Re: Best choice among Xoops news modules (articles, ezines, advanced blogs)
  • 2009/5/18 12:13

  • MrGrey

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ghia wrote:
Is it possible to let each top category (1 module use) have its own "latest postings" lists to be placed on different pages? News category on "Start page" and other categories in other places?

In principle you can clone a block and because you canselect the categories to display in it, you could end up with one block per category. Or you can make a custom one as here on XOOPS France.
For the pages, there the choice is more limited in the sense that there are only as many pages as there are modules. (A module can have several views, but they count as 1 page).

The reach of 1 module

How is a module (news, ams, etc) set to "be" 2 or more views?

Can module blocks be directed to another "module page" or are blocks always bound to its own module-page? [solved] Blocks adm /visible in.


New approach to news: News blog to wiki
  • 2009/5/8 14:16

  • MrGrey

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[size=x-large]New approach to news[/size]
News blog to wiki reference

This is most likely NOT what developers dream of. This is more likely what users would LOVE when they get into it. This idea is about a new (?) approach to News-blog-Wiki.

The module page looks like an ordinary news-content page. You publish an article and let people comment on it. In ~9 of 10 cases the article goes to a trad. topics archive. But ~1 out of the 10 articles is let loose (moderator) and becomes open to all like Wiki (or permitted). Preferrably there would be a 3 factor ranking (w. weights) system. The article stays in the subjects index but gets highlighted AND also listed as "featured or reference" in Wiki style.

The idea is similar to Wikipedia. But, the important difference is that all articles is posted as news first and the author does NOT know which status the article will get, or develop into in the community. This would probably be VERY INTERESTING FOR ALL ASSOCIATIONS (groups with a common interest) and their news site improves with a reference guide section with a community proven Wiki-content.

Can an additional module bring this features to "old" news /content modules?

I guess this kind of module in some communities would make forums or BB's less necessary. Please tell if this idea is old, good, bad etc.

Re: Slim or fat - Where is competition going?
  • 2009/4/22 11:55

  • MrGrey

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MrGrey wrote:

Have you seen a3webtech

First they make an interesting grouping of CMS after features: http://www.a3webtech.com/index.php/cms-2.html

Second interesting is a list over Bad CMS faults: http://www.a3webtech.com/index.php/cms-2a.html

I believe this site make sense, perhaps not inventing anything new but trying to make some distinctions and pinpoint things that are valuable to recognise. Although not new it probably still is interetsing for both newbies and developers. Newbies for its descriptions and developers for structuring "CMS market" and critics.

In the a3tech page they somewhere write something like: " - When ever has a geek cared about image?"

Know your hood

In a new world of existing ~2000 CMS its nice to know the waters you are sailing.

So if we turn this thread back a little into that overview (also closer to tread topic). Whats is XOOPS about and how does it compare to other CMS, not to "rank" more like looking at position and strong sides?

Re: Slim or fat - Where is competition going?
  • 2009/4/21 14:59

  • MrGrey

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Have you seen a3webtech

First they make an interesting grouping of CMS after features: http://www.a3webtech.com/index.php/cms-2.html

Second interesting is a list over Bad CMS faults: http://www.a3webtech.com/index.php/cms-2a.html

I believe this site make sense, perhaps not inventing anything new but trying to make some distinctions and pinpoint things that are valuable to recognise. Although not new it probably still is interetsing for both newbies and developers. Newbiest for its descriptions and developers for structuring "CMS market" and critics.

Re: Best choice among Xoops news modules (articles, ezines, advanced blogs)
  • 2009/4/14 15:30

  • MrGrey

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13


JAVesey wrote:
//Look at the index page of the News module and you'll typically see either the news items themselves or a summary of the "scoops".

Look at the index page of a content module and you'll probably see a list of categories in which the articles site

Horses for courses, as they say.

Naturally there is many ways to do it. But, wouldn't it be easier to use 1 module and let both News and Information be top categories with subtopics? Specielly for all maintenance. The index make it all reachable in a click although centered to 1 index, not 2.

I understand it is a choice to be made, it is still interesting to hear how U think about this.

Is it possible to let each top category (1 module use) have its own "latest postings" lists to be placed on different pages? News category on "Start page" and other categories in other places?


Forums: Debate, discussions and dialog
  • 2009/4/12 11:42

  • MrGrey

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[size=x-large]Forums: Debate, discussions and dialog[/size]

I could have choosen the technical terms linear, tree or hybrid for the headline, but I choosed not too. Instead I choose more of the user perspective. This is not a plain request but more like a general reflexion on forum-module features.

