Re: gaining mass
  • 2006/6/12 18:40

  • Draven

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 337

  • Since: 2003/5/28

I'm afriad I've had multiple hard drive failures since the days when I actually still had those files. That site was almost 4 years old :)
Draven (a.k.a. Jay)

Re: gaining mass
  • 2006/6/12 18:10

  • Draven

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 337

  • Since: 2003/5/28

surprised to see my nic still floating around here. Anyways, to clear some thing up...

The gainaing-mass.com website of mine was handed over to a friend some time ago as I no longer had the time to maintain it. He eventually changed the site and my old design went to the big web garbage can. So no, that is no longer my website or design. I no longer have anything to do with gaining-mass.com.

As someone mentioned above, the fantasyfootball network of sites is still sporting a design of mine, though I'm no longer maintaining that network either so it may change eventually.

Draven (a.k.a. Jay)

Re: Feedback for FolsomLiving.com
  • 2005/4/21 22:17

  • Draven

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 337

  • Since: 2003/5/28

Hey builderb,

Site looks great, nice job!

I've been meaning to e-mail you. I'm going to be developing a similar style website for a local city here in Canada and was thinking perhaps we could collaberate on a few things.

I have a few "improvements" I'd like to make to your xdirectory and would be willing to share it all with you, and any new modules I develop for it, if you are interested. I think together would could makes some kick ass modules for these type of websites.

My e-mail is jason _a t_ Allairis.com

Again, great work!

Re: Xoops On Crack?
  • 2005/2/25 16:26

  • Draven

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 337

  • Since: 2003/5/28


brash wrote:
Have you looked at any themes by 7dana, StudioC, Incarma, Draven or any other of the other top designers? Personally I've never seen a Nuke theme that has left me gob smacked, they look good, but a tad dated for my tastes.

Thanks Brash,

Allairis.com offers professional custom theme development for Xoops, but at a cost. Please feel free to contact me if you are looking for a more professional theme. Much more than what you see on average here is possible with Xoops, just not for free.

Have a look at http://www.fantasybaseball.com. This site is still under development but utilizes a lot of the unique features of XOOPS and shows what it's caspable of.

Re: Left, Right, Left, Right, Left....
  • 2005/2/10 20:56

  • Draven

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 337

  • Since: 2003/5/28

Yes, you can. Open your theme.html file (located in /themes/default/ if you are using the default theme) and look for this chunk of code (highlighted red):

<table cellspacing="0">
td id="centerCcolumn" colspan="2">
item=block from=$xoops_ccblocks}>
          tr> <tr>
td id="centerLcolumn">

item=block from=$xoops_clblocks}>

            td><td id="centerRcolumn">

item=block from=$xoops_crblocks}>


Now since the default theme already shows the center columns above the center left and right columns, I assume you are using a different theme that has changed this part. Examine your theme.html file and move that chunk of code (or it's equivalent) to where you want it.

Re: A nooby has 2 questions
  • 2005/2/6 18:34

  • Draven

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 337

  • Since: 2003/5/28


Unfortunately there isn't currently a way to change the registration form (well, unless you want to hack the code). The devs are working to include this functionality in an upcoming version (not sure if it's going to be in 2.1).

As for a photo album, there are many great modules around for that. Check out the module repository. I personally like xcgallery (a port of coppermine).

Draven needs some help - shared users??
  • 2005/2/2 19:10

  • Draven

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 337

  • Since: 2003/5/28

Hey guys,

Well after an hour of sifting through the forums, and giving myself one heck of a headache, I'd like to ask if anyone knows of a shared user table hack. Not really a multi-site hack, but something where several sites, on different DB's, can share a global set of users and permissions.

I have a client which has 10 websites, all with different content but similar in context, that needs to be able to sell membership packages that give access to all sites. These packages would give access to content on each site not available to regular members.

Is anyone working on something like this? Perhaps we can team up if it is not yet complete. Is there maybe something out there I don't know about???

Any help would be great, thanks guys.

Re: Theme Design Q & A - Ask your questions here
  • 2005/1/28 17:57

  • Draven

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 337

  • Since: 2003/5/28

Hey guys, sorry for the delay in my response. The last few days have been really busy.

I'll answer your questions in detail when I get home tonight.

Re: Xcgallery - reg'd users cant upload to default categories?
  • 2005/1/25 17:47

  • Draven

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 337

  • Since: 2003/5/28

Play around with the module, you can give permissions to upload to any album you want.

Thanks for the kind words about my site

Re: Theme Design Q & A - Ask your questions here
  • 2005/1/24 22:01

  • Draven

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 337

  • Since: 2003/5/28


hyperpod wrote:
So how would you render it in XOOPS depending on if the right blocks exist?

the same way you always do, wrap the right include with the <{if $xoops_rblocks}> ... <{/if}>

But add the following to your center div insteads of the class=''...

<{if $xoops_rblocks}> class='tablecell two'<{else}> class='tablecell padtwo'<{/if}>

(1) 2 3 4 ... 26 »


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