Then why use XOOPS?
Because I can integrate everything in one shell without having to find separate scripts and customise them all:
-Content sections
-Picture Gallery
-Mailing list
-Downloads section
-Global membership/permissions system
The availability of XOOPS modules doing just about anything and the community supporting them is so good I decided to go for XOOPS over any other CMS.
To customise the site adequately for my purposes, I have had to do various hacks of the modules I used. Here is a list of modules used...
I modified iMenu to be able to set some of the menu items as submenus.
See post detailing the hack. If anyone can help me complete this, I would be very grateful...
Modified the script to show the results without the search form.
See method by ChapiContact Us index.php
Modified to allow it to receive the email address via a POST variable from a hidden form element so that the default form uses the info@ email address and so that userinfo.php can send emails through this script.
Heavily modified this to provide a contact form (which then posts through modules/contact/index.php) for every committee member, contact manager admin etc. which automatically send contact info to the user's email address. It still shows the default info for other members, however.
See post in hack forum.The following were used as they came due to being more suitable or installable than their competitors!
- PiCal
- WfChannel
- Articles
- Xmail
- Xtremguestbook
- Spotlight
- News (only for spotlight contents really)
- Forum and polls may be used for feedback from members
Wow, I'm glad it's almost over. If anyone wants more info on how to do anything they see, just pm me here or contact me through the site.