
New banners Module

w4z004  18-Mar-2002 03:37  6275 reads   No comments 
I'm modularize the phpadsnew.
Is a professional banner system and only for the people that need professional banners.

HERE the download .

Inc_Save db

inconnue_team  17-Mar-2002 20:18  3430 reads   No comments 
Envy(urge) to make(do) a backup of your base but your host is slow!!
Not of prob with Inc.savedb!
A table or all the db, in data or structure no problemo amigo!

Galeria v1.1

aitor  17-Mar-2002 19:36  4028 reads   No comments 
Galeria v1.1 is released

More info:

Carol Hess and Aitor Uskola

news url for inconnue team

inconnue_team  16-Mar-2002 20:58  3482 reads   No comments 
You can, please , find henceforth Unknown Team here!
Ps: and it is damage that I can not me paid a paying hebergeur
News url - >

Inc.dmoz go for search

inconnue_team  15-Mar-2002 21:02  3711 reads   No comments 
Inc.dmoz est en downloads sur le site Inconnue team!

New version (2b) of the event calandar

pascal  15-Mar-2002 00:04  5157 reads   No comments 
The event calendar 2b is arrived, lot of modification and fixed bugs...
some news of this version:
- you can add events on days
- display events by days (listed by hours)
- display event in popup
- Possibility for authors (exepted anonymous) to modify or delete their events
- Possibility to moderate...

Actualized versions for win32

w4z004  14-Mar-2002 11:45  3648 reads   No comments 
Here i'm put the last versions for win32: - PHP 4.1.2 zip package [5,824Kb] - Apache 2.0.28 Beta [2.7M] - MySQL 4.0.1-alpha [17.2M] - MyODBC 3.51.02 [602K] - MySQL-Front 2.1 [1.208 KB]

PHP 4.1.2 Windows (Win32)

w4z004  13-Mar-2002 15:57  5702 reads   No comments 
(News article taken from

Due to an issue with the Windows binary allowing any user to read or execute the contents of a file directly from the PHP binary, we have delayed the 4.1.2 release of PHP for Windows to allow for this fix. This release also fixes the file upload security problem.

Alternative Sections module

Anonymous  12-Mar-2002 21:07  3466 reads   No comments 
Didn't like the default sections module, so i recoded it to integrate some goodies from a old nuke sections hack(i thinks its the default in nuke since 5.3), but also added some personal touches :o)

Lucid Networks -

madraver  12-Mar-2002 18:22  3672 reads   No comments 
I have been working long and hard on a PC news and user group web site.

Topics Module v2

DigitalPixel  12-Mar-2002 12:02  3584 reads   No comments 
Thus mine topics module goes into the next round! v2 shows the entire topics of your page in this version is again which one all available articles of the selected area to be displayed to be able can who it to test would like: test

last x articles in a topic block

lykoszine  11-Mar-2002 20:01  3801 reads   No comments 
Simple hack of the I-Blocks Collection and the top x news items to create a block to list the lastest x articles in a given category.

Galeria v1.0 released

aitor  10-Mar-2002 02:27  4397 reads   No comments 

Please visit the downloads section to get yours!

Also announcing the new English Galeria Support site:

Stop by and pick up some supplemental Picture Frame Styles and see the Galeria in action!

Aitor Uskola

Spanish Support Site

Dansk support


Javascript Backend

lykoszine  10-Mar-2002 00:44  4820 reads   5 Comment(s) 
Bit of over glorification to call this a module, more like a hack, but there is no Hack Category as such.
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