Xoops conversion of previous html contents is still in progress and i am still working on layout, but about 90% of work has been done, and i am very happy of the results...
SeeTheGlobe.com is a site where you can compare flight, hotel, car and vacation prices at online booking sites. You are welcome to read travel reviews and blogs. There is also a quality travel video selection. Five percent of profits from the site will go to a charitable instituition that gets...
I'm happy to announce the download of the actual theme from http://studiocreativ.de which should be an example theme for a small company site. It's a very simple and easy layout which uses only css for positioning things. The download contains of the themefolder and a docfolder in which you will...
247.gamesonline.ch is now back online. As might know, we where offline for a short time to rearrange our site. Now since that, we have new features includes… such as a picture gallery. For Clan Member up to 10MB.
Intense-Network.com have released a new theme called nintendo. This theme as you have probably guessed it is purple and was made because of the DS just coming out. Please download the theme here and preview it here. You must be registered to download.
The WebMailFX Team is proud to announce the release of version RC2 of WebmailFX. Lot of bugs have been fixed in this version and a lot of new features have been added.
An alternative and additional site for the German XOOPS support (myxoops), opened and administrated by the former myxoops-administrator Briese. XOOPS-city.de is meant as addition and enrichment for the German XOOPS world.
I started a humor magazine at my High School. I've just opened the website for the magazine, at http://www.bhsjester.com While a bit of it may be esoteric to students at my school, I think it's great humor and should be read by ALL! Also, any feedback/suggestions on XOOPS implementation or...