Donations Module
  • 2009/2/14 17:40

  • n01un0

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/10/9

Which is the correct or current version of donation to use with XOOPS 2.3.2..........Donations 1.4 in the repository or Xdonations 1.9b from dev.xoops.org?

Also, on both modules (testing locally) I cannot seem to make any changes in admin section. After I make changes to text, amount, etc. on both versions and hit submit it reverts right back to original. Is this because I am testing locally and not live?


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Goal: $100.00
Due Date: Feb 28
Gross Amount: $0.00
Net Balance: $0.00
Left to go: $100.00
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