Re: Yogurt - news from suico

yes, developers could put a cechkbox into admin preference for audio and video.

Re: Yogurt - news from suico

was anyone able to fix the pictures issue

"all members are able to edit all other members pics"

Re: Yogurt - news from suico
  • 2008/9/18 6:01

  • damaster

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 556

  • Since: 2003/5/11

You should not use this module in production!!!
Give some time to developers to audit the code
and fix fatal vulnerabilities !!!

Take care
Have Fun
I like people more than machines or money. But that's me!
Lets do something good and great: Lets do open source!

Re: Yogurt - news from suico
  • 2008/9/18 8:38

  • phppp

  • XOOPS Contributor

  • Posts: 2857

  • Since: 2004/1/25


maxxy wrote:
Yogurt Social Network version 3.3 RC2


is this release an official release by suico & yogurt team?

or is this just an update made by dhsoft

hope someone can explain...

Just wanted to clarify: I am listed as a project manager of the module, thank suico, but I was not aware of the release.

I have talked with suico about the weird thing and I believe he will have proper considerations.

Re: Yogurt - news from suico
  • 2008/9/18 15:19

  • mnpsgadam

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  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2008/5/6 0

I get this error with the RC when i try to install:

You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`cod_visit`) ) TYPE=MyISAM
Back to Module Administration page

Re: Yogurt - news from suico
  • 2009/2/10 16:48

  • preachur

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 525

  • Since: 2006/2/4 4

I am using the original yogurt module (3.2) with XOOPS 2.3.3. Everything works fine. No photo edit error and the videos work. I used it to replace the profile module and have it running integrated with the membership module to replace the over-complicated member search page. I have been using 3.2 on a variety of high traffic production sites for over a year with no problems, on XOOPS 2.0.15, 2.0.17, 2.0.18 and now 2.3.3. I find the module easy to work with and customize as long as you set your groups permissions correctly, everyone loves it.
Magick can never be restrained, but when freely given is thrice regained!

Re: Yogurt - news from suico
  • 2009/2/10 22:15

  • sarahmx

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 381

  • Since: 2007/10/28

i sent a pm to suico recently..and this is his reply...


Sent: 2009/1/12 10:28:15 Re: howdy

Thank you, I am finishins a master in security of comunications and systems. In july the classes ends , then i have to finish my thesis. I hope in 2010 i ll be back .

Thanks for the kind words.


sarahmx wrote:
how are you..we miss you..

hope you can find time together to develop yogurt together with other dev

Re: Yogurt - news from suico
  • 2009/5/10 16:38

  • Angela78

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 27

  • Since: 2009/5/9 1

Works Great Thanks

Just wondering if you know how to make it so when a scrap is posted it will post the Time & Date it was posted



urbanspacema wrote:
Hello every one!

I'm working on changes to modules yogurt 3.3 to make it similar to myspace. as the first amendment I put the player mp3 files on the main page of the profile. in the future I would like to put a player like that of jeroenwijering.com.

