Re: Add [flash] tag to BB code
  • 2008/10/3 8:22

  • sakyant

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2006/8/13

important test result
Instalkl php bb as a stand alone and leave it for 2 weeks
come back and its full of spam.
Install smf and leave it for 6 months.
No spam

Re: Add [flash] tag to BB code
  • 2008/10/3 8:01

  • sakyant

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2006/8/13

ps look how wide my text goes in the post above!!!
another crap thing about the way that php programmers cant make block templates for candy!
a simple piece of css can solve that. Like just define the width of the textfield how many colums or the P tag or if not work with individual elements, then just make a div id or class with fixed width
and put all template code within it
I also am astounded at the bad english on software products that are being internationally recognized.
I mean the damn wf downloads module . when you go to the first page of it once installed you see the "B"
tag for bold script in bb code and one of the words is misspelled!!

ok now a test to see if i can make this forum post very hard to read in a browser that is lass than 5 yards wide ajsjdsjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
i mean whats the guy writing a bb code for in aphp/html template???

well i see now that this post template has a fixed width of something over 2 or 3000 pixels . Why is that?
why not limit it to 500 pixels? that would leave room for the navbar ro appear in the screen too
I see that XOOPS is all concentrated on the php and functions etc but the module templates are really
obviously made by people who think code and dont know anything about visual aesthetics
Im a jack of all trades myself, master of none.. but i run some sitse with 1000 visitors a day and forums
and i do all the graphics, moderation php hacks and css as well as the installations .. everything basically..
as i cant afford to pay anyone
example of one of my amateur designed forums of bb3 is on
graphics are in Khmer sanskrit. took me one day to install and redesign

I am a XOOPS love because of its many modules and multifacetted capabilities for what kind of site you can make.. you can make communities, online shops, portals, galleries are all good..
but it seems to have become ill lately.
Many problems and i have lost a forum with over 2000 members amd 3 years of posts because i "Updated" (downdated more like it.. it destroyed my database!)
The same happend with my downlaod section the update button made it delete all the folders with uploaded videos etc and i lost everything just because i went to admin cp and it said "wf downloads i out of date please update click here" god did i curse that day! please press this button so we can destroy 3 years of your work!
anyway to stick to the point.. hope the code above helps you to make a solution.

as a last note; Of course open source is free for us individual endusers.. and therefore merits no complaints from that
individual enduser (or?).. but then we must also consider that corporate concerns must buy that same open source product
if the companies buying usage rights of an open source product see that the people who first made that product famous and popular
are finding a lot of mistakes and bugs, then the product becomes a lot less marketable.. the open source scene is not really a free ride.
It is a clever way to promote oneself and attain mass popularity.. which makes the product then a profitable resource that can be marketed to big ccompanies
and commercial operations for lots of money.
So to the people who manage to gain their living by XOOPS sales to companies should realize that the individual enduser is the publicity agent of the product.

modules that are not perfect should be named beta or alpha im not sure which is which either.. whicheve one mean "not perfect"

but there are kids out there making a module and thinking its readyand post it! it should be indicated that such modules
are recommended for a test enviroment.
not for a working site that cannot risk losing a module that is being used by amny users .
One thing i do know is i dont update anythjing anymore.. leave what works as working better than risk destroying it
all just because some wiseass thinks he has developed a piece of code.. that actually is only half ready..
sorry about the irregular line breaks but the textwindow here has no end to its width so i just kleep pressing the enter button to make sure that i dont write 5 mile wide paragraphs.
its like a 14 year old kid installed this forum oi would fix it its embarrassing this is the site of xoops! and the XOOPS forum on XOOPS isnt even working efficiently..
what great publicity!

