Re: Problems with headlines & RSS
  • 2005/6/12 8:34

  • rocket98

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  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2004/6/2 2


Have you turned on PHP Debug in your XOOPS Prefs to see, what, if any errors are returned when you try to use the modules.

Your backend.php feed is working as expected. The feed is 100% valid. This is a default install Only the theme has changed.

xhld sample

In xhld you will notice immediately if you have a feed error. A feed producing an error will be outlined in a reddish hue and it will not pull the feed into your site. From the samples above no errors have been generated.

xhld selects the correct feed format based on the incoming rss. So there is nothing there you have to do to make it work other than install module, plug in a feed and then read your feed.

Have you done anything else to the xhld module to cause this concern besides changing permissions through your FTP client.

Have you tried completely removing the module, uninstall (remove database entries), then overwrite the xhld directory with a new copy and re-install.

You said you tried the XOOPS Headlines module (yes/no) Xhld and XOOPS Headlines can't or won't co-exist from what I have read. Is the Headlines module still installed in XOOPS have you completely removed it or just shut it off?

What name did you give the xhld module besides xhld0 ... anything? If Yes did you move back to default directory name.

Have you tried any other php rss feed programs on this ISP of yours to see if those work as expected. There are numerous ones available.

I'm just spouting off some things if it helps then it's good ... no.


Re: Problems with headlines & RSS
  • 2005/6/10 19:51

  • rocket98

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2004/6/2 2


Pull a copy of xmline you'll find it here by searching, or on dev.xoops.

See if that solves your problems getting feeds in. I've used both for months with little to no problems. xmline is more customizable for front end block display ie. production . xhld customized via templates further in this site. Front page is entirely driven by xmline and rss actually 95% of site is just rss feeds the amazon stores are a different piece.

I'm running I have another install same URL with 2.0.10 sample where I play it also works fine with xhld and xmline. it could just be something setup improperly. I've never chmod anything for permission problems in either module.

Have a look in xhld prefs make sure you give users/anonymous access to module otherwise it may not show up. Also check XOOPS groups make sure you've got permissions set in their as well.

I am running earlier version of xhld on production, sample runs latest of xhld. I did just install 2.98 on a different site and see a couple of things i don't like. 1 may be what's affecting you. Previously all feeds worked fine ... I add a new feed and it does not show on front xhld headline page but shows in a secondary category page.

Re: White Screen of death
  • 2005/5/9 20:26

  • rocket98

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  • Since: 2004/6/2 2

Thanks Acbarr,

I did not think of that. Was too gonzo over fact it just up and left without notice.

Problem fixed permissions were changed somehow (not me). Now scratching head wondering why permissions on templates_c would have changed upon removing previous cached files ... rather odd. Has not happened anywhere before.

Thank you kindly for that one upside head! Everything was running so smoothly I forgot what to do when things go bad.

White Screen of death
  • 2005/5/9 19:01

  • rocket98

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  • Since: 2004/6/2 2


My website URL has been running flawlessly under for a few weeks, months.

This morning (my biological clock) I decided to add a couple of links to the head section in theme to link to some other content in my domain space. I added the links and saved files now front page is blank. hmmmm

I could not get the changes to appear so I removed cached template_c content and switched on "Update module template .html files". No effect.

Still no good. I can't see any problems in theme.html. Admin section now seems to be broken as well. I have a few modules installed they are now gone. All I have is "System Admin" icon nothing else. If I go to view installed modules there are all there but they do not appear in main control panel.

Any advice appreciated.

Re: Lost user menu and can't log in at all!!
  • 2005/1/25 8:36

  • rocket98

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  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2004/6/2 2

Maybe cookies are broken.

Have you tried


You site user name, in xoops, is affected by changes only you should make via system admin -> user. You must be logged in as admin to affect those changes.

Unless you have given your web host access to your XOOPS system via "your" XOOPS id and pass they should not be able to change that information.


Re: Where is the MyPage module
  • 2005/1/25 8:28

  • rocket98

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  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2004/6/2 2

Look in menu section, page wrap just below that one.