Question, perhaps leading though: Debate and dialog is not the same. Debate, wich is more about "strugle and winning" seem to bennefit from linear forum views.
Dialog, where ppl listen and exchange and develop knowledge in a more synergetic way seem to take most advantage from threaded forum views. Threaded view promote both multiple answers to same posting and also easily admit sub-reflexions, sub-threads without "hurting" the original thread topic.
My point is that long, interesting threads often get limited by the linear formate and that most forum modules look, basicly the same.

Do U agree?

To day most forums use phpBB style with a basic linear view and to be honest, the hybrid and threaded view styles is not really smoothe.

Fireboard (Joomla?): http://www.husvagnsforum.com/index.php?option=com_fireboard&Itemid=67
phpBB: http://forum.nkmr.org/viewforum.php?f=1
vBulletin: http://www.debatthuset.com/forums/index.php?

Here is a totally different one that can show linear but has, in my oppinion a well crafted threaded view wich is top notch: http://debatt.passagen.se/show.fcgi?category=6500000000000048&conference=10500000000000349&posting=19500000005423349

Would be very interesting to hear U're oppinions on this.

Seen this survey?
  • 2008/12/8 21:09

  • MrGrey

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Spare time graphics - INTERFACE - fun and maybe something new
  • 2008/11/24 10:14

  • MrGrey

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Interesting interface and nice app's

Here are 2 free graphics editors (jpg, gif etc). Thiese do not compete as a general with editors like PhotoShop, PhotoPaint or GIMP. The 2 editors below are not artistic paint programs, more like photo /picture make-up'ers w. some artistic features.

# Photo! Editor 1.1 (from VicMan)
# PhotoScape 3.2 (MooiiTech)


Look at the editor parts. Traditional editors are function oriented, but thiese two are both more task oriented. Perhaps not unique, but both good and interesting as example for app's or even site design in general. I say both are 100% self explaining.

BONUS TIPS! For XOOPS users... Take a look at the Photo! Editor lighting & 3D-relief section wich may give an extra touch to new templates at the cost of 0$. Very nice, easy and fast to use and easily makes an impression!

Warning! Don't overkill your graphics!


Re: Best choice among Xoops news modules (articles, ezines, advanced blogs)
  • 2008/11/22 10:54

  • MrGrey

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13


ghia wrote:
It's the old battle:
- between theory and practise:
In theory are theory and practice the same.

No one can explain to you how chocolate taste.../

A quote I have sometimes heard is this:

"If U don't know anything about a topic U can not even put the good questions"
This issue relates very much specially to the field of trobleshooting... where U have to interprete an error, not just recieve it... but also understand some characteristics that may give a clue on what kind of error it is.

A theory, wich seem very practical for understanding is this formula for competence:

Competence is =

knowledge x skill(overall personal skills) x personal values

Any one of these being zero towards a scertain task the output will be crap.

Nowadays there are plenty of good GNU GPL around. Firefox, OOo and XOOPS some of the hights.

...but, my point about some Open applications being kid-stuff relates to the point that some GNU developers like to do fun things, but do not set the goal to push the over all quality, interface, ease of installation and free of bugs etc. into the "effectivity zone".

Some years ago I asked a friend was playing a PC-civilization game... he was all new to all civ-games and the computer-opponents was kicking his arse really bad. I asked him what he was doing, and his answer was:

"I'm making some war here."

When I asked him why he was making war in that area of the world-map he looked rather silly at me and said:

"I don't know... should I know that?"


Xoops Wiki - Powertool for all. (tutors and information)
  • 2008/11/17 9:07

  • MrGrey

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Xoops Wiki - Powertool for all. (tutors and information)

I was reading this: "Xoops Modules (All XOOPS Users Please Read)"

This is not the same topic, but closly related. There is a very good page on the site, or it could be very good. There are some questions that is unclear about it... and this is the page:

Thiese are my questions:

#1. Should that Wiki topics relate to v 2.3+, old XOOPS or all XOOPS versions mixed?

#2. Is there a descission on #1

#3. If _ #2 = NOT... wouldn't it be wise to make a descission on wich versions now is supported in the Wiki (or should an explicit 2.3+ Wiki departement be started?).

#4. Who is recommended to add to the Wiki?

#5. Why not put an introduction on that Wiki-page so it all gets clear. If clearified perhaps more people will contribute on a daily basis?

(1) 2 3 4 ... 6 »


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