i´ve just updated a new theme for http://www.xoopsfactory.de. I´m actually testing this theme on different browsers etc. would you please be so kind to help me ?
this theme is for the community and will come for download in september, when all tests are done.
I've been building this site over the last few months, it's a game news site. If you have time check out my XOOPS site. Gamesuplay.net I'm adding content daily, site is still under construction. Featuring Free Game Downloads at the moment. Thanks, Zan
Yes, Finally we have it. The version which is awaiting for in long time, It is available for download now.
What's new in this version: Using the final version of Invision Power Board 1.2 Final Can be upgraded for IPB module 1.1.3 Fixed some bugs. Include new features: Can Install and remove IPBM from...
Finally onlinecity.ch had the chance to react on all the great comments from our users. Many users had problems reading the light fonts, but this has now come to an end.
Check us out, and use the poll and comments section to let us know your opinion. Visit us today at
Wf-Section v1 is a powerful article management system for Xoops v2.
Since the release of the last beta version there has been many changes, improvements and additions. In fact to many to mention all at once and to be totally honest, I have totally forgot how many and what...
I just wanted to thank the many contributors to the Xoops wiki over the past few months! The documentation has been growing and improving rapidly thanks to everyone's efforts.
You will probably notice from the homepage (http://wiki.xoops.org), however, that there are many gaps still remaining .
XOOPS Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.0.3. It includes some important security related bug fixes therefore it is highly recommended that all users upgrade to this version.
Changes ======== - fixed CSS related bug in global search page - register_globals bug fix in comments - Smarty...
This module allows to create you own 'contact us' form, with the fields that you desire. This version only include textboxes and textareas, and still in BETA.
The reorder option of form items has a bug that I'm attempting to fix.