Co-ownerships and XOOPS ?

marcan  13-Apr-2004 17:39  1495 reads   6 Comment(s) 
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As the topic's title says : Yet Another XOOPS Site is born !

CondoLegal.com is a web site that propose information on co-ownerships in Quebec.

Registered users automatically get notified of new updates and are allowed to ask a question to a professionnal who will answer them by email. The...

The BnB Fanstie, A XOOPS site

karuna  13-Apr-2004 06:38  2050 reads   3 Comment(s) 
A XOOPS site about the online-game BnB.


Xoops & Education

JMorris  13-Apr-2004 04:25  1817 reads   1 comment 
The CITCS Study Group is a site published for the benefit of the student body attending West Virginia University - Parkersburg who are enrolled in the Computer Information Technologies and Computer Sciences curricula.

Link: http://citcs.pkbcs.com/modules/news/

I chose to migrate the old phpBB...

The Edward Said Archive, A XOOPS site

haisam  12-Apr-2004 21:24  3374 reads   1 comment 
The Edward Said Archive, A XOOPS site


ArabAmerican.Net a XOOPS site

haisam  12-Apr-2004 21:24  3281 reads   1 comment 

New Site

tjnemez  08-Apr-2004 18:11  1850 reads   8 Comment(s) 
I have been using the Xoops system for about 8 months now. In this time I have changed my theme countless times. Through this process I have learned how to do some of my own coding in terms of Themes and Style Sheets.

I have created a couple of my own themes and while my knowledge of the above...

Mi Guanajuato - Relaunched

cmagana  08-Apr-2004 06:42  2387 reads   6 Comment(s) 
Mi Guanajuato: I have relaunched MiGuanajuato.com website, this a Regional Portal from Guanajuato México, in this version I have included a hacked version of xoops with news modules that I have made like newsletter (boletin), movies listings (cartelera), Users directory (usuarios), Coupons...

French Xoops Newsletter #2

hervet  05-Apr-2004 21:13  3893 reads   No comments 

La deuxiéme édition de la lettre d'informations des sites francoXoops vient de paraitre. Rendez vous à cette adresse


The second edition of the french XoopsLetter is out. You can read it here

chillout.org.uk :: a XOOPS implementation with mostly ...

simonvl  04-Apr-2004 11:51  2326 reads   4 Comment(s) 
I am using XOOPS 2.06 for a new site (not finished yet) at http://www.chillout.org.uk.
It is an information site and has members-only access to downloading documents supporting massage courses run by the society.

As the intended visitors to the site will not require full portal-style...

CraftsOnline South Africa goes live

riaanvdb  03-Apr-2004 17:59  1730 reads   2 Comment(s) 
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CraftsOnline is dedicated towards the crafters community and aims to become the portal of choice for all crafting queries in South Africa.

The site has been running from February 2004 and some of the things we do is to visit different crafting events in South Africa, take photos and encourage...

FnGeeks.net Joins the Xoops Community

docvego  02-Apr-2004 19:18  4273 reads   4 Comment(s) 
FnGeeks.net is a geek culture community site that has been in operation since Oct 2001. With our recent growth we decided to make the jump from acting as a simple phpbb website to a full blown xoops portal. I look forward to your comments.

Musical Portal in Hungary

bordacs  30-Mar-2004 20:00  2135 reads   4 Comment(s) 
This is my first musical portal with xoops. The next will arrive soon.
Full of music, hacked modules etc. The music is not mine, if you don't like it, I could agree
The design is for the owner, to make more attention

Anyway it was a big problem solving project.



Eton Acadmey Staging Server with Custom Theme

jmass  30-Mar-2004 00:52  1839 reads   3 Comment(s) 
Out of the Box Solutions, Inc. is in the process of creating a new website for Eton Academy based on Xoops. The staging server is at:


Please feel free to visit and tell me what you think.

BTW: There is a demo of my work in progress "OBS Client System" at this site.


[minus.driven] goes Xoops again!

DrClaw  29-Mar-2004 09:34  3482 reads   No comments 
minusdriven.com is dedicated to the band [minus.driver].
This is not my first Xoops site, however, I felt that the Xoops system was perfect for the content I wanted to include. My vision for the site was to have an interactive community of fans in which the members of the site could play an...

The Worcester Men of Song Barbershop Chorus

dreamgear  18-Mar-2004 15:41  3491 reads   No comments 
This is the sixth Xoops site I've done, and after the work that went into it I thought I should share it with you.


I'm the Marketing and P.R. guy for a Barbershop Chorus in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA and I thought what better way to build an on line-presence than...
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