Here are the changes made

change the file templates/index.html with this

<{include file="db:yogurt_navbar.html"}>  <{ if $petition==&& $isOwner==&& $isfriend==0}>   <div id="yogurt-profile-petition" class="confirmMsg"> <h4><{$lang_youhavexpetitions}>h4> <img width="30" src="<{$xoops_url}>/uploads/<{$petitioner_avatar}>" /> <form action="makefriends.php" method="post"> <{$lang_askingfriend}> <ul>     <li>         <input name="level" type="radio" value="0" />         <{$lang_rejected}>     li>     <li>         <input name="level" type="radio" value="1" />         <{$lang_accepted}>     li>          <li>         <input name="level" type="radio" value="3" />         <{$lang_acquaintance}>     li>          <li>         <input name="level" type="radio" value="5" />         <{$lang_friend}>     liul> <input type="hidden" name="petition_id" id="petition_id" value="<{$petition_id}>" /> <input type="submit" /> <{$token}> formdiv> <{else}>  <{if (($isfriend!=1) && ($isOwner==0) && ($isanonym!=1))}> <div id="yogurt-profile-petition"> <form action=submit_friendpetition.php method="post"> <{$lang_askusertobefriend}><input type="hidden" name="petitioned_uid" id="petitioned_uid" value="<{$uid_owner}>" /> <input name="" type="image" src="images/addfriend.jpg"/><{$token}> formdiv <{ /if }> <{ /if }> <{ if $allow_friends }> <div class="yogurt-nav-bar" id="yogurt-nav-bar">        <p id="yogurt-profile-fans"><a href="fans.php?uid=<{$uid_owner}>" alt="<{$lang_fans}>" title="<{$lang_fans}>" > <{$lang_fans}> a><img src="images/fans.gif" /> ( <{$nb_fans}> )  | <{$lang_trusty}> p> <p id="trustybw"> <span id="trustycolor">&nbsp;<img width="<{$trusty}>" height="0" src="images/transparent.gif" />span>&nbsp;<img width="<{$trusty_rest}>" height="0" src="images/transparent.gif" />p>  | <{$lang_cool}> <p id="coolbw"> <span id="coolcolor">&nbsp;<img width="<{$cool}>" height="0" src="images/transparent.gif" />span>&nbsp;<img width="<{$cool_rest}>" height="0" src="images/transparent.gif" />p>  | <{$lang_sexy}> <p id="sexybw"> <span id="sexycolor">&nbsp;<img width="<{$sexy}>" height="0" src="images/transparent.gif" />span>&nbsp;<img width="<{$sexy_rest}>" height="0" src="images/transparent.gif" />pdiv> <{/if}>  <div class="yogurt-profile-group1"> <{ if $allow_pictures || $allow_videos }> <div id="yogurt-profile-visual" class="outer">     <h2 class="yogurt-profile-title head">         <{$owner_uname}>     h2> <{ if $allow_pictures }>     <div id="yogurt-profile-avatar">         <{if $avatar_url!="" && $avatar_url!="blank.gif" }>             <img src="<{$xoops_url}>/uploads/<{$avatar_url}>" />         <{ else }>             <img src="images/noavatar.gif" >             <{if $isOwner}>                 <p>                     <{$lang_selectavatar}>                 p>             <{ else }>                 <p>                     <{$lang_noavatar}>                 p>             <{/if}>         <{ /if }>     div>      <{/if}>     div> <{/if}>    <{ if ($isOwner==1) }>      <div id="yogurt-album-visitors" class="outer">         <h2 class="head"><{$lang_visitors}>h2>         <p>         <{foreach from=$visitors key=k item=v}>              <a href=index.php?uid=<{$k}> > <{$v}> a>&nbsp;          <{/foreach}>          p>         div> <{ /if }>    <{ if $allow_profile_general==1}> <div id="yogurt-profile-details" class="outer"> <h2 class="yogurt-profile-title head"><{$lang_detailsinfo}> <{ if $isOwner==}> <a href="edituser.php" title="<{$lang_editprofile}>" ><img src="images/edit.gif" />a> <{/if}>h2> <class="odd"><img src="images/username.gif" /><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_uname}>:span><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-value"><{$user_uname}>span>p> <class="even"><img src="images/username.gif" /><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_realname}>:span><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-value"><{$user_realname}>span>p> <class="odd"> <img src="images/house.gif" /> <span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_location}>:span><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-value"><{$user_location}>span><a href="http://maps.google.com/?q=<{$user_location}>" target="_blank" ><img src="images/mapsgoogle.gif" />a>p> <class="even"> <img src="images/occ.gif" /> <span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_occupation}>:span><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-value"><{$user_occupation}>span>p> <class="odd"> <img src="images/interests.gif" /> <span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_interest}>:span><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-value"><{$user_interest}>span>p> <class="even"> <img src="images/bio.gif" /> <span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_extrainfo}>:span>p> <p  