Re: Random theme with each page refresh
  • 2006/9/22 1:35

  • hyperpod

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Yep you can do that with Smarty.

In fact, you can randomize a list of words and Smarty will pick one randomly.

I use this technique in hyperTheme V2

You can see it in action on http://www.hyperpod.net (just refresh a few times and you will see the colors change.

Here is an example:

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="margin-bottom:8px;">
tr background="<{$xoops_imageurl}>images/hyperTheme_08.jpg"><td class="blockTitle"><img src="<{$xoops_imageurl}>images/<{randomize values="red,blue,green,orange,purple"}>_pill.jpg" alt="" /><{$block.title}>td>tr>
tr><td style="padding:8px;"><{$block.content}>td>tr>

You would have to add the smarty plugin for randomizer into the smarty plugins directory and distribute that with your theme, which is easy to do.

Best regards,
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Roster 2.2.3a or b
  • 2006/5/30 8:39

  • hyperpod

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If you can provide a sample layout, then I can work this into the next version of Profiles.

As it is, you can create categories and then list each member underneath that category. Essentially, categtories are groups.

I do see however that you would like that page laid out in a certain way to fit your needs.

Your input on this is very valuable... If you can create a mockup in HTML of what the page should look like, then I can make it happen with the profiles module.

Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Lottery module
  • 2006/5/30 8:04

  • hyperpod

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This is an interesting idea.

I might think about working on this.

Best regards,
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: [Suggestion]: change siteurl bbcode so it opens in the same window.
  • 2006/5/17 1:50

  • hyperpod

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Actually, most people wanted it to open to a blank window. For example, if there is a long thread in a forum... and has many reference links, by linking to open another window, one can always get back to the thread without hunting it down again, and still check out the links.

Maybe you dont want it for your site, but the majority do want it how its set now.

You can always hack your site, just as you did to do it another way.

Customization is what makes open source so great.

But dont expect your hacks to become part of the core. Although they will if everyone wants it to.

Hope that explains why its set how it is now.

Best regards,

Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: New Profiles Module Icon Pack
  • 2006/5/16 0:41

  • hyperpod

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Those should look really good on a dark background.

Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Some point/money system plausible?
  • 2006/5/15 22:31

  • hyperpod

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I was working on a module which tracks points system for XOOPS last year.

There are some tough things about that make it not work very well without using real hooks.

For example, a previous points system goes through common content modules and counts how many items were added from a user and then looks up the set points for that type of content.

That is the best you can get, but it is very poor on a busy site.

This is becasue, if content gets deleted then the users points automatically change. This is not adequate, becasue once a user has points, they never want to lose them, and would in fact get very angry for losing them... times this by 100 users or more and you would have a real nightmare brewing.

Also, points for loggin on would not be so good. I can log out and log in and log out and log in and gain many points a day if that were enabled.

Also, if you get points for loggin in, then points should be taken away for loggin out, hehe... so essentially you dont need log in points since they would be cancelled out... A better idea is to start them with a certain number of points for registering.

Points should be awarded when a user adds the type of content that makes the site valuable, forum posts or comments are generally 1 pointers.

I would love to finish this module, but there would need to be some things in place... maybe 2.4+ will offer a better framework for doing this under.

Otherwise, if someone wants to write up a detailed document on how a points system should work, then i would be happy to code something that follows it.

The problem is, im already aware of some inherent problems with the way it would work at this point.

Maybe someone has a better way?

Points system for CMS rock, i would love to see one or make one.

Best regards,
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Profiles Module 0.90 Beta Released
  • 2006/5/15 17:31

  • hyperpod

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Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Profiles Module 0.90 Beta Released
  • 2006/5/15 16:17

  • hyperpod

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Steakman wrote:
I don't know why, but Profiles will not install for me.

I get the following error:

"Unable to install profiles. Error(s):
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Xoops Profiles Module'' at line"

I use XOOPS 2.2.4 / PHP 4.3.11

What version of MySQL are you running?

aim4fame had the same problem, and found that if he removed that line: DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Xoops Profiles Module'

then it worked just find...

Im working towards finding out what version of MySQL he is running as well..

No one else has had a problem... Looks like it might be MySQL specific... I will try and figure that out and include a sql file that is not version dependent.

Thanks for reporting that.
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Profiles Module 0.90 Beta Released
  • 2006/5/14 22:58

  • hyperpod

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It would be nice if someone made some icons that are used inside this module. The one in there now are just quickies.

Also, they could be rendered on dark and light backgrounds if possible.

I will add a feature to use graphic icons on dark bg, on light bg or just use text links.

Best regards,

Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Profiles Module 0.90 Beta Released
  • 2006/5/14 17:31

  • hyperpod

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There should be no problem at all.

One is called modules/profile
while the other is called modules/profiles

Mith was kind enough to name his module differently.

And keep in mind, the modules have slightly different uses.

I will add this to the FAQ tho.

Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

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