Re: efqDirectory
  • 2007/9/25 7:43

  • awarrior

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2006/10/9

Hi wtravel

Oh don't be embaressed about minor c**kups, to ERR is human and we all make mistakes. That always reminds me of when I get told by my bank that 'It's a computer error", they hate my reply when I say "No it's not, it's soppy prat on the keyboard error"

Well the add coupon page does now show when the option is clicked on, but as soon as I create and try to add a coupon to the listing, it then tells me I still have not got the permission to to do this and takes me back to the module index.

Also are the
files missing from the module

When creating a directory, it could do with a 'Sequence' field so that directories can be set in the order you want instead of the default alphabetical order

advertz_item_x_loc field. When I checked this in phpmyadmin I had a warning sign showing

More than one INDEX key was created for column `itemid`

This was concerning the lines in the table structure
KEY `loctypeid` (`itemid`),
KEY `loctypeid_2` (`itemid`)

Don't know if this can cause a problem, but thought I'd better let you know.

On the edit.php file

It does seem and from what I can remember from reading on the EFQDirectory site, that the main form was cut back to increase speed. I think that maybe by enabling a couple of the fields, like county and postcode would be an asset if like me. for putting a google map link on the listing page.

Now this one could be a major headache.... and I found this out by accident. Don't know whether you know about this.

The ability of creating extra fields is a fantastic ability to have, with custom forms being made for all types of Listings/Ads whatever. And with any outdated or old Listings/Ads being able to be deleted by the admin is great -BUT- when you think you have deleted a Listing/Ad via admin, has it really been deleted, well no.

Any images submitted will still remain in the uploads folder, so these will need manual deletion.

Any extra custom fields used in the Listing/Ad, the details entered in will remain in the database and will also need to be manually removed using phpmyadmin

The main problem will come if you take a fair turnover of Listings/Ads per week or so, how are you going to be able to control whats outdated and whats not, particularly if you have deleted the main Listing/Ad via admin. If you have several hundred to go through (we should all be so lucky) then you could end up with loads of outdated images taking up server space and loads of dead info slowing down the database.

This I think will be a major issue and cause for concern over a period of time with this module, it's 'achilles heel' so to speak. A Listing/Ad deletion by admin needs to be complete including any image and extra custom field details used.

I'm smarter than the average bear boo boo......

Re: efqDirectory
  • 2007/9/20 11:52

  • awarrior

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2006/10/9

Hi wtravel

Sorry for the delay in replying (I see Mamba is quicker off the mark than me).
Just had to make all possible tests until my eyelids broke both the matchsticks, while I disappeared into the land of ZzZz'ds for a few hours.

I have tried this with both Admin and a test user account, but still keep getting........
Sorry, you don't have the permission to access this area.
If the page does not automatically reload, please click here

I did notice there is reference in the coding to 'printcoupon.php' in the '\templates\efqdiralpha1_savings.html' file.
But upon checking through all the versions I have of efqdirectory, there is no 'printcoupon.php' file to be found, has it been accidently left out??


Also upon looking at the demo version you have online. I notice the listing descriptions also appear in the 'Latest Listings' and 'Category Listings' as well as the 'Main Listing'.

I can only get the description to show in the main listing. Now I'm not too bothered about that, but would certainly like to see a shortened description for the 'small listings' view, maybe up to 20 words, so you would have to view the full listing to get the whole listing details, like in the News modules. So when someone submits a listing, the first 20 words will default to and show in the small listing page with the whole thing showing in the main listing page.


On looking at some of the previous comments about EFQDirectory on the forum here, I have noticed a few asking about getting people to sign up with the payments page with the option to bypass this when submitting a free listing. I would have agreed to this at first sight myself, but now having tested this module, I don't think this is neccessary and think it is perfect the way it is already set up.