class="yogurt-profileinfo-valuebigtext odd"><{$user_extrainfo}>pdiv> <{ /if }> <{ if $allow_profile_contact==1}> <div id="yogurt-profile-details" class="outer"> <h2 class="yogurt-profile-title head"><{$lang_contactinfo}> <{ if $isOwner==}> <a href="edituser.php" title="<{$lang_editprofile}>" ><img src="images/edit.gif" />a> <{/if}>h2> <class="even"> <img src="images/url.gif" /> <span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_website}>:span><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-value"><{$user_websiteurl}>span>p> <class="odd"> <img src="images/email.gif" /> <span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_email}>:span><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-value"><{ mailto address=$user_email encode="javascript"}>span>p> <{ if $isanonym!=&& $isOwner!=}> <class="even"> <img src="images/email.gif" /> <span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_privmsg}>:span><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-value"><a href="javascript:openWithSelfMain('<{$xoops_url}>/pmlite.php?send2=1&to_userid=<{$uid_owner}>', 'pmlite', 450, 380);"><img src="<{$xoops_url}>/images/icons/pm.gif" alt="Send Private Message to suico" />a>span>p> <{ /if }> <class="odd"> <img src="images/icq.gif" /> <span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_icq}>:span><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-value"><{$user_icq}>spanp> <class="even"> <img src="images/aim.gif" /> <span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_aim}>:span><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-value"><{$user_aim}>span>p> <class="odd"> <img src="images/ym.gif" /> <span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_yim}>:span><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-value"><{$user_yim}>span>p> <class="even"> <img src="images/amsn.gif" /> <span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_msnm}>:span><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-value"><{$user_msnm}>span>pdiv> <{ /if }>      <{ if $allow_profile_stats}> <div id="yogurt-profile-statistics" class="outer"> <h2 class="yogurt-profiletitle head"><{$lang_statistics}>h2> <class="odd"> <img src="images/birthday.gif" /> <span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_membersince}>:span><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-value"><{$user_joindate}>span>p> <class="even"> <img src="images/rank.gif" /> <span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_rank}>:span><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-value"><{$user_rankimage}>  <{$user_ranktitle}>span>p> <class="odd"> <img src="images/comments.gif" /> <span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_posts}>:span><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-value"><{$user_posts}>span>p> <class="even"> <img src="images/clock.gif" /> <span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_lastlogin}>:span><span class="yogurt-profileinfo-value"><{$user_lastlogin}>span>p> <class="odd"> <img src="images/signature.gif" /> <span class="yogurt-profileinfo-label"><{$lang_signature}>:span>p>  <p  class="yogurt-profileinfo-valuebigtext even"><{$user_signature}>pdiv> <{ /if }>   <div id="yogurt-profile-search-results" class="outer"> <h2 class="yogurt-profiletitle head"><{$lang_usercontributions}>h2 <{foreach item=module from=$modules name="search_results"}>  <div class="yogurt-profile-search-module" id="yogurt-profile-search-module-<{$smarty.foreach.search_results.iteration}>" >     <h4 class="yogurt-profiletitle head">          <class="yogurt-profile-search-module-title" id="yogurt-profile-search-module-title-<{$smarty.foreach.search_results.iteration}>" >              <img src="images/toggle.gif" />         a>          <{$module.name}>     h4>      <div class="yogurt-profile-search-module-results" id="yogurt-profile-search-module-results-<{$smarty.foreach.search_results.iteration}>">                  <{foreach item=result from=$module.results}>          <class="<{ cycle values="odd,even"}>">               <img src="<{$xoops_url}>/<{$result.image}>" alt="<{$module.name}>" />                 <b>                     <a href="<{$xoops_url}>/<{$result.link}>">                         <{$result.title}>                     a>                 b><br />             <small>(<{$result.time}>)small>         p>          <{/foreach}>                  <p>             <{$module.showall_link}>         p>     divdiv> <{/foreach}>  div>  div>  <div class="yogurt-profile-group2">   <div id="yogurt-profile-friends" class="outer">     <h2 id="yogurt-audio-allaudiotitle" class="head">     <{$player_from_list}>     h2>  <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0" width="240" height="20" id="dewplayer" align="middle"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /><param name="movie" value="audioplayers/dewplayer-multi.swf?mp3=<{$audio_list}>" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="FFFFFF" /><embed src="audioplayers/dewplayer-multi.swf?mp3=<{$audio_list}>" quality="high" bgcolor="FFFFFF" width="240" height="20" name="dewplayer" wmode="transparent" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">embed>object>  div   <div id="yogurt-profile-friends" class="outer">     <h2 id="titulo-friends" class="head"><{$lang_videos}> ( <{$nb_videos}> )h2>         <{ if $allow_videos==}>             <div id="yogurt-profile-tribe">                 <{if $mainvideocode!="" }>                     <object width="200" height="150">                         <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/<{$mainvideocode}>" />                         <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />                         <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/<{$mainvideocode}>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="200" height="150" />                     object>                     <p id="yogurt-profile-mainvideo-desc">                         <{$mainvideodesc}>                     p>                 <{ else }>                     <img src="images/novideo.gif" >                     <{if $isOwner}>                         <p>                             <{$lang_selectmainvideo}>                         p>                     <{else}>                             <p>                             <{$lang_nomainvideo}>                         p>                     <{/if}>                 <{ /if }>             div>         <{/if}> div>  <{ if $allow_friends==}> <div id="yogurt-profile-friends" class="outer"> <h2 id="titulo-friends" class="head"><{$lang_friendstitle}> ( <{$nb_friends}> )h2> <{if $nb_friends==0}><p id="nofriends"><{$lang_nofriendsyet}>p><{ /if }>        <{section name=i loop=$friends}> <div class="yogurt-profile-friend <{cycle values="odd,even"}>">         <a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/yogurt/index.php?uid=<{$friends[i].uid}>" alt="<{$friends[i].uname}>" title="<{$friends[i].uname}>"><{ if $friends[i].user_avatar=="blank.gif"}><img class="yogurt-profile-friend-photo" src="images/noavatar.gif"><{ else }><img class="yogurt-profile-friend-photo" src="<{$xoops_upload_url}>/<{$friends[i].user_avatar}>"><{/if}><{$friends[i].uname}> adiv> <{/section}> <p id="yogurt-profile-friend-viewall" class="foot"> <a href="friends.php?uid=<{$uid_owner}>"><{$lang_viewallfriends}>apdiv> <{ /if }> <{ if $allow_tribes==1}> <div id="yogurt-profile-tribes" class="outer"> <h2 class="yogurt-profiletitle head"><{$lang_tribes}> (<{$nb_tribes}>)h2> <{if $nb_tribes==0}><p id="notribes"><{$lang_notribesyet}>p><{ /if }>        <{section name=i loop=$tribes}> <div class="yogurt-profile-tribe <{cycle values="odd,even"}>">         <a href="tribe.php?tribe_id=<{$tribes[i].tribe_id}>"><img alt="<{$tribes[i].title}>" title="<{$tribes[i].title}>" class="yogurt-profile-tribes-img" src="<{$xoops_upload_url}>/<{$tribes[i].img}>" />a> <h4> <{$tribes[i].title}> h4><p><{$tribes[i].desc}>pdiv> <{/section}> <p id="yogurt-profile-friend-viewall" class="foot"> <a href="tribes.php?uid=<{$uid_owner}>"><{$lang_viewalltribes}>apdiv> <{ /if }> div> <{include file="db:yogurt_footer.html"}>

in file yogurt/index.php insert this code between the line 40 and 74
//////////////////modifica urbanspaceman
$controler_audio = new YogurtAudioControler($xoopsDB,$xoopsUser);

* Fecthing numbers of tribes friends videos pictures etc...
$nbSections $controler_audio->getNumbersSections();

$start_audio = (isset($_GET['start_audio']))? intval($_GET['start_audio']) : 0;

* Criteria for Audio
$criteriaUidAudio = new criteria('uid_owner',$controler_audio->uidOwner);

* Get all audios of this user and assign them to template
$audios $controler_audio->getAudio($criteriaUidAudio);
$audios_array $controler_audio->assignAudioContent($nbSections['nbAudio'],$audios);

$audio_list '';
$audios_array as $audio_item) {$audio_list .= '../../uploads/yogurt/mp3/'.$audio_item['url'].' | ';}
//$audio_list = substr($audio_list,-2);
else {

/////////////////fine modifica urbanspaceman


Re: Yogurt - news from suico
  • 2010/5/23 7:15

  • cms1978

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2010/5/23

where do you upload the yogurt files too?

and how to install

Re: Yogurt - news from suico
  • 2010/5/23 12:05

  • cms1978

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2010/5/23

where do you upload the yogurt files too?

and how to install


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