.......kind of like poll module....
  • 2009/4/8 12:56

  • n01un0

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 253

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Hey fellow Xoopser's!

I am in need of a module that would display a block like the poll module does with a line bar for each item. Our company is having a sales contest and I wanted to list all of the salespeople and their current sales in a block on the site so everyone can see who is in the lead, etc....

Is there anything like this that exists? I just downloaded userpoints which I havent even unzipped yet so don't know if I can tweak this to do what I want.

Any suggestions?.........also, I use x2.2 rather than 2.0/2.3 on this site so I need it to be compat

Re: .......kind of like poll module....
  • 2009/4/8 13:20

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

  • Since: 2008/7/3 1


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