Re: Add [flash] tag to BB code
  • 2008/10/3 7:42

  • sakyant

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2006/8/13

I dont have time in the moment to find the snippet (also im not a programmer but i could find it if i had time.)
But i have an "smf" forum on one of my sites, and it has a module i downloded to be able to insert a youtube and co video in the forum posts.
This is so excellently made, that all the enduser needs to do is insert the url in the post !! i mean.. no bb tags no embed code necessary! just copy and paste the url from the page where your clip was found and presto!
you cant get get any better than that, here is a link to some post


so you can look (i hope im allowed to do this, sorry in case i shouldnt post links to my site im not doing it for any other reason to help you all think of a way to get your result.. if you like the result on that link, then i would recommend downloading one of the smf forums and looking at the code.
actually , better even - here is the name of the module for you to downlaod and look at code instead.
Auto Embed Video Clips 2.1.4

whle im at it id like to compare the bb forum with the smf too..
on posting if you wish to insert a smiley in the middle of the post you have to insert smile forst (will appear always at bottom of post! regardless of where you selcted on the textfield burrrrrrrr~!! boring! and then cut and paste where you want.. urtl inserts are the same BS.. the thing just is useless.
But heres the worst thing.. to install a module you have to uplaod per ftp prgram! *separate program) On SMF forums they have an upload interface on the admin CP where oyu just upload the zip folder of the module and press install so you dont need a separate
ftp program to install../ plus you dont have to uplooad as unzipped which is so very slow.
here is the snippet i found of code from the videoclip module, along with a hack for it.


