Re: Xoops 2.5 with rmcommon - very slow

Have U updated RMCOMMON to final?
more on Red Mexico Soft page: http://redmexico.com.mx/

Re: What is the best way to customize the "contact us" form

I really like Contact Center module. U can add additional info in it.
As Ghia said - xForms, Liaise or Formulaire are most flexible and powerfull modules for all forms.

Re: Fixed width vs. Dynamic: Your pref.?

1. For screen resolution for users look on: http://www.ilovecolors.com.ar/detect-screen-size-css-style/
2. 800/600 - I know there are maybe old PC users, or Netbook users or whateverwhatucanhandle users - but on my site there is 1 (one) user on every 2500 pageviews with that screen resolutions.

Re: A module idea for xoops...

Hi and hello
look on http://www.smartklub.pl and it;s membership area.
It's a community site for Smar Car owners.
For more information go here.
PS Profile Module (from myxoops.org is updated to the newest wersion 1.69).

It still is in developement (not finished module), but works fine!

Re: If there a module

Start with this. (realise date: 2005!!!)

Re: HTML 5 is coming

Re: How do you install Themes? "tar.gz/.tar file" problem?

it's not so hard.
First try make all changes in css. All the rest will come with time.
Xoops is a very flexible system for that!

Re: How do I prevent different IPs loggin in to one account

PS someone well done site!

Re: How do I prevent different IPs loggin in to one account

I see that I created a little confusion. You asked, so I sent to the source - the module creator site.
Protector is like a firewall. Prevents many attacks on your the portal. It's really a fantastic tool. GIJOE was I gave you, you can read more about the methods of hacking (etc.) - the sum of all the risks to which your site is exposed.

As to your questions about the different methods of attack will send to google.
DoS - what is dos?
- Bad Crawlers (like bots collecting e-mails...) - this I get - OK
- SQL Injection - ???
- XSS (not all though) - ???
- System globals pollution - ??? - almost all the rest
- Session hi-jacking - I think this is what I need but I really don't know what that is. All I know about session is that sometimes my site logs me out and gives me a session error. Or if I take too long to create a post I will get a session error.
- yes - but that hijack your session, and gives 4e admin permissions on your site

There are many pages about hacking - I recommend to read some basic articles on temad most popular methods - this will allow you to understand the attack and operation of the Protector.

RedSlider is this protector diff from the version that comes with 2.4.4? Should I be using this one instead or should I try what MadDan suggested.

You ask whether to use the version of the package if the version of the GIJOE. The answer is simple - when configured with a module, then use this bundle.

You guys will have to tell me exactly what file to edit and exactly where in the file to put the code.

And now the answer to your question.
How do I prevent different IPs loggin in to one account

1. I understand that you know the IP number that you want to block.
2. You have two options:
a) go into: yoursite.com/http://smartklub.pl/modules/system/admin.php?fct=preferences&op=show&confcat_id=1
look into last filed. Here U can put IP adress, that U want to block
b) go into: yoursite.com/modules/protector/admin/index.php
look onto first field - and do the same

I hope this time I helped ;)

Re: File permission problem. It keep changing back?

; yes - that's the true .. as a linux user, and unix server system user I can say:
use TC commander or fork of it
PS I like Krusader!
PS PS I don't remember but it was "rww"
PS PS PS I'll never, ever use Windows again ... if U try linux U will know why ;)

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