I have put my comment here as this is somewhat related
In Response to Madfish comment
I would like to propose that a formal mechanism be developed by which community members can submit proposals to improve xoops.org, have them passed onto the relevant teams / decision maker / council, and reviewed.
aye, this is a great idea.
I would like to couple this with SailJapan's idea of a ticket system. and Dave_L idea of
suggestion (rather than complaint) forum When a suggested is submitted, the person gets a ID number to reference back to.
The Community Coordinators, can then combine suggestion ID numbers of similar nature and submit them all to the responsible group for action or dismissal.
This takes care of two things I see missing here,
One is feedback, you should know where your suggestion is at, or what action is being taken
Second is giving credit where credit is due. If John submits an idea that helps the community, then we should acknowledge him in someway.
There is a pitfall

The Community Coordinators in some cases is a little more than a conduit, While we can pass suggestions on to the council, the foundation, a team, or a person, we can't force them to take action or even read it. Some ideas require also require a bit of research and/or discussion before an answer can be reached.
Some dream of success, while others wake up and work for it.