/********************************************************************************* Subs-AutoEmbedVideoClips.php v2.1.4                                    ** By Karl Benson                                                    **********************************************************************************This program is distributed in the hope that it is and will be useful, butWITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES; without even any implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITYor FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.********************************************************************************/if (!defined('SMF'))    die('Hacking attempt...');function AutoEmbedVideoClips($message){    // Access globals    global $context, $modSettings;    // Max auto embedded video clips *per page* to avoid flash overload. It only applies to this mod, and not other video mods.    // Use -1 for no-limit (not recommended)    static $autoembedmax = 12;        $video_sites = array(        // Put the most popular first for speed        array(            'name' => 'YouTube',            'enabled' => 1,            'pattern' => 'http://(?:video.google.(?:com|com.au|co.uk|de|es|fr|it|nl|pl|ca|cn)/(?:[^"]*?))?(?:(?:www|au|br|ca|es|fr|de|hk|ie|it|jp|mx|nl|nz|pl|ru|tw|uk).)?youtube.com(?:[^"]*?)?(?:&|/|?|;|%3F|%2F)(?:video_id=|v(?:/|=|%3D|%2F))([0-9a-z-_]{11})',            // Includes parsing of youtube videos on google            'movie' => 'http://www.youtube.com/v/$1&rel=1',            'width' => '425',            'height' => '350',        ),        array(            'name' => 'YouTube Playlist',            'enabled' => 1,            'pattern' => 'http://(?:(?:www|au|br|ca|es|fr|de|hk|ie|it|jp|mx|nl|nz|pl|ru|tw|uk).)?youtube.com(?:[^"]*?)?(?:&|/|?|;)(?:id=|p=|p/)([0-9a-f]{16})',            'movie' => 'http://www.youtube.com/p/$1&rel=1',            'width' => '425',            'height' => '355',        ),        array(            'name' => 'Google Video',            'enabled' => 1,            'pattern' => 'http://video.google.(com|com.au|co.uk|de|es|fr|it|nl|pl|ca|cn)/(?:videoplay|url|googleplayer.swf)?(?:[^"]*?)?docid=([0-9a-z-_]{1,20})',            'movie' => 'http://video.google.$1/googleplayer.swf?docId=$2',            'width' => '400',            'height' => '326',        ),        array(            'name' => 'Dailymotion',            'enabled' => 1,            'pattern' => 'http://(?:www.)?dailymotion.(?:com|alice.it)/(?:(?:[^"]*?)?video|swf)/([a-z0-9]{1,8})',            'movie' => 'http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/$1',            'width' => '420',            'height' => '335',        ),        array(            'name' => 'Megavideo',            'enabled' => 1,            'pattern' => 'http://(?:www.)?megavideo.com/?(?:[^"]*?)?v=([0-9a-z]{8})',            'movie' => 'http://www.megavideo.com/v/$1.0.0',            'width' => '432',            'height' => '351',        ),        array(            'name' => 'MetaCafe',            'enabled' => 1,            'pattern' => 'http://(?:www.)?metacafe.com/(?:watch|fplayer)/([0-9]{1,10})/',            'movie' => 'http://www.metacafe.com/fplayer/$1/metacafe.swf',            'width' => '400',            'height' => '345',        ),        array(            'name' => '123video.nl',            'enabled' => 1,            'pattern' => 'http://(?:www.)?123video.nl/playvideos.asp?(?:[^"]*?)?MovieID=([0-9]{1,8})',            'movie' => 'http://www.123video.nl/123video_share.swf?mediaSrc=$1',            'width' => '420',            'height' => '339',        ),        array(            'name' => 'Aniboom',            'enabled' => 1,            'pattern' => 'http://(?:www.)?aniboom.com/Player.aspx?(?:[^"]*?)?v=([0-9]{1,8})',            'movie' => 'http://api.aniboom.com/embedded.swf?videoar=$1',            'width' => '448',            'height' => '372',        ),        array(            'name' => 'AOL Uncut',            'enabled' => 1,            'pattern' => 'http://uncutvideo.aol.com/videos/([0-9a-f]{32})',            'movie' => 'http://uncutvideo.aol.com/v6.220/en-US/uc_videoplayer.swf?aID=1$1&site=http://uncutvideo.aol.com/',            'width' => '415',            'height' => '347',        ),        array(            'name' => 'AtomFilms',            'enabled' => 1,            'pattern' => 'http://(?:www.)?atomfilms.com/film/([0-9a-z_-]{1,40}).jsp',            'movie' => 'http://www.atomfilms.com:80/a/autoplayer/shareEmbed.swf?keyword=$1',            'width' => '426',            'height' => '350',        ),        array(            'name' => 'AtomFilms Uploads',            'enabled' => 1,            'pattern' => 'http://uploads.atomfilms.com/Clip.aspx?(?:[^"]*?)?key=([0-9a-f]{1,16})',            'movie' => 'http://uploads.atomfilms.com/player.swf?key=$1',            'width' => '430',            'height' => '354',        ),        array(            'name' => 'Biku',            'enabled' => 1,            'pattern' => 'http://(?:www.)?biku.com/opus/(?:player.swf?(?:[^"]*?)?VideoID=)?([0-9]{1,8})',            'movie' => 'http://w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:www|uk|fr|it|es|br|au|mx|de|ca).)