XOOPS Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.0.9 final (not beta or RC). We have made a number of important fixes including patches for security bugs recently found in the newbb module. Therefore we encourage everyone to update to this version as soon as possible.
XOOPS is expanding fast, with many modules being written by people with various degrees of experience with developing xoops modules. Some use clean and lean code, some have many features but are slower. XOOPS development is of course a learning process, and to help decrease the learning curve,...
XOOPS&DESIGN(Xoops.hsyong.com) is a Chinese site based on XOOPS. Utilising the super expandability and compatibility. this site also attempts to do some designs and experimental researches on themes. We are prepared to share the joys from XOOPS with more friends around.
The Sonic Gurus, an established British Asian Underground Music group has just launched its website at sonikgurus.com, using Xoops and several excellent Xoops modules.
Visit our site and vote for us at the British Asian Music Awards (BRAMAS) website (details can be found on our news...
On December 24th the XOOPS.org server will be taken offline for maitenance. With some luck they will only be offline for a few minutes. This means that the following sites will be unavailable during this time:
you all remember the first trial of an XOOPS Shop module ( XOSC Beta 0.1 from Michael Baecker and Beta 0.2 with my update to the osCommerce Version 2 MS2 )
Now i found back to this project and start it again with different goal:
Based on the Natal theme (thanks). Poink will be launched jan 15th., as soon as everything is ready to roll I'll release the theme in another colour without poink logo...
The FOSDEM Team put out a call for Presence at the next FOSDEM meeting that will be held feb 26-28 2005 in Brussels, Belgium. Dries of the Drupal Developers Team suggested we'd collaborate on this and get a CMS Developer Room and Booth there. I was thinking that this could be a good place to...
I recently setup this site for a church in the area. They originally came to me for a Frontpage site(EEK!), which is interesting, since I don't sully OOPSoops, and a custom theme by the beautiful and mysterious Goran(http://www.7dana.com).
XOOPS nailed the account and Goran, as usual, nailed the...