SmartClone is a module that will clone with 2 clicks any module that is developed as clonable! It works with a plugin system so any module developer can create a plugin for its module and allow SmartClone to painlessly clone it!
There are certain requirements for a module to be clonable, among...
After just released beta version 1.38.6 we continue with the development of the module, adding features that were already planned for some time that solve problems with entering the decimal version of the string, and other errors due to old code, such as:
XOOPS is built on top of a Core framework, which provides a set of of specification for routines, data structures, object classes, and variables. At the center of the Core is the object...
I'm very glad to inform you that there are new updates for Common Utilities and xThemes available for direct download since Xoops México or trough the rmcommon integrated update system. Details below:[size=x-large]Common Utilities RC[/size] Common Utilities is a new Module/Framework...
This is an RC release, please do not use it on a production site!
Mylinks is a XOOPS module that allows an administrator to create a series of website links. The module provides the ability for other users to submit sites for inclusion in the list which can be monitored by the administrator and...
As you might already know, there is an effort to standardize our module development - from using the same module Admin GUI structure, to using the same icons across all modules, from using the same pagination structure for each table, to naming the tables and fields in a consistent way (see this...
Xortify is a network security drone that uses Web 2.0 techniques to link between your XOOPS installs and other via a Server Cloud. This will prevent security intrusions to your xoops with accurate deceptive notation of the intruder and prevent any farmed attacks. It is an accessory and required...
wishcraft 02-Mar-2013 06:45 6051 reads No comments
X-REST 1.60 is a REST API for XOOPS 2.x series. It will work with earlier version of xoops as well upto XOOPS 2.5. It provides a full REST API with JSON, XML and Serialisation Responses. It uses the standard plugin set for the other APIs as well as this one to provide a streamlined solution to...