Turkish Language Packs for Xoops version 2.0.x has been added to our site. This section contains basic Xoops modules to Turkish (MyDownloads, MyLinks, Newbb, News, Xoopsfaq, XoopsPolls, XoopsPartners and the System folder) The basic "Language" folder is also Turkish. Xoops Lessons and...
It's been a while and to be honest I was planning on making that while a little longer, but I had some spare time and came up with a few semi-new themes
I created (or adapted/expanded) my wurn.nl theme to a new version of wurn for starters and as I went along I thought let's...
The xDonations project's latest CVS files have been packaged for testing. This is a test release only. Do NOT install it alongside your current Donations installation, as it will create errors!!!
I recently remade an outdated Mac site for Mac Halo modding with XOOPS 2. The results are great and a vast improvement over the old look. Before everything had to be changed by manually editing HTML pages but now with XOOPS things are so much simpler, and it's much easier to get the community...
Burnout-BR 25-Jul-2004 00:06 1811 reads No comments
Today is a happy day for me, after a time working in my site, today i decided to open it for visits, i need to make some adjusts, and corrections, but in general it's done. The theme was fully developed by me, CSS, images, some models, etc. The site has the objetive to be an open comunity for...
We're a very small promotion group who make no money (very good at losing it though!).
We have been trying to put together a community based music site for our artists and anyone else who'd like to read/write and we had been doing this with...
After an upgrade at the hosting company i found out that Xoops is now part of the Ensim Powertools package for the Ensim WeBB Appliance pro 4.0 version. This means Xoops is added and just 1 click away for many users around the world. The package is available for Linux and Windows.
Open Source Gaming was originally created back on January 1st, 2003. It's focus has always been on games released with their source code made available. It isn't operating system specific, but the largest collection of games are for Linux and Windows.
Due to a error in a db maitenance script for Xoops.org, all forum/news posts from the last 4 hours have been lost. The problem has been corrected, and we apologize for the inconvenience.
Another xoops site has been launched... http://www.technika.nu Contents like Cameras, Binoculars, Telescopes, Telescopic sights, Weapons, Military instruments.... It's not complete yet since this is a very large personal collection. The collectors do all the text and images input themself without...