Re: How to improve WF - Sections - more fields please
  • 2003/12/8 2:02

  • feral1

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  • Since: 2003/10/13

One other thing...

I mentioned above it would be nice to have a field for publication, and another for author/s

Ideally, there should be a feature to add frequrently appearing publicatioons and authors to self-defined pull-down lists, so the editor would always use consistent terms.

Re: How to improve WF - Sections - more fields please
  • 2003/12/8 0:54

  • feral1

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  • Posts: 20

  • Since: 2003/10/13


If this topic is still open for discussion, I've got a request or two for the next (I hope!) version of WF-Sections.

First, I want to say it's a great mod! Thanks to the original author and to Catz who I understand updated it this year.

I find it useful as a place to store what I call 'Reference Articles' on the main XOOPS site I run. It has more fields than the regular 'News' module, so I can, for example, include the hyperlink and title of the origional source. Very nice.

But - there are still not quite enough fields for perfection. Most importantly, I'd liker a 'date of publication' field separate from a 'date posted/updated' field - and I'd like to be able to sort on category pages by date of publicatioon as well as date posted. It would slao be nice to have blocks for both 'most recently posted' and 'most recently published'.

Ideally, I'd like extra fields for author/s (eg. 'Mr. Boris Mann') and publication source (eg. New York Times').

I'm also having problems with the display of pages in WF-Sections, but that's a separate issue (although I would still love some help figuring out a fix).

On the main page at http://physics911.org/net/modules/wfsection/ , the table does not resize to the page width on all the borwsers I use to view it - although it does in the category pages ( eg. http://physics911.org/net/modules/wfsection/index.php?category=3 ).

I'm b******* if I can figure out why and how to fix it.

Any suggestions?

Re: Best way to use Groups feature?
  • 2003/12/1 18:15

  • feral1

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  • Since: 2003/10/13

Thanks to you both for your answers.

It's helped clarify things for me.

Re: Capacity of Xoops?
  • 2003/12/1 18:08

  • feral1

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I don't know the theoretical limits, but can say that the XOOPS site I run came close to 1000 simultaneous visitors on a hadful of occasions (assuming the Statistics module is working correctly). It seemed to cope fine.

I'm also interested in an answer on the registered users limit - I'd assumed any ceiling would be high...

Re: Best way to use Groups feature?
  • 2003/11/25 10:22

  • feral1

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  • Since: 2003/10/13

I personally created a moderators group so that I could assign people to moderate my forums but they aren't allowed to have module admin rights to anything else.


So, when you created that Moderators group, did you create a group with just those extra moderating rights and no others - then add moderators to that group?

Or - did you create the Moderators group with ALL the privileges you want for them (including the basic registered users' privileges) - then remove those individuals from the group Registered Users and add them tio the new group Moderators?

That's the difference I'm trying to get at.

It's possible that both strategies work OK.

But I wanted to find out if there's a recommended choice of solutions, and why.

Best way to use Groups feature?
  • 2003/11/23 19:38

  • feral1

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  • Since: 2003/10/13

I couldn't find anything on this topic, but please refer me to it if this is covered elsewhere.

I want to ask a question about the best way to use Groups, if, like me, you need to implement a fairly complex group structure.

An example.

Suppose I wanted 5 levels of access:

(A) Guest
(B) Registered User
(C) User-Plus
(D) Moderator
(E) Admin

B would have access to more modules and capabilities than A. C would have all of B's access plus more. D would have all of C's access, plus specified moderating rights - but does NOT need to see several blocks visible to A, B and C. E has admin rights to everything (but also doesnt need to see certain blocks visible to A, B & C).

How's it best to set that up?

It occurs to me that Groups can be used like building blocks - or one can take a different approach and specify everything for a given group.

This is because one can either take the approach that a given user is potentially a member of several groups - or decide that users are members of a single group only.

Which approach do other XOOPS Webmasters/Webmistresses generally take?

To clarify this by reference to the example above, under the first approach members of C would need to be members of two groups. Under the second one, they'd only be members of C.

Re: Post your feature requests for the newBB
  • 2003/11/23 19:07

  • feral1

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  • Since: 2003/10/13

First I'd like to say I think newbb is a great board. Kudos and thanks to the developers.

A few things which I think could be improved, in no special order of importance...

First. I don't think the threading arrangements are as clear as they could be. It's not really obvious to many people when they click 'reply' exactly what they're replying to.

Maybe there could be an option so the initial post in a thread could have a separate 'reply' button, so one could label the intiial reply button something like 'reply to this thread' and other buttons 'reply to this comment'.

Second. I'd like to have a forum in which some sections are open to the public and others are open only to specific groups. I'd like matching search arrangements (that is, guests, when searching, wouldn't see references to material in forums they can't access).

Third, I'd like to be able to make more than one instance of newbb on the site (I gather this may be a standard feature in future XOOPS core modules?)

I'd also like a better PM system, which kept records of old incoming and outgoing correspondence unless the user requests material is deleted (this is perhaps not specifcally a forum issue?)

Finally, I found that pasting MS word documents into a post crashes the program pccasionally (OK, that's a bug fix I guess, but I mention it for the sake of completeness).

What I like a lot about newbb are its speed, integration with XOOPS as a whole, superb notifications system - please keep up the great work, it is appreciated!

Re: Making second instances of modules - newbb in particular
  • 2003/11/11 11:28

  • feral1

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Thanks Catzwolf

That sounds like a great addition to the XOOPS module setup.

Any idea how long off? Weeks, months...?

Thanks also gruessle.

I did register and download the newbb2 module at petitxoops as suggested.

It didn't unpack properly for me. I'm waiting to hear from the software author.

Re: news module preferences not upgraded properly
  • 2003/11/8 6:10

  • feral1

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Sorry to be dense, but I have a site which began at 2.03 and has been upgraded to 2.05

What precise steps should I take to upgrade this aspect of my site so the notifications set-up is as it should be?

Re: piCal problem
  • 2003/11/8 5:34

  • feral1

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  • Since: 2003/10/13

That's fine, but my site has users in many timezones, and I'd like to make it easy for them to post.

Ideally, I thin, for my site, when entering a calendar event, users should be able to select the correct time-zone at that time. The site should then be able to make adjustments based on the (known) server time zone.

The calendar should then display the event at the correct time for the event, in whichever locality it occurs. As an extra neat feature, it should show the equivalent in universal time (GMT) and in the local time of the viewer.

When these events are listed sequentially in a row (as opposed to displayed singly) they should appear in the correct date order based on universal time.

Now, of course, those are a lot of asks - and I haven't a clue how to implement them. So just take this as a wish list from a guy who knows what he wants but hasn't a clue how to do it.

Re current bugs... It's a fast moving field because the author has brought out several fixes quickly...

I've had some strange compatibility problems with the module. Notably, if I include a a piCal side panel on the same page as the sections module (main content), the sections page is blank. Once I figured this out, I could remedy the problem easily by not including the piCal side panel on sections pages - but it seems to be a bug...

Also, in the most recent version (.0.4) _MB_PICAL_JUMP appears on the form button. Someone has already spotted that - see http://www.peak.ne.jp/xoops/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=13&forum=1#forumpost48 )

There also seem to be a few issues to resolve with side blocks provided. For instance, I find the MiniCal side panel has some quirks. If there's nothing listed for today, and one clicks on 'Today', it returns to the main Home Page completely outside the calendar. That seems odd. Ideally, I believe, the side block should read either "Today - None" or "Today - View", depending on whether there's content to display.

All in all a great module - kudos to the author!

Would love to have these remaining problems sorted.

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