?video.yahoo.com/video/play?(?:[^"]*?)?vid=([0-9]{1,10})',            'movie' => 'http://us.i1.yimg.com/cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/player/media/swf/FLVVideoSolo.swf?id=$1',            'width' => '425',            'height' => '350',        ),        array(            'name' => 'Yahoo HK Only',            'enabled' => 1,            'pattern' => 'http://hk.video.yahoo.com/video/video.html?id=([0-9]{1,10})',            'movie' => 'http://w.video.hk.yahoo.net/video/dplayer.html?vid=$1',            'width' => '420',            'height' => '370',        ),        array(            'name' => 'Youku',            'enabled' => 1,            'pattern' => 'http://(?:v.youku.com/v_show/id_(?:[0-9a-z]{4})|player.youku.com/player.php/sid/)([0-9a-z]{6,14})',            'movie' => 'http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/$1=/v.swf',            'width' => '450',            'height' => '372',        ),        array(            'name' => 'You.Video.Sina.com.cn',            'enabled' => 1,            'pattern' => 'http://you.video.sina.com.cn/pg/topicdetail/topicPlay.php?(?:[^"]*?)?uid=([0-9]{5,12})(?:[^"]*?)#([0-9]{5,10})',            'movie' => 'http://vhead.blog.sina.com.cn/player/outer_player.swf?auto=0&vid=$2&uid=$1',            'width' => '475',            'height' => '447',        ),    );    // Protect any noembed bbcoded links or  objects    if(preg_match_all('~(?:([noembed])(?:.*?)[/noembed]|<noembed>(?:.*?))~im', $message, $noembed, PREG_SET_ORDER))    {        foreach ($noembed as $a)        {            // Copy it so we can modify a copy            $a[2] = $a[0];            // Make any non-active links active            if(!empty($a[1]) && strtolower($a[1]) == '[noembed]' && !empty($modSettings['autoLinkUrls']))                // Strip the noembed tags                $a[2] = StripAndFixNoEmbed($a[2]);            // Protect links so they don't get caught by our preg, any so much so they are likely to be unique.            $a[2] = str_replace(' 'transparent',        'quality' => 'high',        'allowFullScreen' => 'true',        'allowScriptAccess' => 'never',        'pluginspage' => 'http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer',    );        // Build the params for the object (same for all)    $object_params = $embed_params = '';    foreach($default_params as $a => $b)    {        //         $embed_params .= ' '.$a.'="'.$b.'"';        // ?        if($context['browser']['is_ie'] && !$context['browser']['is_mac_ie'])            $object_params .= '';            }    // Tidy up    unset($a, $b, $default_params);            // Now do the magic, convert those links in messages to automatically embed the videos    foreach($video_sites as $arr)    {        // If the site is disabled, then continue with the next site.        if(!$arr['enabled'])            continue;            // Create empty object        $object = '';                // Build the  (Non-Mac IE Only)        if($context['browser']['is_ie'] && !$context['browser']['is_mac_ie'])            $object = ''.                        ''. $object_params;        // Build the         $object .= '                    '.                    '#<AEVC href=#"'.$arr['movie'].'" target="_blank">'.$arr['movie'].'</a>';        // Note the link inside the  remember to close it        if($context['browser']['is_ie'] && !$context['browser']['is_mac_ie'])            $object .= '';                    // Build the pattern/(re)set the count        $pattern = '~~i'.($context['utf8'] ? 'u' : '') ;        $count = 0;        // Pre php 5.1.0, No count parameter, so do it the slower, inefficient way        if (@version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.0') == -1)        {            // Grab all the matches to count the no. of replacements that will be made            if(preg_match_all($pattern, $message, $out, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER))            {                $count = count($out[0]);                unset($out);                $message = preg_replace($pattern, $object, $message, $autoembedmax);            }        }        else            // Fantastic! From 5.1.0 we can use the count parameter            $message = preg_replace($pattern, $object, $message, $autoembedmax, $count);        // Reduce remaining replacements allowed        if($autoembedmax != -1)            $autoembedmax = $autoembedmax - $count;        // Tidy up        unset($object, $pattern, $count);                // If we've reached our max replacements OR there are no links remaining, exit;        if($autoembedmax == 0 || stripos($message, ' ''', ' ' => $context['utf8'] ? "xC2xA0" : "xA0", '"' => '>">', '"' => '<"<', '<' => '.(;'"]|^)((?:http|https|ftp|ftps)://[w-_%@:|]+(?:.[w-_%]+)*(?::d+)?(?:/[w-_~%.@,?&;=#+:'\\]*|[({][w-_~%.@,?&;=#(){}+:'\\]*)*[/w-_~%@?;=#}\\])~i', '~(?<=[s>('<]|^)(www(?:.[w-_]+)+(?::d+)?(?:/[w-_~%.@,?&;=#+:'\\]*|[({][w-_~%.@,?&;=#(){}+:'\\]*)*[/w-_~%@?;=#}\\])~i'), array('$1', '$1'), $input);        $input = strtr($input, array(''' => ''', $context['utf8'] ? "xC2xA0" : "xA0" => ' ', '>">' => '"', '<"<' => '"', ' '<'));    }        // Return it    return $input;}?>

