regen_r8 wrote:
When the decision was made to separate the templates from the themes back in January, there should have been some thought to having the modules ship with some alternate templates.
This is precisely what I will be doing with most of the XOOPS Certified Modules (Think old "core" modules). It will also be the resposibility of the new Package team to assemble XOOPS site packages (incl. templates , modules, functions) to suit different needs. Basically we'll be starting with something like News site, Magazine site, community site, etc. The beauty of this is the modules, well the templates mostly, can be designed to suit the sites needs (eg, turning of read counts).
, but it would be nice to have the ability to switch such options off within the module administration.
Duly noted. Thanks.
At the moment I'm having to heavily customise my XOOPS installation to be suitable for the use I have in mind... although this does hold one major advantage - it won't look like "yet another XOOPS site" when it goes live!
My personal goal for XOOPS has always been to try as best as possible to seperate us from other "Nuke" looking sites. I've made a few minor suggestions to the core team that will greatly help the "skining" ability for XOOPS in the future. Skalpa was so kind as to put those in the next version and made a few improvements of his own, so stay tuned.