Spare time graphics - INTERFACE - fun and maybe something new
  • 2008/11/24 10:14

  • MrGrey

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13

Interesting interface and nice app's

Here are 2 free graphics editors (jpg, gif etc). Thiese do not compete as a general with editors like PhotoShop, PhotoPaint or GIMP. The 2 editors below are not artistic paint programs, more like photo /picture make-up'ers w. some artistic features.

# Photo! Editor 1.1 (from VicMan)
# PhotoScape 3.2 (MooiiTech)


Look at the editor parts. Traditional editors are function oriented, but thiese two are both more task oriented. Perhaps not unique, but both good and interesting as example for app's or even site design in general. I say both are 100% self explaining.

BONUS TIPS! For XOOPS users... Take a look at the Photo! Editor lighting & 3D-relief section wich may give an extra touch to new templates at the cost of 0$. Very nice, easy and fast to use and easily makes an impression!

Warning! Don't overkill your graphics!



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