downloads"
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