After much delay an initial version of Brezina's homepage went online at last. The site is currently German only, but there are among many other languages also English prints of his book available.
Xoops has been hacked to allow for a different theme per "section". That means each of Brezina's...
I'm very happy to announce our website Paradisblanc . This is our first web site made with xoops. It's a vietnamese site. Open to the public since 12/21/2003. Thanks and visit us... Also thank to the Xoops Team
All American Patriots is a non-partison American political news, history and government information resource providing political, judicial and military news, history, presidential and other political biographies, political polls,...
[size=x-large]WOX Newsletter[/size](World of Xoops!)
In this issue: 1. Herko's Word 2. Site of the Month 3. YAXS - New Sites Using Xoops2! 4. New Modules 5. New Themes 6. New Hacks 7. Call to Action! 8. WOX Logo 9. Xoops Tip of the Month
For v4.0 of, we decided to use Xoops for the first time. After a lot of playing around, it's finally finished!! is a mainly musical concept influenced by the Techno, Hip-hop, Drum & Bass and Electro scenes.
So check it out and let us know what you think about it
This is an updated version of my Internet Explorer 5.X CSS functions.php hack from version, and is for use with Xoops version 2.0.6. What this modified functions.php file does is separate pre Internet Explorer 6 browsers from the post Internet Explorer 6 browsers. When a visitor with pre...
XOOPS Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.0.6. It includes numerous bug fixes reported since the 2.0.5 release and important security related fixes that address cross site scripting vulnerability in the newbb module reported recently therefore it is highly recommended that all...
Our Xoops site is a multi-use personal site that contains for forums about parenting, relationships, dieting, and computing. Please visit PurpleLadyLand and let us know what you think!
We are pleased to announce the birth of The site is dedicated to all people in Sweden (and of course outside Sweden as well) that enjoy the Beatles era. We believe that Beatles had so much more to give us than just good records. We strongly believe...
Believe the Unbelievable We are online and from 1 week we use Xoops...and we believe that Xoops is the best! Join my Xoops Community (DeadGoose Organization): at section .: Login! Register! Join Us! Many Downloads for everibody ... Thanks for your...
Here in Japan. XOOPS gets some major press in Linux World Magazine March 2004. There was a 20 page spread about how to install XOOPS on a Linux box. Here is a scan of the magazine cover.