Plain Web ported to Xoops

mondarse  22-Apr-2004 14:44  2144 reads   1 comment 
Hi, i'm pround to present my recently xoops ported web:

"Agreda en la Web, el portal de Agreda".

This my sencond xoops site, this second is a porting of my 4 years old flat html site to xoops using icontent module for static pages, porting external forums to pbbmod, several custom blocks for...


jjeffrey  22-Apr-2004 13:38  1138 reads   3 Comment(s) 
Just a little note to say that my new XOOPS based site, http://www.toomuchit.com, has gone up using a modified theme from 7dana.com. HUGE thanks both to XOOPS and 7dana for making this so easy. I tried Nuke, PostNuke, PHPNuke, Slashcode and several others and none of them quite fitted the bill -...

Xoops Based Website

Neobless  21-Apr-2004 09:12  1834 reads   4 Comment(s) 
This is a website that I designed for a client using Xoops CMS.

I want to see if I could divert from the standard 3 column Xoops/Nuke type site and I believe I did manage to do this.

This website only uses 3 Modules:

WF-Channel: I found that this module behaved as it should. I used tables within...

Adding a Search Function to your module - simple example...

krayc  20-Apr-2004 20:44  3989 reads   3 Comment(s) 
As a newbie, I thought others might make use of this,

I've have added some info to the documentation wiki Adding Search function to your module: click here!

and you can download the files here...Click Here!

Using Xoops in a Frames-based site as a hidden CMS

jeffgr  20-Apr-2004 18:11  5725 reads   6 Comment(s) 
Hello there everyone!

http://www.Advermap.com is an example of how I have implemented Xoops as a hidden, behind-the-scenes CMS in a regular frames-based web site.

Articles, XOOPs article manager version 0.12 released

AndyM  19-Apr-2004 20:33  5744 reads   8 Comment(s) 
Articles, Xoops v2 article management module.
Version 0.12.

The database has changed since v0.09 - if you are installing for the first time, then you don't need to worry about this, but if you are updating Articles from version v0.09, then you have to run the included update script:

New Theme

tjnemez  19-Apr-2004 18:04  4418 reads   8 Comment(s) 
hey guys,

please checkout new theme. please report any issues with different browsers.

your comments are appreciated, so please give me some feedback.


PNG transparency in xoops for ie

risto  19-Apr-2004 13:01  6435 reads   10 Comment(s) 
Image transparency has been a problem for as long as gif has existed. with png the solution was here. But not quite. Microsoft with their internet explorer (ie) has not bean able to handle png transparency natively. So we all started the big wait and nothing happened. Until…..

Colorado Breast Cancer License Plates

rabideau  18-Apr-2004 16:22  7580 reads   No comments 
Did you know that every three minutes a new case of breast cancer is diagnosed in the United States? Did you know that breast cancer claims a life every 13 minutes? Has breast cancer affected you, a family member, friend or co-worker? If it hasn't yet, it may.

A breast cancer awareness license...

Xoops Hosting Offer

davidl2  18-Apr-2004 14:12  6676 reads   No comments 
I've been hosting for quite some time now with British hosting firm 3D Pixelnet - and have found them a great company for service - with excellent support.

After speaking to one of their team, they have put this special custom package for all Xoops users!


An advanced search engine for Xoops

synna  18-Apr-2004 13:02  4906 reads   6 Comment(s) 
Xoops Digger is search engine for Xoops and another system, main features are:
* Result Displayed by ranks
* Total weighting control for part of documents (title,description...), whole documents and modules
* Can index document content
* Search can be limited to some modules
* Common words...

Sub Site/Multi Site Module + Hack

BoDGie  18-Apr-2004 10:11  9125 reads   23 Comment(s) 
Subsite Module BETA 1.0
by Trent Scholl aka BoDGie
Many people have been requesting something that allows you to run multiple sites with the same userbase or with other shared tables like news etc..

Some people managed to work it out but for all novices it...

Association for Information Security

jdimov  17-Apr-2004 11:56  1053 reads   No comments 
ISECA is a non-profit organization aiming to increase security awareness and facilitate information sharing and collaboration among security professionals. We are using XOOPS for our site at http://www.iseca.org and we are very happy with it.

PC-Treiber.Net - Now running on Xoops

Gruby  17-Apr-2004 10:16  1535 reads   No comments 
I don`t know if it`s interesting stuff, but i decided to move to xoops with pc-treiber.net. it`s a german hardware com., mainly ASRock based.
News are direct SMF Output through SSI stuff and more.


Erwinrom  16-Apr-2004 17:49  1185 reads   No comments 
Looking for the latest ICT news on the planet? E-rom.nl is a dutch ICT news site. Here can you find al the ICT news what is know on the moment. Always in the front in a world that calls ICT

See ya on E-rom.nl
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