Announcing the new XOOPS organisation

Herko  15-Sep-2003 13:09 7537 Reads   23 Comment(s) 
The new organisation builds on 8 teams that organise an aspect of managing the XOOPS community. These aspects (and their Teams) are: Core Development, Module Development, Themes Development, Quality Control, Support, Documentation, Community Relations and Product Development. The Team Leaders of these teams together form the XOOPS Core Team, which acts as the ‘management’ of the XOOPS Community.

Core Development - Team Leader: Onokazu
This Team will focus on the development of the XOOPS 2 core. Starting from XOOPS 2.1, this will no longer include the Core Modules (like news, mydownloads, mylinks, etc.). Development of those modules will be transferred to the Module Development Team.

Module Development - Team Leader: Catzwolf
This Team will organise the development of new XOOPS modules, and the port of XOOPS 1.3.x modules to XOOPS 2. As stated above, this will include the modules that are now part of the XOOPS Core package (except the System module, of course).
The Module Development site will also house the Official XOOPS Module Repository. This will be the place where you can find as much XOOPS modules as possible. The XOOPS Module Development Team website will move to the xoops.org server (modules.xoops.org).

Theme Development - Team Leader: Philou
This Team will organise the development of new Themes for XOOPS. The Themes Development site will also house the Official XOOPS Themes Repository. Here you will be able to find and preview as many XOOPS themes as possible. The XOOPS Themes website will move to the xoops.org server (themes.xoops.org). Together with the modules and main website this site will form the XOOPS Network.

Quality Control - Team Leader: Ackbarr
This Team will set and monitor the quality standards for XOOPS developers and designers. We will set up a Certification system for XOOPS Modules and Themes, to uphold those standards. Certified modules and themes will get an official XOOPS Seal, signifying good coding, documentation and design.

Support - Team Leader: Tom
The Support Team will organise the way in which the XOOPS community at large will help its new users solve common problems, by establishing a network-wide directioning mechanism and setting up a logical way to channel each issue to the appropriate team.

Documentation - Team Leader: hsalazar
The Documentation Team will organise the preparation and edition of a comprehensive documentation package that will include introductory manuals, reference guides, tutorials and technical documents.

Community Relations - Team Leader: Herko
This Team will organise the relations within the community and with the community. This includes a members and partners program and a newsletter.

Product Development - Team Leader: malexandria
This Team will market the XOOPS 2 system as a product. We will let the world know XOOPS is a quality product, ready to use out-of-the-box. For this we will create XOOPS packs, each Pack a set of modules and themes configured for a specific use (gamers/clan site, community site, news site, etc.).

As stated above, the Team Leaders together form the ‘management’ of the XOOPS Community, the XOOPS Core Team. This team is lead by Herko, and ensures that all major decisions are made in good conscience and are in line with The Big Picture. The XOOPS Core Team also ensures that the Teams cooperate with each other and functions as a sounding board and sparring partner to test new developments and ideas.
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