and here is a mod

By Karl Benson
[hr]Link to Mod | Support Topic | Demo | Donate[hr]

For SMF 1.1.x and SMF 2.0 Beta x

Automatically embeds video clips from links for 50+ sites including YouTube/DailyMotion/MetaCafe/GoogleVideo without the need for html or bbcode.

Just copy the url from your address bar into a post and let the mod will do the rest.
Its the ultimate user friendly way of posting clips and safe from a security standpoint.

o Supports 50+ Video clip sites
- 123video.nl, Aniboom, AOL Uncut, AtomFilms, AtomFilms Uploads, Biku, BrightCove, CellFish, ClipFish.de, CollegeHumor, DailyMotion.com, DailyMotion.Alice.It, Dave.tv, dv.ouou, ESPN, Gametrailers, GameVideos, Glumbert, Godtube, GoFish, Google Video, Guba, Hulu (US Visitors Only), IFilm, Imageshack.us, Koreus, Libero.it, LiveLeak, LiveVideo, Megavideo, MetaCafe, MSN Live/Soapbox Video, Mofile, MThai, MySpaceTv, MyVideo.de, OnSmash, Photobucket, Revver, Sevenload, Sina.com.cn, Stage6, Streetfire.net, Stupidvideos.com, Tudou, Veoh, videotube.de, Vidiac, VidMax, Vimeo, VSocial, WeGame, Yahoo, Yahoo HK, Youku, YouTube (including Playlists)
o Safe from security standpoint
- They can't just embed ANY object hosted ANYWHERE, it only works for trusted supported sites
- Properly validates/sanitizes/parses the video id before including it in the url
- Disables script access (allowScriptAccess="never")
o No configuration necessary
o Works for all themes/languages, no manual edits necessary
o Use [noembed][/noembed] bbcode to prevent links being converted to embedded clips
o Hard-coded limit to number to converted links per page (to prevent flash overload/browser crash)
- Only applies to links converted by this mod (not other video clip mods)
o Disabled for Printer Friendly pages & Signatures
o Since all the videos are hosted by external sites, it won't consume your bandwidth

Since the mod only converts active links, it is recommended to have the setting "Automatically link posted URLs" enabled.
(via Admin > Posts & Topics > Bulletin Board Code)
Other than that there are no admin settings with this mod. Uninstall the mod to disable it.

Other video mods (such as my YouTube BBCode mod) will take precedence for bbcoded links.

Note: Some users have reported that the players won't go fullscreen. This maybe caused by bugs in some versions of Adobe Flash Player when wmode="transparent" is in use. Check [here] whether you have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.

Any previous versions of this mod MUST be uninstalled BEFORE installing this version.

Install the mod via the SMF Package Manager, and your done. It installs on ALL themes automatically as it only affects Source files.
There are NO theme edits required and there are NO language strings to translate.

Useful Links
SMF Package Parser
Manual Installation Of Mods
How Do I Modify Files?

Has this modification helped you? Support the developer by Donating

(Optional) Convert Old Video BBCode
(Mysql users only) If you have had video bbcode mods previously installed eg [nobbc][youtube][/nobbc], then you might want to use my convert_old_video_bbcodes.php script to convert bbcoded video links to normal links (and therefore make those links work with this mod).

Use this at your OWN risk.
This cannot be undone, so backup your database and files prior to running it.
Upload it via ftp to your directory where SMF runs from. Put your forum in maintenance mode, and then point to it in your browser.
For security reasons, remove the file once completed.
o Only applies to topics/posts.
o Works for valid links or ids
o Works for both types of bbcode (with or without sizes)
o Converts the following bbcodes
[nobbc][youtube], [yt], [ytplaylist], [stage6], [metacafe], [googlevid], [gv], [google_video], [gvideo], [dailymotion], [livevideo], [liveleak], [myvideo], [clipfish], [veoh][/nobbc]
Other uses of the bbcode will remain untouched.
o You can use the script at any time (with or without the AutoEmbedVideoClips mod installed)

The mod has been designed to be fully functional 'out of the box' and not require any configuration or manual edits.
However some 'hardcoded' capability/hooks have been included for those who understand php/smf and maybe wish to customize the mod.

Enable/Disable Specific Sites
Eg to enable/disable Stage6

Open Sources/Subs-AutoEmbedVideoClips.php
'name' => 'YouTube',
'enabled' => 1,

Change the number 1 to enable, 0 to disable (note, all sites are enabled by default)
Similarly change it for any of the other sites supported to disable them.

Increase/Decrease The Limit On The Number Embedded Objects Per Page
Too much flash can be bad for your health (eg it will crash your browser). Thats why the limit was put in place.
IE, Firefox, Opera etc start kicking and screaming if you get over 10 objects.
Open Sources/Subs.php
[CODE] static $autoembedmax = 12 ;[/CODE]
Change 12 to another number. Use -1 for no limit (Not Recommended).

Disabling Embedding In Specific Areas
By default embedding is disabled in signatures.
Some people requested a way to disable it for other sections such as Shoutbox.
You must find in the relevant SOURCE file where that string or data is put through the function "parse_bbc"
And on the line BEFORE it, put
$context['disableautoembedvideo'] = ;

Please use the modification thread for support with this modification.
(Please don't ask me to do the edits for you)

Note: I do NOT have the time nor the desire to provide support for making or helping to make this mod support videos hosted on your OWN site.
You may be able to find someone to help by posting a request in the Help Wanted board on the SimpleMachines.org
But be careful with regex patterns.

