Re: Download +
  • 2005/12/3 5:53

  • hsalazar

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  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2003/2/6 1

In ANY module, you can always edit the template and leave out whatever variables you don't want displayed.


Re: Can anyone tell me what this means in the forums module
  • 2005/11/23 4:10

  • hsalazar

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  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2003/2/6 1


The forum's module now includes functionality to add a poll to any discussion if the webmaster wants to. It also includes capabilities to autosize images. In order to do the former, it needs the Polls module installed. In order to be able to resize images, it needs one of several graphic libraries available, with ImageMagick and NetPBM being the most powerful. The message you got means the site doesn't have the Poll module installed, so the forum users won't be able to assign polls to a thread. It also means the installation has no access to ImageMagick nor NetPBM nor GD1 library, either because they're not supported or because the configuration path points elsewhere. However, you have a very common option: you have GD2 library. This means the Forum module will be able to resize images, after all, if not in a very powerful way.


Re: The problem with xoops is the lack of support
  • 2005/11/12 4:10

  • hsalazar

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  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2003/2/6 1


Here's a few additional points to this thread.

First, it's really a breath of fresh air to read a polite request, and I thank you for that.

Second, I've been there, so I can understand your frustration. But please remember that document writers -and I have done my bit of them- are also users, so they also have to learn first before actually writing something. This was very difficult in the past and is still difficult, as the core coders are a different bunch well above our capabilites, and the module writers have each their own style and way of doing things.

I wrote Soapbox's documentation with the hope that it could get to be a standard to follow, but it's not easy.

I also began writing a book on how to use XOOPS, but it's been delayed quite a bit for several reasons: the lack of time, my jumping between jobs and also, I must add, some disappointment caused by a bunch of negative comments, flame wars and hack attacks here. But reading this thread and seeing the effort of some fellow xoopsers have reignited my hope that things can be improved, so I'll try to participate more in the creation of proper documentation.

Thanks again for your temperate words; let's keep on XOOPSing.


Re: Please post modules that you know DONT WORK in Xoops 2.2.2
  • 2005/8/26 2:12

  • hsalazar

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  • Posts: 78

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Hey, all:

Somebody told me Soapbox doesn't work with XOOPS 2.2. I guess this means also WordBook doesn't. This is sad, but I really haven't had the opportunity to upgrade the modules, first, because of the lack of time to do it, and second, because I was trying to do a serious upgrade - which means using classes to handle the database work. But I got stuck somwhere along the way. That's too bad. But of course anyone interested can help. I see here and there many people saying this should be easy. So please help us. Many people have also said that working together the job would be easier. I agree.

So, to sum things up, my two more or less decent modules apparently don't work with the updated XOOPS. If anyone can help, go ahead!


BTW: that's my old self with my kid.

Re: Where to send language files for News 1.3.11 - an endless odyssey
  • 2005/7/19 14:20

  • hsalazar

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  • Since: 2003/2/6 1


Your initial apology has nothing to do with what you state further ahead in your message. This is a family and it's being built by the actions of all its members. Saying it's chaos and a total mess helps no one and it's even unfair. I'll tell you what. Because if you'd followed things around here even a little bit, you'd know who's handling the News project (hervet, in case you don't want the problem of looking around). If you're logged in as a user, just click on his name above and that will take you to his profile, where you'll find a Web site and a mail link.

Things won't look promising ever for someone who asks things with your politeness level.

Sorry for sounding harsh, but if anything is really pushing users like me out is some attitudes.

Re: Custom Block - code help
  • 2005/6/28 16:13

  • hsalazar

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  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2003/2/6 1


Try the following code:
global $xoopsUser;
if (
is_object($xoopsUser)) {
$pm_handler =& xoops_gethandler('privmessage');
$criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('read_msg'0));
$criteria->add(new Criteria('to_userid'$xoopsUser->getVar('uid')));
$msgs $pm_handler->getCount($criteria);
$xoops_url XOOPS_URL
if (
$msgs 0) {
"$xoops_url/viewpmsg.php'>You have new messages (bold;'>".$msgs.")";

How does this work? Here's a brief explanation.

First you need to determine if there's new private messages for the logged user. This won't work for anonymous users, since all the code is wrapped in an if statement that precludes it.

One line instantiates the private message handler. Then we create a mixed criteria that includes the actual user id and as far as I can see, the existence of non-read messages.

Then we assign to a variable the result of counting the non-read messages sent to the user. If this variable is larger than zero, that is, if there are non-read private messages addressed to the user, then we echo to the screen the table containing the count and the link to the private message page.

A couple of extra notes:

1) Don't include the opening and closing tags for PHP. They are already included.

2. Don't try to use Smarty variables. All blocks are rendered through a template that already exists, so you can only use general variables, as in the example above.

I hope this works.


Re: Documentation - Technical Documents
  • 2005/6/25 17:32

  • hsalazar

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This list is the documentation roadmap. It's too long to be realistic but when we build it we wanted to aim high. So they're proposals, or rather they're part of a general and abundant proposal.


Re: Help with setting up menu please.
  • 2005/6/21 5:25

  • hsalazar

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What you need to do is not managed through XOOPS' admin interface. You need a theme that includes those links, such as theme x2t, included in the distribution.

The way to start experimenting is to activate in the admin side this theme. Then take a look at the HTML code. You'll see those links are included there in a fixed way.

If you want a more automated way of doing these things, look around for menu stuff.


Re: Wordbook v1.15 beta - Search results
  • 2005/6/19 18:31

  • hsalazar

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Sorry for the absence. I've taken a look to the whole mess about that cleantags matter. This was supposed to filter the output so that only selected HTML tags would be used. What for? I decided when building the index interface that images wouldn't be allowed, because having no control over their size, they'd break the carefully arranged blocks by altering the width of the random term block.

What I mean with this is at first I didn't remember all this, so I thought it would be easy to get rid of the problem. It's not. I think I'll use a different filtering scheme, so I'll have to delve deeper into the code. It'll take some more time.


Re: TOP Tool Bar
  • 2005/6/19 18:26

  • hsalazar

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  • Since: 2003/2/6 1


The short answer is that you need a theme suited to your needs, so either pick one that already has a bar with some options on it or build your own one.

Then you need to add, in the theme, the code for dropdown menus to work. How? It will depend on the menu you choose.

You can make dropdown menus using just CSS; a good resource to find some good pointers (or even complete solutions) is A list apart.

Or you can make dropdown menus using javascript. If you want a recommendation, my most recent one is go after mygosuMenu. It's lean, clean, fast and effective. Ah, and also easy to configure.

You can see a live example in this site. At first you'll see nothing. Log in with user: testuser, password: testuser. Now you'll see the menu. The site is just one third of the way done, so pay no attention to the rest, save for the menu.

Either way, you'll need to work a bit, but I can assure you it'll be a fun process.


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