jdseymour wrote:
I doubt very much it would be possible. But eventually you will have to ban all countries because there is bad, mixed with the good, everywhere. Part of a webmasters job is keeping up with security, staying up to date with patches and so on.
I realize that there are always going to be a few bad mixed in with good everywhere. The fact remains, that there are certain areas in the world that are currently hot spots, that are responsible for taking down 100's of websites a day. Even Microsoft has been hacked/defaced. Just take a look at
http://www.zone-h.org/ If this trend continues, I can see ISP's cutting off these hot spots, and turning that areas internet into an intranet
I realize that it's a webmasters job to keep on top of patches. All it takes is one small hole in one module, to take your whole site down. Even if your front end is tight, you can always be rearended if your host is exploited.
It would seem to me, a smart webmaster would lessen the risk of his site being exploited, by cutting off the hot zones.