Note: Whilst I do take requests to support other popular video clip sites in future versions, it is NOT possible to add support for the following sites because the video id/filename in the url is not the same as in the actual filename in the embed code.
Break.com, ebaumsworld, garagetv.be, 56.com, Blip.Tv, slideshare.net, videojug, vidlife, Filefront, IGN, Gamespot, Dipvid, youSportz, tinypic.com
I won't include sites which require users 'fishing' in the embed code for the correct file url.

No adult/porn ones please (although most will NOT work anyway).

I am still recommending anyone who is using less than v2.1 to uninstall that version and then install the latest version.
2.1.4 - 1st March 2008
- Removed Stage6 (since its CLOSED)
- Fixed codebase to specify latest adobe flash version
- By request, moved default params into array
- Simplified the building of the object
- Fixed Gametrailer to support uservideos
For the full changelog for previous versions please see changelog.txt

so there you are! its open source so either adapt it or if XOOPS want it then contact the guy for hm to make another one for bbforums!
I just think that you cant get any better for the end user... actually if i get a bit better at php and MySQL then maybe ill make an installer
to make smf insertable in XOOPS - as it is anyway much better than phpbb
(pretty hard to use properly, Bull(s) and Boring! - PHPBB)

Re: CBB 3.08
  • 2008/9/1 5:02

  • sakyant

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2006/8/13

forgot to add that it also caused my chess module to stop working..
Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in /modules/chess/class/chessgame.inc.php on line 119.
This happened afte installing frameworks and deleting my old forum.
other modules seem also now slower as the database tables are all confused and have holes in them.
Someone has made a real big spelling mistake somewhere.
I thnk there is some problem with the png files for the forum category and forum creation interface too, as i only got the "edit" buttons to appear after 3 uploads.
gif or png seem to have problems (i have gd2 library no image magick)
I was scratching my head a bit as i could create a forum, but not edit it,
I hovered my mouse over where the image should be but no link was there.. so i suppose in the html template for the "edit" buttons on the forum admin category and forum interface, has a javasscript "onclick" type link instead of the a href= blah blah html alternative .. i reckon this because that would cause the mouse to not see a link on hover as it would with pure html hyperling and an image inserted between the code. I suggest (assuming i am right in my theory) that bthis code be changed to make the link functional with or without the gif/png icon for edit.gif etc in the admin forum categories.
If i am wrong, then why was ther no link till the edit icon appeared?
wierd i find!

