What OS is the webserver running on?
Can you successfully send emails from the command line of that server?
Herko Coomans wrote:
we were a day too late with submitting our entry, but we're trying to get in anyway But we have noticed this
gtop00 wrote:
In the admin menu, when I select "View or Edit Permission Settings", I get the following notice 30 times (plus some others): Quote:Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MEMB_GPERM_FLD_1 to 30 - assumed '_MEMB_GPERM_FLD_1 to 30' in file C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\portal\modules\membership\admin\view_list_perm.php line 35 to 64
jondixon wrote:
Is it possible to create a block within XOOPS that I can display on my front page which will display and link to the last x (ie. 10) posted events? If so, how?