What I do feel would be a better option is to have a listing duration and automatic expiry, which could be set and adjusted via the admin panel to each listing. Say any listing submitted would have a 2 month duration before expiry, the submitter would be notified a few days before their listing expired with the option to renew. Now if the submitter wants his listing to remain in place and/or wants to make changes/update and they also see that their listing is near the bottom of the pile, then they would also be able to subscribe to a copper. silver or gold listing to make sure their listing remains near the top.

I feel this is a far better approach, at least all listings will be up to date and old ones that expire and if not renewed can be deleted and submitters will have the choice to upgrade without being forced to a payment page.
This will also save the time from a lot of uneccessary hacking and recoding.

I can see this approach working better if the 'Latest Listings' disappear from the first page. I have already done this hack by commenting out lines 208 and 209 on the index.php file.
These lines are :-
$sql = "SELECT l.itemid, l.logourl, l.uid, l.status, l.created, l.title, l.hits, l.rating, l.votes, l.typeid, l.dirid, t.description FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("efqdiralpha1_cat")." c, ".$xoopsDB->prefix("efqdiralpha1_item_x_cat")." x, ".$xoopsDB->prefix("efqdiralpha1_items")." l LEFT JOIN ".$xoopsDB->prefix("efqdiralpha1_item_text")." t ON (l.itemid=t.itemid) WHERE x.cid=c.cid AND l.itemid=x.itemid AND c.showpopular=1 AND l.status='2' AND l.dirid = '".$get_dirid."' ORDER BY l.created DESC";
$result = $xoopsDB->query($sql) or $eh->show("0013");

Anyone else like to comment on this??


I did try posting on the EFQDirectory site forum, I signed up OK, but was not able to post to the forum and can't remember the error I got.
I'm smarter than the average bear boo boo......

Re: mxdirectory - coupons won't print
  • 2007/9/19 17:55

  • awarrior

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2006/10/9

Cheers zyspec

Unfortunately this has not made the slightest bit of difference.

Removed that tag 'onLoad="window.print()' completely and put in a different body tag where the code was, just giving the page background colour.

Deleted any existing coupons, replaced with new coupons emptying the 'templates_c' folder every time and still getting the same Parse Error.

There must be something else causing this, but what ??
I'm smarter than the average bear boo boo......

mxdirectory - coupons won't print
  • 2007/9/19 13:36

  • awarrior

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  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2006/10/9

In mxdirectory I get this error when trying to print a coupon

Parse error:
syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in
/modules/mxdirectory/printcoupon.php on line 41

The line concerned, line 41 in printcoupon.php
$coupon_handler = new XdirectoryCouponHandler($GLOBALS['xoopsDB']);

Any ideas as to cure the problem??

Xoops Version 2.0.15
MySQL - 4.0.21
phpMyAdmin -
I'm smarter than the average bear boo boo......

Re: efqDirectory
  • 2007/9/19 10:43

  • awarrior

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2006/10/9

Have been giving this great module a workout on a test site and am very impressed with some of the features. But I can't get the Coupons to work.

Can't access [ Add Coupon ] and keep getting this message below, If I can't access this as site admin, not a lotta chance anyone else can !!
Sorry, you don't have the permission to access this area.
If the page does not automatically reload, please click here

Has anybody else had this problem and know how to fix it??
Is it an EFQDirectory or a XOOPS problem??
I suspect an EFQDirectory problem as I don't get this problem with Mxdirectory, except with the later I can't get it to print coupons

Have tried this out on
Xoops Version 2.0.15 and 2.0.17
MySQL - 4.0.21
phpMyAdmin -


I did also incorporate a site map plugin, which I have placed the code for below

Create a new page and call it sitemap.plugin.php
Place the code below into the new page then FTP it to the 'include' folder in the EFQDirectory module

if( ! defined( 'XOOPS_ROOT_PATH' ) ) exit ;
$mydirname = basename( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ) ;
eval( '
function b_sitemap_'.$mydirname.'(){
$db =& Database::getInstance();
$smtree = new XoopsTree($db->prefix("efqdiralpha1_cat"),"cid","pid");
$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
$ret = array() ;
$tree = $smtree->getFirstChild(0,"title ASC");
foreach ($tree as $branch) {
$ret["parent"][] = array(
"id" => $branch["cid"],
"title" => $myts->htmlSpecialChars( $branch["title"] ),
"url" => "index.php?cid=".$branch["cid"]);
return $ret ;
' ) ;
I'm smarter than the average bear boo boo......

