- branching of threads (applies to comments as well)
- add notification that sends the whole message
- integration with mailing lists and newsgroups
- polls for specific groups (only a group can vote and/see the results)
- add option for 'Other' type of reply that has an input field
Site wide:
- karma points for postings
- filter postings based on karma level
- users can mark other users as friends or anti-friends (for the lack of a better word)
- integration of forums and comments (they both are threaded discussions) such that threads can be moved accross
- news letter with latest news, forum postings, comments, registered users etc (this is the single most important feature to attract traffic to your site in my opinion)
- each module should have an 'rss' folder/function wich gives the list of rss feeds for that module
- all rss feeds should be aggregated on a "Wath's Up" page/module
- generic way to add attachments (and images) to every posting (the existing image manager is good for site wide images but not for posting specific images)
That is it for now, I am sure I will come up with more though