Re: CBB 3.08
  • 2008/9/1 4:51

  • sakyant

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2006/8/13

my bb2 was great.. since i installed bb3 and the frameworks folder it wont work.
I get an error message saying there is a refferal to a non object in
I looked at the two module packs i had and saw 3 differnet frameworks folders! one called art, and the other two one calld frameworks 102 i think and the last one called Frameworks in the community pack folder.
I examined the contents of each fomder and saw they differ noticeably
How do i know which damned folder is the right one to incorporate with the new bb
also the table entries from my old database entries from the old forum are differently named to the new ones.. this makes a simple import of tables impossible!
so basically i have lost 2000 members and 5 years of forum posts.
because of "upgrading"
I wont be upgrading again on my new forum which is unfortunately now a separate newbb3 as a stand alone.
The amount of modules and different versions has got too much with xoops.. XOOPS used to be really great but it has now too many issues and bugs becazuse of an over complication of matters.
edit and hack to improve, not to just fiddle..
I know the nature of open source movement is mutual helping to get a project together.. but i think that bthis overworking of things will cause the open source movement to fail in the end...
paid alternatives release only working versions and declare a non official version ans possibly having bugs and only recommended for developers.
I think that the open source movement should also have a separate repositiory for modules that are not confirmed as working and easy to install.
and another section for the ones still in development phase and suffering bugs.
I have stpped using zoops now for my future sites and changed to website baker because of these problems and the destruction of my database through upgrading. Once i upgraded pd downloads and it just blasted my whole module! all the folders with uploaded files were deleted!
i wish i had learned to not update that time.. as i decided to update the bb forum i was so scared that this was going to happen.
I notice the xoopsforge site is down and that also the forums here have bugs.. jeez the developers themselves cant even sort thewir own forum out how the hell am i going to as a 43 year old tattooist and little programing knowledge?
serves me right for opting for open source i suppose, but with the few penies i make off the sit5e i couldnt afford a paid option.
You know the problem about some countries having many different plugs for electricity?
your shaver has the wrong plug for the hole!
well that is what is happening here too - i think we should have a universals standard and i mean even with code, such as all thes encodings (tis 620, thai-windows 874, iso 88 blah blah..
i mean my hosts have an installed script of phpbb3.. so i install it and set up all the forums
then i start to insert Thai language categories
and what happens??
all you see is question marks!
cant chage it either becaue the autyomatic script installer tells phpbb3 to install the sql DB witha utf8 collation (as does smf forums tell you on installing that if you wish multilanguagfes then use utf8
well funnily enough, if you use Thai the only way to make the browser display it without having to go to "view\encoding etc", is to set the collation to Thai windows-874
but MySQL on php my admin only has thai tis-620
which makes your browser see a load of swedish with stricken zeros
why doesnt MySQL have the option to set windows-874?
my forum was supposed to be bilingual and nnow i cant do thai on it i would have to reinstall andcreate a new db .
Seems the web world thinks everyone is european or american
or it just hasnt occured to anyone yet maybe.
Thais spend all their nlives in internet shops.. i mean what a market they are the ultimate consumer they fall into rapture at every washing powder ad! 500 page impressions on my thai pages makes me more money on adsense than 18000 impressions on the english section! they click on anything the thais.
Thailand has a XOOPS site and they also have their own thai XOOPS version.
it has a lot of bugs though too.
Hope XOOPS solves it's problems but i am going to opt for other alternatives now as i cant afford to mess about lke this.. i am not a developer or tester i am a websitye owner and need to have a product that works efficiently with no data loss.

Re: XOOPS Malaysia T-Shirt
  • 2008/8/28 11:45

  • sakyant

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2006/8/13

I am not sure i have to ask - but i live in Thailand and i reckon i can get almost down to half the price (5 dollars), as i know people in the industry.
Quality about screen stars quality.
On a substantial order of course.
Should i ask around?
I am sure it is cheap as i can get a really good silkscreen t shirt with 2 coplored or 3 colored print for about less than 5 dollars just for one on the market. So wholesale will be less than that about 30%

Re: Newbb not work - empty form on newbb create category/forum - error in xoopseditor script
  • 2008/8/21 22:49

  • sakyant

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2006/8/13

i got asnother whi8te screen after that last post too... on my profile page here it says i have made 0 posts but then all my posts (4) are listed at the bottom of profle page!
obviously this newbb is also going insane..
If the xoop on xoops.org is not working properly then how can the users get it to work?
This is really bad for the guys at XOOPS you know, if the website of the developers doesnt work properly, then how can it instill trust in the enduser?
I come here often and see a maintenance screen which means the need for constant fiddling...
A developer loves fiddling, but someone with a community of 2000 people needs efficiency with the least bugs possible.
But of course there is no room to complain as XOOPS is free adn it has many good things to it's credit.. i just wish people would sometimes know when to stop re-hacking and leave what already works alone - more code more bugs.
I wouldn't mind if i was testing i could have fun solving the problems but because i have a working site and community that is now paralyzed (plus loss of daily funds from google adsense, which i live on), i am under pressure to solve the problem.
Im not sure if anyone can help me though as it seems the XOOPS developers here cant even get their own forum to not "whitescreen"...

Re: Newbb not work - empty form on newbb create category/forum - error in xoopseditor script
  • 2008/8/21 22:40

  • sakyant

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2006/8/13

Yes the XOOPS version on 2 sites is the lates one downloaded a week ago
as to bb version it is the version in the current community pack from sourcefourge.
The one domain that i updated forum only without updating the XOOPS version is difficult to say, as on the footer the php echo prints "
Powered by XOOPS_VERSION © 2001-2005 The XOOPS Project" so it prints the variable not the html...obviously there is a faulty piece of code somewher in the php that tells me the XOOPS version.

