Re: mail users still broken after 1 year
  • 2005/1/14 9:42

  • fluent

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  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2003/11/22

The whole point of a CMS is that it provides an integrated toolset to act as a platform to build sites and systems.

mail users still broken after 1 year
  • 2005/1/14 8:32

  • fluent

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  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2003/11/22

The mail users function is vital to any CMS. With XOOPS it's broken in several places. Firstly error reporting doesnt exist and a blank page is shown when an error message should be. Secondly it has a habbit of being unable to cope with sites with large amounts of users.

Also, anyone who runs a serious site is unhappy with having to click Next all the time to send the message to their userbase only sending a few mails at a time (per click).

I've asked/pushed and cajoled people to look at this, but apparantly The XOOPS team are too busy.

I can't really wait any longer and will probably have to switch CMS to meet the demands of our clients...


Re: Surpass Hosting - "Friends are not forever" or "Babuschka syndrom"
  • 2004/5/21 16:22

  • fluent

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  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2003/11/22

I've mailed him and will see what I can do.


Re: Surpass Hosting - a friend to the XOOPS community.
  • 2004/5/21 10:45

  • fluent

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  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2003/11/22

I dont know Surpass hosting but I know that ISPs that use CPANEL like that are popping up everywhere. I do recommend to people that before they send their money to hosting companies which use CPANEL; They should check out that these companies really do know what they are doing.

Too many companies use CPANEL because they dont know how to configure servers correctly, (it's point and click) then when things break they have no idea how to fix them and often at their clients expense.

Please note: I am not trying to suggest that this company is in any way unqualified, but I am saying that just because a company appears to support XOOPS it doesn't mean they are any good...

Choose Wisely...

I would like to see XOOPS take the road PHP / Zend did that is to maintain a strict criteria and non nonsense list of qualified hosts but without placing a value judegment on their quality and services.

Perhaps a feedback board so people can rate their hosts?


Re: Surpass Hosting - "Friends are not forever" or "Babuschka syndrom"
  • 2004/5/21 10:38

  • fluent

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  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2003/11/22

Hmm This sounds interesting, I'd be interested in helping set up some kind of criteria for what a good webhost should provide. Perhaps we could setup a little group to work on this?

Having good webhosts for XOOPS users will, I'm sure, help the community and product develop faster and more efficiently...

How would one do this within the current XOOPS community structure?


Re: Best practice for mass mailing users?
  • 2004/5/20 23:16

  • fluent

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  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2003/11/22

Thanks and yes it was memory limits, I've increased the memory and it works fine.


Re: 'Mail setup' display blank page when user numbers reach 371
  • 2004/5/19 23:20

  • fluent

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  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2003/11/22

I've got the same problem so any advice would be helpful.

Re: Best practice for mass mailing users?
  • 2004/5/19 21:21

  • fluent

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  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2003/11/22

Would just like to say in addition I dont think this is because of php memory limits.. Theres no errors given in my php log.

Re: Best practice for mass mailing users?
  • 2004/5/19 21:16

  • fluent

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  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2003/11/22

Its not getting as far as the sending the mail I think. Theres no limit being hit in the mail logs. Just XOOPS showing a blank page... Theres been quite a few posts about it in the forums but no solutions...

Re: Personal Web Pages Module?
  • 2004/5/19 19:08

  • fluent

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  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2003/11/22

A friend of mine wrote one but its kind of specific. Its a questionaire and allows images to be uploaded. Its never been released but I'm happy to give it out and it will be released when the code is cleaned up a little bit.

What would be really cool is a page editor using the spaw stuff.

Mail jonathan@gilpin.org if you think the code is useful and want a copy. For a working example see: http://www.cnpltd.com but you need to register to see the link...


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