RC3 change logs

onokazu  22-Apr-2002 13:49 5655 Reads   No comments 
- Added option to change all users' theme
- Added option to display/not display message on redirection
- Added custom avatar settings

- Each forum will have its own forum options (allow html, posts per page, etc). (Goghs)
- Database optimization (Goghs)
- Each thread in the forum will have its own last view timestamp saved in cookies

- Removed many variables in config file of module visitor 2 and use standard XOOPS core variables instead. (Goghs)
- modules/visitor2/include/header.inc.php and footer.inc.php removed. (Goghs)
- Deleted modules/visitor2/include/db/ directory and db_mysql.php under it. We use XOOPS own database layer now which makes it obsoletely and useless.(Goghs)

- Custom avatars
- Sub directories can be created under images/avatar/, which may be useful for categorizing avatar images. There will be a separate avatar popup window for each directories.

Module Administration
- Redesigned for better usability
- Modules now installed from phpMyAdmin sql dump file
- Module deletion will delete its module tables
- Activate/deactivate modules will not delete record from modules table
from now on..only isactive flag will be turned on/off
- Modules in the main menu can be now reordered with a click!

Block Administration
- Redesigned for better usability

Group Administration
- Added blocks permission for each user group

- Removed getenv() functions due to some servers not properly returning env variables
- $xoopsDB and $myts(now a global variable) now instantiated through Database::getInstance() and MyTextSanitizer::getInstance() methods respectively.
- Removed unnecessary inclusion of textsanitizer class file and instantiation thereof
- Fixed bugs and added more methods in class/xoopslists.php
- Revamped the admin section
- Redesigned many HTML form pages using XoopsForm class library (register.php, edituser.php, etc). The XoopsHtmlForm class is deprecated.
- XoopsUser::rank(true) now returns rank id in addition to rank title and image
- Added xoops_header() and xoops_footer() functions
- Added xoops_cp_header() and xoops_cp_footer() functions for admin sections
- Created include/cp_functions.php which contains various functions used in admin sections
- Added a new admin module, Mailusers module, with which you can send message via email and/or PM to selected users. The users can be selected by certain criteria, for example, send message to only inactive users, last login was more than 10 days ago, etc.
- Added a new class XoopsMailer, used in the Mailusers module under system module
- Added a new class XoopsPM, which will handle all operations on private messages
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