This domain has some additonal causes for the problems i think, but it is anyway irrelevant because the other 2 domains have the latest community packs installed as a new installation, so should work
php is latest php5 but can switch to 4.1 if necessary
hope this is of use.
Thank you for your extremely quick reply too.. by the way i got 3 white screens here too on trying to post this message. only after going to invbox did i see that one of them succeeded, because of a message saying my post is there.. is this a bug in your newbb too?

Newbb not work - empty form on newbb create category/forum - error in xoopseditor script
  • 2008/8/21 22:12

  • sakyant

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2006/8/13

hello i am new here, i just installed newbb on top of my old one and when i try to make new category or forum i just get a white screen...
also when i try to post new topic or reply here on the http://xoopsforge.com/modules/newbb/
forum i get a white screen!
what is wrong 9? i have installed newbb on XOOPS in 3 different domains and none of them work!
if i try to post on the test forum that is automaticaly created, then i get the following error message

Fatal error: Call to a member function render() on a non-object in /www/htdocs/sensis/yantpedia/home/public/Frameworks/xoops22/class/xoopsform/formeditor.php on line 36
I am not a developer, so i cannot figure it out..i re-uploaded all files again and reinstalled module but to no avail!
can anyone help me please?
extra info;
the sak-yant.com domain has a 2005 version of XOOPS still which has not been nupdated (i dare not as i am scared the same bug will happen as did with the bbforum, i had 2000 members on that forum and it seems to be lost now as i can reinsert the table info into the db as tables are different from older version and it seems to complex to re-adapt categories and table info inserts therein for me.
whatever, the other domains all have php5 installed and i installed the XOOPS community package entirely on all 3.
None of them work!
the new bb forum has a bug in the admin category and new forum interface (click on new forum or category and the form page it leads to has no textfields or tickboxes/selctboxes - only a blank page in place of the html form with the header "create new category/forum".
So off i go to the frontend to try to post or edit the test post and forum...
this leads to a blank page
The title of the test post is there..
but when i click on replyt takes a few moments hanging in the browser then i get this error message

Fatal error: Call to a member function render() on a non-object in /www/htdocs/sensis/yantpedia/home/public/Frameworks/xoops22/class/xoopsform/formeditor.php on line 36

on the xoopsforge developer forums (the one with the blogger sklin), there are also white screens when trying to post or reply
quick reply form appears but does not appear after saving post.
How come i get this problem but don't seem to see anyone else mentioning this problem. Obviously the module program works for most of you.
I have 200 members complaining and sending me mail and i really am not a programmer so i can't find why the "render" object is nonexistent as i don't know where that object is defined in another file somewhere.And evven if i found the snippet of code i probably wouldn't know how to correct it.
If the developer forums are getting white screens and they can't fix it, then i should start to worry about the safeness of using XOOPS bb3 in future.
Of curse this is the nature of using open source stuff (no support), and i do find the XOOPS cms to be my favourite of all cms programs including paid ones.
Thanks to all people on XOOPS for the good things, but please can someone give me some leads on what is happening with the newbb?
and if someone knows what my problem is and how i can solve it pleas please tell me!

Re: xoops multisite
  • 2008/8/8 3:39

  • sakyant

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2006/8/13

That would be good... in the moment i have a .org site that i plan 100 subdomains on and should all look uniformly the same in design and function.
So i have to install XOOPS with a separate dfatabas on each subdomain..meaning that modules such as yogurt are separate..forums too..
i would like a XOOPS that can plug into the subdomains..or maybe easier..a yogurt that can interweave with other yogurts to make a multisite social network..
this occurred to me when i installed yogurt on 2 sites that are sister sites and have same people as members almost..i thought that it is a bit silly to meet the same people same friend network on 2 different social network programs...
on my Mother Portal i am building,i shall need to ninstall 100 zoops and 100 databases on each subdomain.
Is there a way that a cms can communicate with a database that is on a server that it is a child domain of??
can MySQL do that?? i suppose changing local host to the server ip would work no? (i am not a very good programmer, so excuse the stupid questions, i am only fluent in html and css and have to bumble my way with php).



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