Moderation queues on posting and registration - check new posts before they become publicly viewable and new registrants before they can post.
User email notification of answered posts
Templates - Administrators can edit the design of their board by using the comprehensive templates system like vB.
Better user profiles, see vB (editable by user)
Unlimited number of moderators per forum
Mark all forums read.
User profile and info icons in posts. See
http://politicsforum.comA real PM system. See vB/IPB or one of the free PM systems available.
A real profile feature rich with options. One browse of the vB user cp should make the point.
Show last post title in forum on index page just above the last poster's name.
A far better default template, perhaps a few nice ones.
Fix the glossary images at the bottom so they are not one under another wasting space and looking out of place. make them on the same line, next to each other.
Separate archiveing system for forum.
Link to admin at bottom of forum and link to mod cp as well and link to archive.
PM Ignore list. allow users to place other users on ignore list and users on ignore list should not be able to see the profile, posts or even contact the other user who put him on ignore list.
User on ignor list should not be able to reply/post in a thread started by a person on whos ingnore list he/she is.
More admin features. See vB3 admin. maintenace features, pruning features, comprehensive user search features, email individual users ability and by group etc.
Import script to import from other BBs like vB3, IPB, and phpBB
There are more but I get the feeling I am wasting my time as it is.