  • 2010/1/31 22:25

  • n01un0

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  • Since: 2005/10/9

Since Instant-Zero is no longer in business and site is down......Does anyone know where I can find or how I can get CatadsPro ?

Multiple News Modules
  • 2009/8/19 22:37

  • n01un0

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/10/9

Can you install multiple News modules? I am currently using News 1.44 on a XOOPS 2.2 site and wanted to install another copy of it to use specifically as a blog. Can this be done and if so, what do I need to do?

Event Guide (eguide 2.42) - Sort By Date
  • 2009/8/19 22:17

  • n01un0

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/10/9

Hello fellow Xoopser's.

I am using the eguide module on one of our company sites and have edited it to utilize more for "upcoming project" rather than reservations which is was created for. We use it to post things our guys in the field need to complete and then they can submit a completion when its done (rather than make reservation).

My question is, in the blocks it will list all upcoming events on the main page. The problem is, the "reservation date" which I changed to "Project Due" date, are listed as they are posted, not in chronological order or descending date. What do I need to change to get this to display according to when it is due (soonest to latest).

I hope some of this makes since. I know its hard trying to give suggestions on a module that I tweaked to my needs rather than what it was intended. If anyone needs a copy to examine in order to help, I will gladly shoot you a copy.

Re: Petition Mod?
  • 2009/5/7 12:05

  • n01un0

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It's been two years since last posting and asking this and I still find a need for it so I thought I would address the question to the community again. I seen there was Xpetitions available for download but I recall trying this mod a while back and it had a lot of issues. It appears it is still RC and the developer is no longer using XOOPS on his own site, so not sure of status. Does anyone else know of a petition style module available or maybe even something that could ported.

.......kind of like poll module....
  • 2009/4/8 12:56

  • n01un0

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Hey fellow Xoopser's!

I am in need of a module that would display a block like the poll module does with a line bar for each item. Our company is having a sales contest and I wanted to list all of the salespeople and their current sales in a block on the site so everyone can see who is in the lead, etc....

Is there anything like this that exists? I just downloaded userpoints which I havent even unzipped yet so don't know if I can tweak this to do what I want.

Any suggestions?.........also, I use x2.2 rather than 2.0/2.3 on this site so I need it to be compat

Donations Module
  • 2009/2/14 17:40

  • n01un0

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Which is the correct or current version of donation to use with XOOPS 2.3.2..........Donations 1.4 in the repository or Xdonations 1.9b from dev.xoops.org?

Also, on both modules (testing locally) I cannot seem to make any changes in admin section. After I make changes to text, amount, etc. on both versions and hit submit it reverts right back to original. Is this because I am testing locally and not live?

Re: Journal Module?
  • 2009/2/13 14:22

  • n01un0

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YEP! I just downloaded last night. Have not had a chance to test it out yet since I am still tying to find the right theme to get started.

I don't believe this will take care of the "journal" or blog issue though. I think this may be more of a modified guestbook but cannot say for certain. Hopefully there will be a demo soon so I can see what it is all about or else I will use wamp and test locally.

Re: Religious Theme?
  • 2009/2/12 21:05

  • n01un0

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  • Since: 2005/10/9

Well I am actually looking for something more towards a "memorial" theme. I am creating another site for a family member who lost her husband and wants a memorial. I just thought "religion" might be the appropriate key word to use for suggestions. Any thoughts?

Religious Theme?
  • 2009/2/12 15:28

  • n01un0

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/10/9

is anyone aware of any religious themes available for 2.3?

Re: Journal Module?
  • 2009/2/12 15:02

  • n01un0

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/10/9


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