Petition Mod?
  • 2007/4/28 14:51

  • n01un0

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/10/9

Is there a petition module in existense?

Re: Petition Mod?
  • 2009/5/7 12:05

  • n01un0

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/10/9

It's been two years since last posting and asking this and I still find a need for it so I thought I would address the question to the community again. I seen there was Xpetitions available for download but I recall trying this mod a while back and it had a lot of issues. It appears it is still RC and the developer is no longer using XOOPS on his own site, so not sure of status. Does anyone else know of a petition style module available or maybe even something that could ported.


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