Today finally we have launched the XOOPS Mexican Support website, this website tries to be the place of encounter of the community of XOOPS users in Mexico and all hispanic world. We are in the domain where you can enter and find all type of help with the other users.
TinyContent is now available in version 1.4. You can get it in the download area of this site. This version of tinycontent utilizes Xoops 2.0.5 functions and so it doesn't work with older Xoops versions!!
New Features: - Deactivation of Linebreak Conversion possible, so there is no longer white...
The premier website ranking service for CMS Webmasters, was created so that webmasters who use Content Management System software, such as XOOPS, phpNuke, phpWebsite, and others, could have a place to go to create a mini-web of links for their websites. This helps to boost link...
vFBL is a Virtual Railway System using Microsoft's Train Simulator. It has been running XOOPS since 1st May 2003 with no major problems. Login using test1 with a password test1
In case you don't check the Modules/Themes area often, I thought I'd mention my new theme...
It's the zContent theme. It's a modification of the Gold theme, which I really liked. zContent is a simple CMS I am making, and this theme is modeled after it.
I just wanted to announce the creation of this 2 websites with xoops 2.0.5 and to say that I'm available to do professional sites to anyone interested:
Than take a closer look at TSW [The Saint WAMP] released this weekend at localfoo:info. This is a WAMP-Installer with all required features to run XOOPS (e.g. as a local copy of your live-page).
It is shipped with a two-instance apache2 (one for controlling the entire server). Support for several...
The first theme I downloaded, after installing Xoops, was the Gold theme from ArchSilver is based on that theme. The theme was originally a PHPNuke theme from, BlackW, that I modified into ArchBlackW. I converted the modified ArchBlackW into...
Finally I have finished translating to the Spanish the files of the piCal module, an excellent calendar and organizer for xoops, You you can download HERE the files, to obtain support in Spanish visit Xoops Mexico, the community of users of xoops in Mexico on