Re: member mail error message
  • 2006/3/9 19:17

  • dheltzel

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 164

  • Since: 2003/1/8 1

Exactly how are you doing the mailings?
What OS is the webserver running on?
Can you successfully send emails from the command line of that server?
The software industry is the only industry where selling goods known to be defective is perfectly legal, and then you can charge extra for fixing the defects.

Re: extended profiles, new ones created by module
  • 2005/9/18 16:31

  • dheltzel

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 164

  • Since: 2003/1/8 1

Mith is right, but not very detailed in his response

If you search in the xoops_version.php file in the profiles module for the words "User Profile" you'll be able to read an example of how Mith did it in the profiles module. You can get some good pieces of example code from there to put into your module and hack as needed.

Hope that helps!

The software industry is the only industry where selling goods known to be defective is perfectly legal, and then you can charge extra for fixing the defects.

Re: Membership Module not listing Groups
  • 2005/8/5 20:44

  • dheltzel

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 164

  • Since: 2003/1/8 1

The problem is that the user is only a member of the 2 groups. If you add yourself into all the groups they will appear for the search. The manage group page is smart enough to knwo that since you are in the webmaster group you can be trusted to see all the groups, but the search page assumes you are a mere mortal even though you are a webmaster (it just doesn't check). You could probably fix this yourself if it's a big deal, by comparing the code for the 2 pages and making them consistent.

My main focus right now is getting my modules ported to XOOPS 2.2. I have integrated the membership module into the new profiles and am going to submit the changes to Mith for possible inclusion in the next release. When you switch to 2.2, PM me and update you on my progress with those changes.

The software industry is the only industry where selling goods known to be defective is perfectly legal, and then you can charge extra for fixing the defects.

Re: adding group perms, need help
  • 2005/8/2 14:53

  • dheltzel

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 164

  • Since: 2003/1/8 1

If you only have 1 item, creating the array and then looping through it is kind of silly, so change this:

$item_list = array(
'1' => _AM_GPERM_G_ADD ,
) ;

$form = new MyXoopsGroupPermForm( _AM_GROUPPERM , $xoopsModule->mid() , 'jobs_submit' , _AM_GROUPPERMDESC ) ;
foreach( $item_list as $item_id => $item_name) {
$form->addItem( $item_id , $item_name ) ;

To this:

$form = new MyXoopsGroupPermForm( _AM_GROUPPERM , $xoopsModule->mid() , 'jobs_submit' , _AM_GROUPPERMDESC ) ;
form->addItem( '1', _AM_GPERM_G_ADD) ;
The software industry is the only industry where selling goods known to be defective is perfectly legal, and then you can charge extra for fixing the defects.

Re: "Summer of Code" of Google
  • 2005/6/6 20:54

  • dheltzel

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  • Posts: 164

  • Since: 2003/1/8 1


Herko Coomans wrote:
we were a day too late with submitting our entry, but we're trying to get in anyway But we have noticed this


It's a shame XOOPS missed out. Mambo and Drupal are both there. I've got a friend who is a student and is planning to apply to work on Mambo. I wished I could have advised him to go with Xoops, as I'd be a lot more effective as a mentor with that.

Re: Is anybody testing/using Membership? installation problem
  • 2005/6/6 4:25

  • dheltzel

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  • Posts: 164

  • Since: 2003/1/8 1


gtop00 wrote:

In the admin menu, when I select "View or Edit Permission Settings", I get the following notice 30 times (plus some others): Quote:
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MEMB_GPERM_FLD_1 to 30 - assumed '_MEMB_GPERM_FLD_1 to 30' in file C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\portal\modules\membership\admin\view_list_perm.php line 35 to 64

These errors are caused because the view_list_perm.php program is not reading the defines from the language directory. I'm not sure why it doesn't read them, it could be an XOOPS version issue, but I can't see them changing that functionality from 2.0.7 to 2.0.10.

Can you check that the files under the language/english directory are readable by your web server process?

Do you have test site with 2.0.10 that you can try the module with to see if it really is a version issue?


Re: AgendaX 2.2 question/issue
  • 2005/3/18 22:34

  • dheltzel

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  • Posts: 164

  • Since: 2003/1/8 1

Did you update the module after making that change?
If not, you need to go into the module admin and click on the update icon for agenda-X and let the update run. This is needed anytime you make changes to the templates or any HTML files, as they are cached in the DB and any changes you make are ignored until you update.

Hope that helps!


Re: members module
  • 2005/3/15 16:05

  • dheltzel

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  • Posts: 164

  • Since: 2003/1/8 1

You can try this one: membership module

It works by renaming existing fields in the standard XOOPS user record. It might be close to what you need, or at least better than nothing. I'm looking for suggestions to make if more useful, so let me know what you think.


Re: Agendax Latest Posted Events
  • 2005/3/12 21:35

  • dheltzel

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  • Posts: 164

  • Since: 2003/1/8 1


jondixon wrote:
Is it possible to create a block within XOOPS that I can display on my front page which will display and link to the last x (ie. 10) posted events? If so, how?

There are already blocks to show the next x events, but nothing to show the last x. It certainly is doable, but you would need to know PHP and SQL to modify the code.


Re: List group members
  • 2005/1/13 20:53

  • dheltzel

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 164

  • Since: 2003/1/8 1

If you want some example code try this module, it's hopefully fairly easy to modify.

Membership module

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