What is the best way to customize the "contact us" form
  • 2010/11/1 21:43

  • gflores00

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2010/11/1

I am new, using XOOPS and I trying to customize the "Contact Us" form.
I need to make it the Form small and place information on the outside of the form and in to the web page.

Is there any easy way to do it?

Re: What is the best way to customize the "contact us" form
  • 2010/11/2 10:08

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

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If you want custom forms, then a module like xForms, Liaise or Formulaire may be easier.

Re: What is the best way to customize the "contact us" form

I really like Contact Center module. U can add additional info in it.
As Ghia said - xForms, Liaise or Formulaire are most flexible and powerfull modules for all forms.

Re: What is the best way to customize the "contact us" form
  • 2010/11/3 16:14

  • gflores00

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2010/11/1

Thank you for your reply.
The Website is currently set up already. It has the Liaise setup for the "Contact Us" page.

the version is 1.27 (not sure if this info would help)

I can only edit the contents inside the form, but I can not edit the entire form itself. I want to change the size on the contact us form. Also, there is no feature that you can write outside of the form. Only the form itself.

Is there a way to customize it in the cms or do I have to edit some where else?

Re: What is the best way to customize the "contact us" form


you must to edit the templates of Liaise module. Sorry, no another way over Xoops.

HispaXoops | Xoops EspaƱa

That's the way i like it! | Nada mejor que una Alhambra bien helada con aceitunas...

Re: What is the best way to customize the "contact us" form
  • 2010/11/3 19:17

  • gflores00

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2010/11/1

I just found the template and I believe you are right.

Thanks for the reply.

Re: What is the best way to customize the "contact us" form
  • 2010/11/4 19:29

  • gflores00

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2010/11/1

To everybody who replied:

Thank you for your help. The result of the web page came out great, thank you.


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