Yeah, I had a problem releasing xStore (an amazon module I built 6 months ago) because they released a new API that rendered all the code not very usefull... Along with several other problems, XOOPS admin block problems and the not so fun XOOPS admin headaches, I could never release xStore, which the public could use properly.
So it makes sense that there are no amazon modules yet... I know of a guy who was working on a XOOPS amazon module, so lets hope his efforts make it to public release. Hes a good programmer, so we might be in luck.
I just hope amazon doesnt change it all again like they have 2-3 times already.
They are evolving, but at the developers expense :(
If we can get enough donations in a pool, I would love to build an amazon module for the community.
Also, I can hook ANY website up with an amazon addon, my team, wrote... I dont wanna post the URL here, so msg me if interested.
It works with ANY site including XOOPS site and it is based on Amazon Web Services 3.0 (they are up to 4.0 now) ... but amazon has stated that they will keep it alive as long as possible... also, my solution is currently featured on Amazon.com... so you can find it there if you have an associates account.
Meanwhile, I have started a new Amazon XOOPS module based on Amazon ECS 4.0 using Rest (HTML over HTTP), but simply do not have time to work on it at this time.
I wish there was a XOOPS site that gets alot of traffic that would guaranteed to make money if they offered over 2,000,000 amazon products or maybe just books or video games... Then they could sponsor the project and and maybe we could release it to the XOOPS community... but alas, all the money in USA has gone to destructive efforts and now everyone is broke, oh well, life goes on.
My belief is that XOOPS and money can mix, with the right people involved. Too bad alot of people here think that open source free means no money... There are alot of XOOPS projects being hindered by this concept....
Free in Open Source means free to do whatever with the code, it does not apply to price.
Actual active sites with a large community would benefit greatly if good XOOPS module developers didnt have to work at Subway or the local construction yard.
Oh well, im just rambling on, but I hope I have enlightened a few. its not about money, its about surviving.
meanwhile, I must go find a second job delivering pizzas maybe.
Would you like extra sauce with that, sir?
We will be there in a half hour-45 minutes.
Thank you for ordering with us. Have a great day.
(Do i sound bitter, naaah, not me)
Hope we can work this problem out...I am not the only developer/programmer being hindered right now.
Best Regards,