$query_Recordset1 = "SELECT custom AS muser_id, option_selection1 as showname, DATE_FORMAT(payment_date, '%b %e') AS date, CONCAT('".$curr_sign."',SUM(mc_gross)) AS amt FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("donations_transactions")." WHERE (payment_date >= DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y-%m-".$swingd."')) GROUP BY txn_id ORDER BY payment_date DESC"; }else{ $query_Recordset1 = "SELECT custom AS muser_id, option_selection1 as showname, DATE_FORMAT(payment_date, '%b-%e') AS date, CONCAT('".$curr_sign."',SUM(mc_gross)) AS amt FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("donations_transactions")." WHERE (payment_date < DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%Y-%m-".$swingd."')) AND payment_date > DATE_FORMAT(SUBDATE(NOW(),INTERVAL ".$swingd." DAY), '%Y-%m-".$swingd."') GROUP BY txn_id ORDER BY payment_date DESC"; } $Recordset1 = $xoopsDB->query($query_Recordset1); $totalRows_Recordset1 = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($Recordset1); $ROWS_DONATORS = ""; // Fill out the donators table tag while ($row_Recordset1 = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($Recordset1)) { if ( $row_Recordset1['amt'] > $curr_sign.'0' ) { $ROWS_DONATORS .= ""; $ROWS_DONATORS .= " "; $muser_id = $row_Recordset1['muser_id']; if ( strcmp($row_Recordset1['showname'],"Yes") == 0 && ($userfoin = mgetusrinfo($muser_id))) { $ROWS_DONATORS .= "getVar('uid')."'>".xdshorten($userfoin->getVar('uname'))."n";
Same issues on the brand new site. Gateway parameters go straight to white screen. It does not save to the database. Other features save, but white screens on submit. No errors in debug.
I have tried 3 versions of php. Same issues.
In the last version I tested a few days ago, the payment gateway parameter update in admin worked... However, there was an email in there already. That is no longer the case... Could it be the mySQL query on install is building the tables differently because that email is no longer there?
We have been in a winter storm here. Internet has been on and off. After the snow came the wind. I have to re-upload everything as soon as I can. (FTP kept throwing errors every time the internet shut off.)
Gotta love living on top of a mountain. (I know I do.)
......Brand new XOOPS installation finished on http://www.hyvosystem.com/
Oledrion 2.33 Beta 1 is uploading.
Fingers crossed.
I am uploading and installing a fresh XOOPS just to test this module again. I am also downloading this module again and uploading it to the virgin Xoops site. Will let you know how it goes. XOOPS should be done uploading by the time I finish feeding the horses.
After updating the module, I can add all the required parameters and add a product.... however, the product image does not display and I still cannot configure the payment gateway. There are still white screens after every submit operation.
When updating Oledrion with all other modules deactivated I get 1 error:
Warning: htmlspecialchars(): Invalid multibyte sequence in argument in file /class/module.textsanitizer.php line 485
"Deprecated" was coming from MyAlbum, but Oledrion is still not adding products or updating the gateway. I am going to continue experimenting.
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