Re: Blocks Question
  • 2007/8/21 7:23

  • awarrior

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  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2006/10/9

Hi Gents

Well I did go the 'multimenu' root in the end. I had tried a version of multimenu which I had downloaded some time ago, but never got it to work properly, probably my haste and frustration at the time, Anyway searched around and I think I now have the latest version which is 'multimenu_1.9-rc1'.

This version allows up to 20 menus and works like a dream, so after the previous 'hair tearing experience' I am now replanting each hair individually and luckily they are taking root again.

With so many modules in use on my site, many of which are custom hacked for multiple purposes, the 'main menu' was getting too long and unorganised. At least now it is a lot more user friendly. Now I can start getting the rest of the extra site features I have in mind placed in orderly groups of links.
I'm smarter than the average bear boo boo......

Re: Joomla Vs. Xoops
  • 2007/8/18 19:47

  • awarrior

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  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2006/10/9

I have to agree with Northern on his point about the control panel, I kept going round in circles with it.

I have used both XOOPS and Joomla and quite honestly would rather use XOOPS as it is far more user friendly.

As to their templates an better images, well why not use them on Xoops. The templates I use on one of my sites is a hacked Joomla template, which I had to buy.

Also a lot of the modules on Joomla are not free.
I'm smarter than the average bear boo boo......

Re: Blocks Question
  • 2007/8/18 19:35

  • awarrior

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  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2006/10/9

I need to add new blocks for organising my site links and modules as having all the links in the 'Main Menu' is just too long a list of links.

I have tried to create a new block in 'Blocks Administration' and the only code I could get to work was for one of the new blocks


Pet Classifieds

Dog Books

Cat Books

Horse Books


But the problem is that none of the links will show on the 'Sitemap' and none of the modules will show in the 'Site Search' also none of the dropdown features will show on the modules.

I have been tearing my hair out for a solid 24 hours on this and I need to know the correct way to code this.
I'm smarter than the average bear boo boo......

Blocks Question
  • 2007/8/5 10:36

  • awarrior

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  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2006/10/9

In 'Blocks Administration' I have added a new block in the 'Add a new block' at the bottom of that page. How do I move module links from the main menu block into the new menu block.

using XOOPS 2.0.15
I'm smarter than the average bear boo boo......

Re: Amazon aStore module for 2.0.15
  • 2007/8/3 19:20

  • awarrior

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  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2006/10/9

Hi All

Right 3 replies here.

1st:- Ron McDonald (did I get that right?)

This module will incorporate an external Amazon aStore within your XOOPS site framework .On your site Ron's Rov Links I noticed your 'ron's store' link, which is an Amazon aStore. but when you click the link it opens your aStore and closes your site. What this module will do is open the aStore within your site in the center frame, leaving your sites navigation and headers etc. in place.

2nd:- Herko

How it works. Build your aStore on Amazons site, then link it in via the module's admin. There are some basic instructions included with the module, including the actual link I use for my aStore, all you have to do is replace my link with yours and away you go.

3rd:- Instantzero

I think we're on different tracks in different directions, Your bookstore is a #OOPS# good module and is probably a better bet than trying to hack a version of oScommerce or Zencart into the XOOPS framework. But surely this is only for people who actually sell books or other products and not much good if you want and easy no brains way to incorporate an Amazon aStore.
I'm smarter than the average bear boo boo......

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