Forum Blank Page Issue 4 Some
  • 2009/1/6 5:51

  • krauh

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  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2005/2/25

My site is using 2.3.1 rc and cbb3.08 and I have had several email from people saying they can not view the forum.I've never had a problem viewing it and a few members who post have not complained about it but there have been a few emails sent to me by members of my site saying that they only get a blank page when trying to view the forum.

Anybody else having this problem?
How do you fix it?

I'm thinking its a browser issue but Im supposedly using the worst in the world IE lol.

Well any help would be appreciated.
I'm clueless on this one.

Do you see a blank page?
Possible White Page Wonder <--- Click here

and please lay off the flash banners.I'm cursed with dialup. 8P

Re: Contact Us module v1 for 2.3 with captcha
  • 2008/11/21 5:13

  • krauh

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  • Since: 2005/2/25

Am Contact seems to work

Dunno about the v1 module

Re: problem in newbb after upgrade to xoops 2.3.1
  • 2008/11/21 5:04

  • krauh

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  • Since: 2005/2/25

I had newbb 3.08 installed on my site when I upgraded.
Noticed after I update newb module in admin recent post had disappeared.So I went to the module and hit the sync button hoping it would find them.

It totally lied to me and deleted every post instead so I think you guys are on the right track here.Don't update newbb in modules admin or hit the sync forum button in the newbb module.

About all I can say.
I'd like to test out the hack but my members will disown me if I delete their posts again lol.

Re: Not everyone can send PMs
  • 2008/11/21 4:24

  • krauh

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Sounds like the permissions for the "private messages" module are set wrong.

Check the settings in group permissions for registered users having access to the private message module and user profile.If those are invisible or unchecked to users they cant use them.

I tried to hide those in the main menu on my site cause it seemed kinda repetitious to have them in the user menu under one name and using another name in the main menu serving the same purpose but people started complaining fairly quickly so I had to let it be.I might hook up the multimenu module sometime and try to make it look better.

Re: Issues with MediaWiki
  • 2008/11/8 16:52

  • krauh

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To get out of mediawiki mode you click the logo and that switches back to your original site view.It does seem that there would be a link like the one that says :swith to mediawiki mode somewhere in mediawiki mode to get you back to where you began.The logo works tho,Just doesnt inform you that it does.

I've also noticed the search between the XOOPS search and the search in mediawiki don't return the same results or as many for the same terms.

I just installed it last week on my site and got it working but Im pretty much a newb to using wikis but I like this module.Prompted to add it to my site because half the time when you do a search through an engine wiki sites seem to be taking top rank lately but do to the search difference I'm thinking it may not carry much relevance to the search engines as they may not find the information as easily.

Overall though I think it a great module with a ton of potential and I believe the person who made this module is still planning to make improvement as it hasn't been listed as a final version.

Looking forward to its future

Re: how do you install jseffects
  • 2008/10/16 16:05

  • krauh

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My site seems to be experiencing problems today.I recently (last week) updated my site to the latest 2.3.1. and my hosting company recently moved me to a new server.It was all working fine till last night.

Anyways I can get to the main index.php of the site but any module that i try to access as a normal site visitor from there (ie newbb,myalbum,all) ends up giving me this message "The module does not exist" on the page that should show the forum or other.

I checked the error logs on my hosting account and it says:File does not exist: /home/users/xxxx/www/northernmichiganupdate.com/jseffects

Not sure where it went or if it ever had this file.Don't see it in the site file packages or update packages.Where can I find it or where can i get this file so I can get it on my server and the site working again?

Re: All users can delete any post in my forum - bad!!
  • 2008/10/10 4:24

  • krauh

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I had that problem last year with cbb/newbb.If I put people into more than 2 groups they received admin rights to the whole site for some reason or at least it lighted up their names at the bottom of the forum as if they were admins.Luckily none of them noticed before I did.Why does it happen no idea.Don't put people in more than 2 groups tho.I didn't ask anyone if they could access the backend to see if they really had admin rights tho.

Headline News Module - Using Voxant
  • 2008/8/9 18:04

  • krauh

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  • Since: 2005/2/25

Anyone have any interest, other than me, in creating a headline news module that would allow you to easily embed Voxant Newsroom feeds into XOOPS sites?

I currently use this on my site but its not a module as I would like it to be.

It would require an account with Voxant which is free and easy to set up.Then you would take the embed code given on the Voxant site and paste it into your module form to create your page.Sounds simple but have no idea how to do this,not a coder.It would be cool if it allowed you to embed other codes on that page during creation or to edit later to include codes such as Adsense or whatever per page to get more variety or throughout the entire module.

Voxant seems pretty neat as it has video news players as well as the option to view news as text.It would be nice to give people the option somehow as to what format they would like to view.Not everyone has highspeed 8(. They do advertise through the players they use for the news that is displayed and pay for views though I haven't had enough to get a check but that doesnt matter so much as it freely embeded headline news that others can also freely embed on blogs and other websites.

Anyways I think it would be cool if we had a module that made it easy to use.
The closest I've come is to just use the blankpage module and put the info in the page.I could see this being a useful content type module even if you took Voxant out of the picture itself and just made a module that allowed you to add thing like this anyways.I used voxant cause that is what I would use it for at this time but I could also see it used for other things also.

I'll let yas pick on how I used it but it was the best I could come up with at the time.A video news player by voxant will load on this page eventually,take a bit on dial up.It'd be nice to incorporate something to keep folks entertained while the player loads.But....

My Sad Attempt To Twist Your Arm

It would be nice if it was a module by itself that would give the viewer the option of viewing text or video and listing the categories in a sub menu on the left side while in the possible future module if someone became inclined to make it.

Anyways, Just XOOPS it! Please

Re: Internet Explorer - operation aborted on homepage
  • 2008/8/2 16:09

  • krauh

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I had another test site set up and it was doing the same thing last night.
I just downloaded and installed windows service pack 3 from windows update and now everything is working again.

I was only getting this error on the homepages of these XOOPS sites that are running 2.018.1 with windows svc pack 2.After downloading svc pack 3 they are working again.

Why don't they make the error direct people to windows update?Jerks.
I would assume many of the people visiting my site have not downloaded svc pack 3.To bad there wasn't a way to let them know.Although its probably decked out for homeland security Resized Image

Internet Explorer - operation aborted on homepage
  • 2008/8/2 15:48

  • krauh

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  • Since: 2005/2/25

This just started happening on my websites homepage yesterday,using 2.018.1.When I try to go to the homepage internet explorer displays the logo and banner rotator then it pops an error that says,"Internet Explorer Can not display "Website Address" Operation Aborted."

However I was able to view pretty much any other page on the site by going directly to the page url and then that section would show up where other blocks were used on these pages.

To get the hompage to display I had to remove every center block then it would render the page without that dreadful IE error.Why does it render all the other pages just fine?They have blocks on them and aren't creating this popup and the block I was trying to display on the homepage was nothing flashy and worked just fine earlier yesterday.

Anyone understand what the deal is?

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