Re: Are you making money with Xoops?
  • 2007/1/5 18:08

  • Djiman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 91

  • Since: 2006/7/26

With that clicking on your banner!!
The trick with Adsense!!

When you apply for adsense. Simple Do Not Subscribe with or thru the computer that you are using daily for that purpose.

Better go to a cafe somewhere to subscribe to adsense.

If one day by mistake or by curiosity you click the banner at home on your computer, then there will be little risak of being banned. the IP or whatever will be different.

[EDITED by vaughan to change text to lowercase]

Please in future do NOT POST IN UPPERCASE!!!

it is classed as shouting and is harder to read.. thanks.

Re: Are you making money with Xoops?
  • 2007/1/6 5:25

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

google ads is not satisfied me too but it may good for other sites.
my site has more than 1.5 million pages view and 40,000 unique visitors and get about 50 or 60 bucks monthly.
its about content i sure.i have only 10% of contents in english and its very important.more relevant contents you have more money you earned.

There are many other choices than Google ads

could you write some of those many?

Re: Are you making money with Xoops?
  • 2007/1/6 15:51

  • Djiman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 91

  • Since: 2006/7/26

- - I did not even realize that.
thanks to letting me know.

Re: Are you making money with Xoops?
  • 2007/1/6 19:10

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

One way to make money from web any site is to recognise that there are more ways to make money then just from AdSense. For example, on any site, you might be able to use all the following income-generating methods together:

-AdSense ads
-other contextual advertising ads, such as Chitika ads (which can be run alongside AdSense)
-Amazon.com affiliate links
-regular banner ads that people pay for
-text links to other sites which you manually implement on the site
-sponsored reviews or business profiles
-site memberships to access certain informations
-people can pay to access a daily/weekly newsletter

etc. etc.

There are all sorts of ways that you can make money from your web site...just pick up an existing magazine in your particular niche, and see what sort of things they are doing to advertise other businesses...

Re: Are you making money with Xoops?

howdy all,
I just wanted to chime in as noone seems to be thinking of "selling websites". All the revune you speak of is from vistors etc to a site. I currently run 2 sites using XOOPS and a make $1000 a year from each.($2000 /yr) One is for a quarter midget racing club and the other for a youth soccer org. The 1/4 midget site only runs 4 months a year lol so updates are minimal any other time. The soccer site runs 2 months then not then 2 months so really there isnt alot of updates for either.

Thanks for the chance to post -- I heard noone mention selling sites lol only making money off theirs. Soory -- I was thinking outside the box lol


I reject your reality -- and enter my own :0)

Re: Are you making money with Xoops?
  • 2007/1/21 15:10

  • awarrior

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2006/10/9

Oh I'll chip in too on this one. When I checked out the payment ratio to click thrus on google ads, I found it wasn't worth bothering with. Seems to me only google make money out of this and everybody that has google ads on their sites is just filling google pockets.

I would certainly go down the affiliate root, but only get affiliates that would match with what your site is about.

On my wedding site I only take on affiliates that would have products that would only interest someone getting married.

On my pet finder site, likewise I target getting affiliates that would have pet products or services. Also if your running the site on a freebie or donation basis, entice viewers nicely that by buying from your affiliate links is helping to keep your site going.

Don't take the blind affiliate root and just place affiliates for the sake of it, you won't earn a bean if what your promoting is totally different to your sites content.

Even then, don't expect fortunes out of it, do it right and you should be able to cover your hosting costs with a couple of pints down the pub on top.
I'm smarter than the average bear boo boo......

Re: Are you making money with Xoops?

Well, I run a few websites, mostly out of enjoyment of this as a hobby. However one of my sites that does not only cover its cost but makes a profit is one that charges a small MEMBERSHIP fee to gain posting access. Otherwise all aspects of my site are free to search, view post, read articles. And even ask a question on limited topics. Those interested in full interactive posting pay the fee.

It works best when you can find a nich market share to design your site for, something not everyone else is doing. If you have alot of competition, why would someone pay when they can usually find it free elsewhere.

Also, my most benficial cash flow is that I DONT USE ADSENSE but instead only allow advertisement from business that specifically helps my site uniqe needs. For that those limited banner ads (smartpartners) get listed in the sites directory (smartpartner module) and for that they pay a annual fee.

Hope that might help.....but again I also have other sites that don't make a penny and enjoy setting them up, and just seeing how they play out over time.
Helping each other with Knowledge

Re: Are you making money with Xoops?
  • 2007/1/21 19:19

  • preachur

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 525

  • Since: 2006/2/4 4

Most of my sites are nonprofit.... but the 4 new ones are now making a living for me. I am making about 2000 USD a week to set them up and convert the old .asp system over to xoops. Then we are going to develop 9 more as a local advertising and marketing network. We are going to combine XOOPS with an online and offline sports calendar/ press/ telemarketing campaign. The basis is free community sites and guides that have local themes. Only the advertisers will pay. I used to make thousands of dollars a day just selling ads on the sports calendars. I think that combining that with ads on a new local website network of free communities will be very profitable.
Magick can never be restrained, but when freely given is thrice regained!

Re: Are you making money with Xoops?

Adbrite works well for me.


Im not happy with AdSense

Re: Are you making money with Xoops?


Mithrandir wrote:
My Google ads have already generated $0.14 in only one month. By the end of the year, I will have enough for a pack of cigarettes.

(No, I am not impressed with Google's payment policies)

Here is the bright side of life: Google helps you to give up smoking

I have no complaints or comments about Google.


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