Here are some partial answers.
1. The User Menu is shown in a block, so a solution setting it up automatically as in the default XOOPS installation is out of the question, more so if you want to put the menu in the header. On the other hand, since the User Menu doesn't have automatically generated links, but has static links, it's VERY easy to create a Javascript DHTML for it, using any of the myriad DHTML menu options available for free.
2. The use of dynamic DHTML menus in XOOPS HAS been done before, by no less than onokazu. That's why in the admin section each module has a popup with the annoying behavior of showing where it wants.
3. Hard? It depends on your scope. If you just want to rebuild the User Menu it's, as I said, VERY easy. If you want to rebuild the whole Main Menu, then it's a different story altogether.
To do this, there are two possibilities. The first one is to define what you'll have on your site, build a customized Javascript DHTML menu and include it in your theme, and then deactivate in the site the block Main Menu. This is fairly easy to do. You can see a sample of the experiments I've done for XOOPS here:
http://www.puntoflotante.com/tests/tema.htmlThe second possibility, more advanced, would be to use a menu able to read its configuration variables from a database table. Now that would be an accomplishment, as it would allow you to create a truly dynamic menu.
For most purposes, though, the first approach is enough, and as you see, can be done quite effectively.