Re: help? via hosted site
  • 2005/1/25 7:31

  • rocket98

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  • Since: 2004/6/2 2

Why not go out into ISP land and find a good Unix/Linus ISP that can host xoops. It's actually very inexpensive to get on board with a good ISP these days.

For about the cost of a Starbucks Latte or a Subway foot long once a month. You can find a good quality reputable ISP which would support what you need to run XOOPS and more. Focus on storage, bandwidth and look for needed components to run xoops. mySQL and PHP which are probably installed on just about any Unix/Linux based hosting company. Don't go to local cable like Cox or DSL suppliers (telephone) they tend to be TV and DSL companies not full fledged internet hosts (no software just html web space and email gateway).

You can easily find a ISP that will give you 1GB storage, and 50GB monthly bandwidth (rollover) for $7.95USD, or less a month. Most of the better ones also have reduced pricing on 12/24/36 month packages.

Trying to find something (html based) that will do what XOOPS does is a pretty big job, and even if there was something it would never be comparable. Besides XOOPS there are CGI (Perl) based apps that do Content Management/Portal style, but the good ones require some Perl background or cost a good dollar.

Just some thoughts on the subject


Re: RSS News Block
  • 2005/1/25 6:27

  • rocket98

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  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2004/6/2 2


I was reading this thread, and realized it's not a good idea to drink and drive.

I ripped a bunch of stuff out of theme then styled it up by adjusting leftColumn, centerColumn, rightColumn then adding borders. So color can be added back to blockheaders like a normal XOOPS theme would look, etc.. I also removed centerLeft and centerRight but may put them back in. You can also easily add color to any column by adjusting the theme style, and style up the newsfeeds by adjusting /modules/xmline/includes/xmline.css

You can easily do this with any stock 3 column theme including that which ships as default with xoops.

If you want to move columns around. It's pretty evident what does what most themes are commented. Just move center column where left should be. Move left column where center was and right column remains in original position.
Is this your site? URL

If it is one reason it is going so slow would be your setup and how you go out and poll those RSS feeds everytime the homepage opens instead of loading feeds and hanging onto them for a few hours in a cache. Notice how fast your (headlines0) xhld page loads... it's caches for however long you want the cache to live (xhld prefs). xmline works the same way. So it you pull the feed every 4 hours it's cached and quick to appear on the screen.

On servicelance I update about 4 - 6 times per day. Some of those feeds have not changed since last week others get content added every hour or two. My site gets light traffic... the xhld modules (running 4) update when the user clicks the link in main menu that way data is fresh. Sometimes this might even take 30-40 seconds to open. xmline by the way it is setup allows users too update any feed by clicking a link whenever they like. There are about 50 feeds coming into the site now, a overall update takes about 2 minutes, but this really depends on time of day and net traffic.

Happy Reading!


Re: RSS News Block
  • 2005/1/20 0:50

  • rocket98

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2004/6/2 2

Cool baby

Have fun!


p.s. i did not know trying to help someone was a pissing contest

Re: RSS News Block
  • 2005/1/19 22:44

  • rocket98

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2004/6/2 2

No not at all they are two different animals. I re-read what I said about Drupal and wrote in wrong context.

I should have said something like this:

Using Drupal with rss feeds is very good because it has built in aggregation. Based on that aggregation feature in Drupal it's very easy to set up a content rich site that retains the incoming data. Retention is good and produces hundreds or thousands of links in SE's to popularize your web site. As opposed to XOOPS and any combination of modules like xmline or xhld whose sole purpose is too display rss feeds for the moment they are available and no longer AFAIK.

A product called reblog which I mentioned in an earlier post is a well thought out Open Source piece that has a excellent feature set for what it is. If someone could "grab the bull by the horns" and then build something, a module, to pull reblog content into XOOPS and store it via a user defined category system... that would be great and XOOPS would be a step further ahead of other similar CMS systems.

Sorry to confuse you in my earlier posts council hope this helps clear it up a bit.

And I won't talk about other products anymore and when i can help it. I'll try to keep it to a line or two of XOOPS help. but reblog man... that's where it's at.


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